Saturday, August 31, 2019
Establishing Special Courts Catering to Human Trafficking Cases Essay
Last 2012, Ms. Joy Ngozi Ezeilo, an envoy from the United Nations visited the Philippines to observe the situation of human trafficking in the country. Ms. Ezeilo stated that â€Å"the Philippines is undoubtedly a source country for human trafficking, and the problem is not declining. †One of the solutions she proposed to address the problem were special courts catering to human trafficking cases. (Reyes, 2012. ) Human trafficking thrives in poverty & lack of education, which are the main catalysts for individuals to be ushered into trafficking. (â€Å"An introduction to Human Trafficking†, 2008. These are some of the problems the government is facing, and the two are very interconnected because they are the cause and effects of each other. Poverty leads to lack of education, and lack of education leads to poverty. The government is doing what they can to help minimize the issue, but they admit that it would take some time. (Sisante, 2008. ) Education is a way to combat trafficking, due to the fact that education leads to decent employment, and a well-informed individual would be more aware of the dangers of being trafficked, thus preventing it to happen in his/her life. However, ideal this may sound, it is not possible to solve poverty and lack of education in a snap. There has to be other solutions to consider that could be done now and would have a great impact. The establishment of special courts tackling specifically human trafficking-oriented cases is a practical solution that would greatly expedite the process of punishing human traffickers and by extension greatly reduce the number of cases of human trafficking in the Philippines, helping alleviate its social, economic, and political consequences. Before special courts as a solution is to be discussed any further, it is important to define what a special court is. Specialized courts are defined by the International Journal for Court Administration as â€Å"tribunals of narrowly focused jurisdiction to which all cases that fall within that jurisdiction are routed. †(Zimmer, 2009) The following paragraphs are going to discuss the counterarguments against special courts, and would be briefly refuted before the three main arguments in favor of special courts are presented. The opposition may claim special courts as an unnecessary expenditure and inaccessible. They claim that it is unnecessary because the creation of new courts is onerous and constitutes unnecessary expenditures, particularly if cases are seasonal, and funds could go to waste if it remains idle. (Zimmer, 2009. ) The creation of a court would automatically imply expenditures. The court has to pay for the administrative costs, the physical court, and other expenses needed to assist the victims, like court psychiatrists. It would also require effort on the judiciary, and the Supreme Court, due to the fact that special courts have to be set-up with care in order for its potential in eliminating cases to be maximized. Zimmer, 2009) However, funding is not a strong argument, because the government has money. It is the proper allocation of the funds, or budgeting that is in question. The government has established special courts for environmental cases in 2008, 117 to be exact. (Salaveirra, 2008) If the government has placed effort enough to set up courts to save the environment, shouldn’t it be a priority to set up courts to fight for human trafficking victims, who have been robbed of their rights? Human rights should always be kept in the priority list of the government. Recently, it has been reported that the government is funding the Department of Health with 500 million pesos for contraceptives for the year 2013. One of their aims was to ‘combat poverty’. (Fernandez, 2012. ) This shows that the government tries to prioritize the poor, however it just shows that they haven’t thought of more practical ways to combat poverty, without being morally questionable, and without robbing humans the right to life. Chief Justice Puno stated that preservation of human rights and the right to life should be considered more than the financial burden a special court entails. Rempillo, 2007. ) This is what the special court for human trafficking should be for, to fight for rights. A $1. 5 million budget or almost ? 65 million is allotted by the national government to support operations against human trafficking, prosecution of offenders, and for the protection of the public. (IACAT, 2012. ) The special courts would allow this budget to be maximized to its full potential in expediting human trafficking cases. Public access could also be limited. Some judges prefer not to be in a special court setting because it limits their trials to criminal cases. Bakker, 1997) Public access may also be limited due to the fact that you cannot establish it everywhere, and the judges are most likely to stay in their respective courts. If public access is considered a problem, then strategically locating these physical courts would be the solution. To place special courts in accessible areas in which the cases are numerous could actually help the victims to easily access justice. Some judges may not want to be in a special court setting because it limits their trials to specific criminal cases. (Bakker, 1997. However, this could turn into an advantage because if they keep seeing the same class of cases over and over again, they could render out decisions faster and more efficiently, due to a better understanding of the cases that they deal with. (Zimmer, 2009. ) There are three solutions to human trafficking: prosecution, prevention, and protection. (EHTN, n. d. ) The establishment of special courts would aid in prosecution, due to the speedy justice it serves, prevention, since it is an effective deterrent for criminals involved, and protection, due to its aims in protecting the victims, and the witnesses during the timeframe of the case. The following paragraphs would elaborate more on why special courts should be established. Firstly, special courts would aid in prosecution and are practical. This is supported by the prevalence of human trafficking, the poor enforcement of justice, specifically in human trafficking cases, the need to distinguish human trafficking as a family of cases that should be differentiated from labor contract violations, the legal precedents such as previous special courts set-up for heinous crimes, and the successful implementation of human trafficking courts in other nations. Human trafficking is a serious issue in the Philippines. As pointed out by the UN envoy Ezeilo, the Philippines is a source country for human trafficking. (Reyes, 2012. ) This is due to the fact that when Filipinos go abroad for work opportunities, they get vulnerable to recruitment by fraudulent recruitment agencies. Internal trafficking is also a serious issue because forced labor, prostitution, child labor, and other forms of trafficking are victimizing people who are moving from rural areas to urban centers. [para, US Department of State, 2011 as cited by (â€Å"Human Trafficking in East Asia & Pacific.. , n. d. )] The rise of human trafficking cases in the Philippines, particularly in the Visayas region, is 97% in 2012, in comparison to the cases filed in 2010. There were 436 human trafficking victims in Central Visayas alone. (â€Å"State prosecutors see increase.. †, 2012) Another alarming detail is the prevalence of child labor. There has been an estimation of more than 2. 2 million working children aged 15-17 in the country. (US Department of State, 2011. as cited by (â€Å"Human Trafficking in East Asia & Pacific.. †, n. d. It is also believed that 60,000-100,000 Filipino children are involved in prostitution rings. (Challenger, 2010. ) The previous information stated imply that there are thousands of potential cases to be filed, and special courts would help in fast-tracking the cases to avoid backlog, and to insure fair and speedy justice. The government has fallen short in the enforcement of justice in dealing with human trafficking cases. There were 680 pending or ongoing cases, and an additional 129 cases pending at the Department of Justice during the year 2012. â€Å"Trafficking in Persons.. †, 2012. ) This shows a huge amount of backlog and ongoing cases, which shows the prevalence of the cases, and the lack of efficiency on the part of the judiciary when it comes to dealing with human trafficking cases. In the Philippines, it takes three to four years to conclude human trafficking cases, which supports the previous statement about the inefficiency of the judiciary. Human trafficking is a family of cases. It is an organized criminal activity in which human beings are treated as possessions to be controlled and exploited. Forms of human trafficking include sex trafficking, forced labor, child labor, selling of organs, and recruitment of children in military work, are forms of human trafficking. (â€Å"Human Trafficking: Organized Crime.. †, 2012) These crimes (except for the selling of organs) are usually confused with labor contract violations, in which the special court would come in handy. In 2012, there have only been two out of twenty-nine traffickers convicted for labor exploitation, showing that the judiciary is not paying enough attention to it. â€Å"Trafficking in Persons†¦ †, 2012. );(Reyes, 2012. ) The special court would help differentiate the two, and allow the human trafficking cases to be dealt with properly. (â€Å"Trafficking in Persons†¦ †, 2012) Expertise and uniformity are traits of special courts, and could be put to good use so that there is consistency in applying the law. The expertise of judges in specialized courts are likely to produce better decisions in the respective cases and are less likely to generate appeals to be taken. (Zimmer, 2009. ) The judiciary has established several special courts for other cases, which gives a legal precedent for human trafficking courts. The Administrative circular no. 104-96 from the Supreme Court discusses the establishment of special courts that cater to heinous crimes for speedy and efficient justice. (â€Å"Administrative Circular No. 104-96†, 1996) This document shows that special courts have been done before, so it implies that it can be done again. Environmental courts, extrajudicial killings, and tax courts are some of the examples of special courts established in the Philippines. Representative Mel Senen Sarmiento of the first district of Samar is pushing for the creation of special courts for human trafficking, saying that â€Å"the Philippines is close to Somalia and Myanmar as regards trafficking, merchandising their people like cattle. If congress can create courts for drug traffickers why not a court for human traffickers too? †(Quirante, 2010. ) In other nations such as Dubai and India, special human trafficking courts have been effectively established. Dubai believes that the special human trafficking courts established would speed up cases. Constantine, 2010. ) Meanwhile, the human trafficking court in Mumbai disposed a large backlog of cases in a span of a year, which included 438 cases, and convictions in 81 cases. It also ordered the closure of 11 brothels. (â€Å"US Officials Impressed†, 2011) This proves that it is an effective solution to exercise justice, and to help bring criminals behind bars. A political benefit that the Phili ppines could gain from establishing special courts is the improvement of the nation’s ranking in the United States’ Trafficking in Persons Report. Currently, the nation is ranked in tier 2, which means that the country is making significant efforts to fight human trafficking, but it does not yet meet minimum standards. Why should the nation take an effort in improving our tier ranking? If the nation falls into tier 3, the US would withhold or withdraw non-humanitarian, non-trade-related foreign assistance as a consequence. (â€Å"Tiers: Placement†¦ †, 2011) This is important because not only would the country be able to maintain the implementation of rights, but also maintain good diplomatic relations with the United States. Secondly, special courts would help prevent human trafficking. This is due to the fact that the courts would be an effective deterrent to the criminals involved in the crime. It would lessen the economic advantages and benefits that make the industry appealing to people, and it would help alleviate the economic and political consequences of human trafficking. When the suspects, and people who are interested in getting involved in the industry, see that justice is being enforced, they will eventually act on their fear of being caught and possibly stop in their advances. If not, the possibility of them being caught could possibly increase as society becomes more and more aware of human trafficking, and more confident in filing complaints as they see justice being served. Not only would it put criminals behind bars, but it would also put their name to shame. In the first quarter of 2013, a new law was signed by President Benigno Aquino. Republic Act 10364, the Expanded Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2012, removed the confidentiality provision in the previous law, RA 9208. RA 9208 does not allow the names and circumstances of the victims and the criminal to be made public at any stage of investigation, rescue, prosecution and trial. With the confidentiality clause removed, this allows the public to know the identity of the criminals, so as not to risk being victimized by them. (Punay, 2013. ) With the special court at hand, the criminals would not only be humiliated publicly, but they will be put to justice quickly. Special courts could aid in alleviating the loss of human resources due to trafficking. In human trafficking, the labor force is misused and therefore, is kept from contributing to the nation’s economy that causes the loss of revenue. (â€Å"An introduction to Human Trafficking†, 2008) The labor force should be able to provide for their family and contribute to taxes for the betterment of the nation, but with the potential labor force being exploited in human trafficking, this does not allow them to do so. With putting the criminals behind bars in a more efficient way, it prevents people from being trafficked in the first place. Special courts could also eventually help stop the unlawful distribution of national wealth, and influences markets, political power, and societal relations. (â€Å"An introduction to Human Trafficking†, 2008) Traffickers affect fair competition due to the fact that some companies outsource their productions for a cheaper price, not knowing that trafficked people are used in the factories. Traffickers make 32 billion annually. Not only is it untaxed, but people who actually provided the labor do not gain from this. (â€Å"An Introduction to Human Trafficking†, 2008. ) Special courts would also lessen human trafficking’s political implications due to illegal immigration. Migration policies are tightened because of illegal immigration. Due to these policies, victims are forced to enter other countries illegally, and when they are caught, the may be considered as collaborators which makes the implementation of rights as an issue. (â€Å"An introduction to Human Trafficking†, 2008. ) This could also lead to giving people difficult time in looking for better work opportunities abroad, due to the fact that they could not migrate easily. It benefits people in a way that trafficking could be prevented, but traffickers find other ways to get the victims through the borders. Trafficking victims and smuggled people are different because smuggled people gain their freedom when they reach their destination while trafficked victims are not. (â€Å"An introduction to Human Trafficking†, 2008. ) With the courts established, and the criminals sent behind bars, the opportunity for them to traffic more innocent people in ther nations, where they are subject to human rights violations. It is important to refer to the Mumbai Special court, that was successful in eradicating trafficking in the city to some extent due to the closing of human-trafficking related businesses, and justice being served to the criminals. (â€Å"US Officials Impressed†¦ †, 2011) Lastly, special courts would reintegrate the victim to society faster. Human trafficking, as a grave violation to human rights, has a psychological effect on vic tims. The protection of the victims and the witnesses during the timeframe of the case’s trial is also a vital need required of the law, and without this protection, the timeframe is lengthened. There is also a need to make society realize that the victim was at no fault to push it to accept the victim again. How do these things contribute to faster reintegration of the victim to society? Psychological and medical help is required of the law, and it is the court’s duty to make sure that the victim gets to enjoy these benefits. RA 9208, 2003. ) Most human trafficking victims experience post-traumatic stress, which should be brought into attention so that it could be alleviated, thus helping the victim live a normal life again. (Williamson, Dutch, Clawson, 2012. ) This is due to the victims being drugged or being deprived of their basic needs such as food as â€Å"motivation†to work by their traffickers. (Challenger, 2010. ) It is presumed that the specialized court wou ld assist the victims properly, and according to their needs. (Reyes, 2012. ) Another responsibility of the court is to ensure protection of not only the victim, but also the witness. It is required by the Anti-Trafficking law. (RA 9208, 2003. ) This would insure protection so that both victims and witnesses won’t be afraid to tell the truth. (Reyes, 2012. ) Dubai believes that the special human trafficking court would provide a safe environment for witnesses. (Constantine, 2010. ) Fear suppresses the implementation of justice. Fear of retaliation causes the victims and/or witnessed to withdraw or decline cooperation which leads to a lengthy trial. In 2010, only 3 trafficking cases were assisted by the Department of Justice due to unwillingness of the victims. (US Department of State, 2011. as cited by (â€Å"Human Trafficking in East Asia & Pacific.. †, n. d. ) The less time it takes to conclude the case, the easier it is for the victim to cooperate, because in slow trials, there is a fear of the possibility of the accused party could retaliate and scare off the victim and/or witnesses. In Philippine Special Courts, mandatory continuous trial that should be terminated within 60 days and the decision should be rendered within 30. â€Å"Administrative Circular No. 104-96†, 1996) This timeframe is reasonable enough to allow the court to collect evidences and investigate, and for the judge to study the case well in order to render a fair decision. Special courts, when they implement justice, would help society realize that the victim was not at fault. It would help society accept the victim. In most cases, being traf ficked affects the social stigma of the victim, who is disapproved for returning without promised wealth. Society has the tendency to blame the victim for disgracing his/herself and his/her family due to the fact that they don’t realize that the trafficker is at fault, and not the victim. (â€Å"An introduction to Human Trafficking†, 2008. ) With the special court, it would be made clear that the victim was, indeed a victim, and did not consent to the injustices that he/she suffered. This would also show that the government is, indeed, taking the issue seriously, and will do what they can to make sure that the offenders pay for their crimes. It would also help society become aware of the seriousness of human trafficking as an issue in the country. The establishment of special courts is a good and practical solution that could be immediately applied by the nation. With the implications that the establishment of the special courts is to be well-studied by the judiciary for good implementation, resulting in good, educated decisions in choosing qualified staff, strategic placement of physical courts, then the special court would be maximized in helping towards the eradication of human trafficking.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Illegal Immigration Issues
Illegal Immigration Issues 1 Marcus Hallett AP Human Geography Immigration Essay 07 February 2011 How Should Politicians Decide on Illegal Immigration Issues? In the United States, immigration policy decisions are capable of gaining or costing this country trillions of dollars. Political choices now could change the future of millions of lives. Choices opposing immigration could cost the U. S. countless jobs, including those of native U. S. citizens and naturalized immigrants. Consider how Texas, Connecticut, Florida, and North Dakota handle this controversial issue. First, consider how Texas, a state on the Mexico-U. S. order, deals with immigration issues. It is estimated that 1. 7 million unauthorized immigrants reside in the state of Texas. (CNN, 2010) The state is currently considering new laws to require all immigrants to have proof of citizenship on their person at all times. This would also allow law enforcement officers to arrest anyone appearing to be from another country ( racial profiling) who do not carry citizenship papers with them. (The Huffington Post, 2010) Judging from local comments on the NBC Dallas-Fort Worth political news page, the overall view from citizens and politicians alike seems to be against immigration. NBC Dallas-Fort Worth, 2010) Now consider the immigration laws in Connecticut. In the city of New Haven, beginning in 2007, illegal immigrants were able to obtain ID cards from the local government. New Haven Illegal Immigration Issues 2 was the first United States city to offer this. (US Immigraton Support)Also in 2007, Connecticut became the eleventh state to offer illegal immigrants that graduate from high school eligibility to pay the in-state resident tuition to attend any of the state’s public colleges. Medina, 2007) This shows that the government in Connecticut seems to be fairly tolerant of illegal immigration and may be inclined to vote for immigration reform in support of increased immigration and naturalization. Next, look at immigration policies in Florida. Due to its proximity to the Caribbean and other Atlantic islands large numbers of immigrants, both legal and illegal, reside in the state. In late 2010 the Florida government proposed a law requiring law enforcement to check for valid citizenship on anyone thought to be an unauthorized immigrant when stopped for violation of another law. Liston, 2010) This shows that Florida’s government is becoming less passive on how it treats illegal immigration issues. Now, consider immigration in North Dakota. The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services estimates that there are fewer than 2,500 illegal immigrants in the state. (StateMaster. com)North Dakota, therefore, may have a more open viewpoint on the subject. When making decisions on immigration, politicians should take into consideration how their decisions affect people’s lives. If large scale raids occur it can cause psychological trauma to the families of those ar rested and deported. Notice what one author has to say on the matter: Raids inevitably affect kids†¦ Most of these kids are U. S. citizens and most are 10 and under. After a large-scale raid, community members scramble to find and rearrange care for the children†¦ Some immigrant families hid in their homes and basements for Illegal Immigration Issues 3 days or weeks following the raids because they were afraid†¦[These] experiences induce emotional and psychological problems, and behavioral changes like changing sleep patterns, loss of appetite, and more aggressive behaviors. In the most serious cases, they experience depression, separation anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and suicidal thoughts. (Casteneda, 2007) Another thing politicians should consider when voting upon immigration laws is the economy. According to the American Immigration Council if unauthorized immigrants were legalized it could result in the US Gross Domestic Product to increase by at least . 84 percent. This would also INCREASE the number of jobs available in the US. Mass deportation of illegal immigrants could result in the United States Gross Domestic Product being reduced by 1. 6 percent. Over ten years this would amount to a loss of $2. 6 trillion. The Center for American Progress estimates that over a five year timespan the total cost of mass deportation would amount to $206 – 230 billion. (Immigration Policy Center and Center for American Progress, 2010) These choices also affect the workforce. If all immigrant dairy workers in the United States were removed, the U. S. economic output would be reduced by $22 billion, and 133,000 workers would lose their jobs, including legalized and native-born citizens. National Milk Producers Federation, 2009) It is evident that choices made within the next few years can shape the United States population, economy, and culture. If this key issue is not handled properly it could cost trillions of dollars, plunging the United States even deeper into debt. If politicians put aside their xenophobic, prejudice views and overly partisan stances and work together, this country could be Illegal Immigration Issues 4 pulled out of this deep recession and could become a strong, economically powerful force for peace. Illegal Immigration Issues References Casteneda, R. (2007, December 6). Five Questions for Rosa Castaneda. Retrieved from http://www. urban. org/toolkit/fivequestions/RCastaneda. cfm CNN. (2010, February 10). Fewer unauthorized immigrants in U. S. in 2009, government says. News, . Retrieved February 6, 2 011, from http://articles. cnn. com/2010-0210/us/illegal. immigrants_1_unauthorized-population-unauthorized-immigrants-pewhispanic-center-report? _s=PM:US Liston, B. (2010, August 11). Florida AG proposes tougher illegal immigrant curbs. Reuters. Orlando. Retrieved from http://www. euters. com/article/2010/08/11/us-usa-immigrationflorida-idUSTRE67A2XS20100811 Medina, J. (2007, June 2). Bill to Reduce Tuition for Illegal Immigrants Passes in Connecticut. The New York Times. New York. Retrieved from http://www. nytimes. com/2007/06/02/nyregion/02conn. html? _r=1 National Milk Producers Federation. (2009). THE ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF IMMIGRATION ON U. S. DAIRY FARMS (Survey). Retrieved from http://www. nmpf. org/files/file/NMPF%20Immigration%20Survey%20Web. pdf NBC Dallas-Fort Worth. (2010, April 28). Texas Rep Wants to Import AZ Immigration Law. NBC Dallas-Fort Worth. News, . Retrieved February 6, 2011, from http://www. nbcdfw. com/news/politics/Rep-Wants-AZ-Immigration-Law-in-Texas92305354. html StateMaster. com. (n. d. ). Estimated number of Illegal Immigrants (most recent) by state. StateMaster. com. Retrieved February 6, 2011, from Illegal Immigration Issues 6 http://www. statemaster. com/graph/peo_est_num_of_ill_imm-people-estimated-numberillegal-immigrants#source The Huffington Post. (2010, November 10). Texas Immigration Law Under Proposal Would Resemble Arizona? s Hard-Line Approach. The Huffington Post. Retrieved from http://www. huffingtonpost. com/2010/11/10/texas-immigration-law-wou_n_780933. html US Immigraton Support. (n. d. ). Immigration to Connecticut. US Immigraton Support. Retrieved February 6, 2011, from http://www. usimmigrationsupport. org/connecticut. html Marcus Hallett Digitally signed by Marcus Hallett DN: CN = Marcus Hallett, OU = Comodo Trust Network – PERSONA NOT VALIDATED Reason: I am the author of this document Location: Morristown, Tennessee, USA Date: 2011. 02. 06 21:51:47 -05'00'  © 2012 Marcus Hallett. All Rights Reserved.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Applying How to Read Literature Like a Professor
How to Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas C. Foster has shown me how to reach true understanding in my future reading of literature and has helped me to reach a new depth in works of literature I have already analyzed. Swimming, seasons, weather and diseases have all taken on more than simply a set scene. Abuse of power over youth or the uneducated is more noticeable. The use of irony is more noticeable. This book has armed me with the ability to recognize political meaning within literary works.Armed newly with this knowledge I reanalyze several novels from my high school career and I learn more about the author as well as the characters who the authors present me with. In The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton, Lily Barton is eaten by Gus Trenor, an older man she believed was her friend. Lily was not literally eaten by Trenor. Gus Trenor is not a literal vampire. However, Lily places her trust in Gus Trenor to make an investment for her with the very little amount of money she has (chapter 7, book 1).When Lily is later incapable of paying back the money Gus has been giving to her as though an investment gave money rather than increasing in value, Gus envisions a way in which Lily can quite easily pay him back. Gus Trenor invites Lily to his house in town under false pretenses (chapter 13, book 1). He allows Lily to come alone to his house without the protection of any other women. Gus wants to have sex with Lily in exchange for the money he had been giving her. When Lily manages to flee his house, Gus allows her name to be ruined. Lily is no longer able to keep her friends.Lily is seen as an easy woman. People no longer treat her like a young respectable lady. George Dorset even wants to use her as marital relief (chapter 6, book 2). Lily can no longer be a part of high society. Gus exacts his payment by ruining her name in the eyes of all whom she associates with. Gus took advantage of her innocence and let others treat her as though she was dead. Such behavior places Gus and Lily within the parameters of chapter three â€Å"Nice to Eat You: Acts of Vampires†in How to Read Literature Like a Professor (Foster, pg. 15). It’s More Than Just Rain or Snow†is the title of chapter ten in How to Read Literature Like a Professor (Foster, pg. 74). Rain as used in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain has deep symbolic meaning. When Huck Finn finds Jim after running away from his father’s hut, the two are caught in a torrential rain (chapter 9). This rain represents the washing away of both of their old lives. Although Huck is a rich young man, he cannot use his wealth or live comfortably because his wicked father wishes to have his money in order to drink. After the rain, Huck has bonded with Jim and wishes to protect him (chapter 9).Jim’s old life as a slave no longer matters to Huck. Huck begins to realize that Jim truly cares about him. Huck sees Jim as a person. The rain washes away all Huc k has learned concerning the slaves. Huck begins to learn for himself after all his former ideas of life and slaves are washed away by this symbolic and literal rain. â€Å"It’s All Political†is the title of chapter thirteen of How to Read Literature Like a Professor (Foster, pg. 108). The Crucible by Arthur Miller is largely a political play. This story shows the effect heightened power or panic of society upon authority.Reverend Hale realizes the evil deed he did by quickly condemning women of witchcraft. He realizes he has allowed innocent people to die in his conceit. He begs the judge to allow the remaining accused and condemned free (act 4). However, Danforth states he will not pardon the remainder because a dozen have already been killed, with his seal on the death warrants, for practicing the same witchcraft of which the others have been accused (act 4). Arthur Miller wrote this play to show the McCarthyism of his time with the fear of radical political platfo rms was a repeat of the Salem witch trials at the end of the seventeenth century.Any time in which political figures such as McCarthy or Danforth get excited and begin to condemn others who they fear revolt or change from, Arthur Miller’s play shall be a shining example of what the effects will be. Many innocent accused will have no defense unless they lie. Therefore The Crucible is an excellent example of politics being ingrained in literary accomplishments. Chapter twenty-six of How to Read Literature Like a Professor is titled â€Å"Is He Serious? And Other Ironies†(Foster, pg. 235). Antigone by Sophocles opens on a pair of sisters.Both have just learned of the death of both their brothers (scene 1). It is spring (scene 1). Rather than celebrating the beauty of new life, the daughters of a now dead king and queen must mourn the death of their brothers. They battled and killed each other, adding further sadness to their deaths. The new king, Creon, their uncle, decl ares that only one brother shall be buried (scene 1). By purposely disobeying this law, Antigone condemns herself to death in the beautiful spring seasons (scene 3) but dies by her own hands (scene 7).Her betrothed, Creon’s son, kills himself when she is found dead (scene 7). Creon’s wife is then found dead as well (scene 7). Amid the new life of spring, death is found in abundance among the royal family. Sophocles is in deadly earnest about this irony. Chapter eighteen of How to Read Literature Like a Professor is entitled â€Å"If She Comes Up, It’s Baptism†(Foster, pg. 152). The Awakening by Kate Chopin holds the baptism of Edna Pontellier. Edna has not just become a follower of Christ. She simply went for a swim off the coast of Grand Isle (chapter 10).After the thrill of learning to swim and nearly drowning when she swims out too far, Edna begins to feel dissatisfied with her present life. She does not love her husband but Robert. She realizes she w ants freedom from her husband (chapter 14). She is born into new understanding of her own life. Edna no longer cares to please her husband. She wants to please herself. She eventually drowns herself in the same waters that began her new vision of her life (chapter 39). Her baptism began not a revelation of God but a revelation of herself. Geography also plays a strong role in the configuration of a book.In The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee, Thoreau realizes that a truly learning mind must not be put in a closed space and teaches in open fields (act 1). Thoreau refuses to believe God is in a church and refuses to go into the community church (act 1). Thoreau is often among nature as opposed to being inside of an enclosed building. However, Thoreau realizes he can still be mentally free if he remains in jail rather than paying taxes to a government he does not support (act 1). The use of open land which Thoreau is around so often shows he believes in an open sort of life.He preaches an open mind and thrives on open fields. The use of geography clearly conforms to chapter nineteen of How to Read Literature Like a Professor, entitled â€Å"Geography Matters†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Foster, pg. 163). â€Å"†¦ And Rarely Just Illness†is the title of chapter twenty-four of How to Read Literature Like a Professor (Foster, pg. 213). Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte uses a stroke and subsequent wasting away to depict the sheer pride and hatefulness of Mrs. Reed who never cared for her niece, Jane Eyre, as she promised her husband she would do (chapter 21). Mrs.Reed always wished Jane Eyre had died with fever at Lowood (chapter 21). She disliked Jane intensely and could not love her even on her death bed (chapter 21). Although Mrs. Reed knows she is dying she refuses to love Jane Eyre which had been Jane’s favorite wish for their relationship (chapter 21). The disease shows the wretchedness of Mrs. Reed for not loving her own ki n. The disease signifies the way Mrs. Reed had been wasting away in mind and spirit before she was attacked with the stroke. It was not simply sickness of the body which afflicted Mrs. Reed.How to Read Literature Like a Professor has assisted me with learning more about novels I have already read. In the future I am sure I will be able to apply both the chapters I have selected above and others. The selection of which chapter to use was difficult for each book. The finer details in the novels are now easier to comprehend and relate to the rest of every novel. Now when I read about heart disease, a blind man or even sex I shall know that there is a more meaningful reason that each of these events have unfolded than simply to create an entertaining story.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Research Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Research Proposal - Essay Example In addition to this topic being of interest from a researcher’s point of view, it also represents a social issue. Are home school laws being followed in households? What kind of homeschooling laws are in place to ensure that these children get the best possible education? Do these laws need any changes or amendments? These questions are the basis of this research paper. The homeschooling laws across all the states in USA need to be uniform, thus they need to be reviewed on a national level and implemented (Sykes, Schneider, & Plank, 2012). This research will explore the topic â€Å"Should Regulations for Home Schools Be Changed?†The research is going to be organized as follows. The literature review will examine the homeschooling laws which are already in place in the country. As mentioned before, these laws differ across different states. Thus, the major states of the country will be covered and the laws will be examined. In addition, this section will review previous researches or papers written on the prevailing homeschooling laws and regulations in the United States. The â€Å"Methodology†will explain how effective and satisfactory the regulations regarding home schools are through qualitative data collection. Questionnaires will be distributed to parents of home schooled children and those children themselves. â€Å"Results†will give the findings of the research. â€Å"Conclusion and Recommendations†will then analyze the results and discuss possible ways of making amendments to the home school regulations so that the entire system can benefit (Denicolo & Becker, 2012). The research is going to be useful for the parents of home schooled children. It will help them understand the dynamics of the home schooling system and how it can be improved by making the required changes in the regulations so that their child gets the best possible education. The audience for this research is not only these parents but also policy ma kers. Government officials are the ones who devise these policies to begin with. These people have official positions in the government; they have the required decision making authority so as to make sure that the suggested changes are pondered upon, if not actually implemented. The officials responsible for the education sector already have a view on the topic. They are aware of the dynamics of this sector and how home schools work. This research, however, will provide them with a fresh point of view and probably a new angle of looking at how things are being run in this sector (Saliger, 2010). The research on the whole will encompass ways in which the regulations can be amended in a way so that home schools across the country will benefit from it. The research does not aim at changing the entire system of home education. It just aims at analyzing the existing laws and gaining public opinion about the effectiveness of those laws. The research aims at finding out the extent to which these laws are being implemented in the country, and in cases where they are not, the research aims to find out the possible reasons for it. Are the laws too difficult to adhere to? Are they impractical? Are parents just being ignorant of their child’s education needs? (Imber & Geel, 2004) These are some additional questions which will be addressed by the research. This research will shed some light on the problems in the home education system and will help
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Criticaly review the popular opinion of prison life with those who Literature
Criticaly the popular opinion of prison life with those who have been imprisoned in the UK (subject criminology) - Literature review Example This theory also emphasises the importance of victims and offenders meeting each other face to face, allowing them to voice their issues and experiences in order to eventually achieve mutually supported resolutions. Restorative justice is based on various indigenous cultures, cultures which apply traditions relating to spirituality and holistic healing (Sharpe, 1998). It also uses the non-retributive obligations relating to harm, supported by other faiths and cultures. In general therefore, penology based on this theory seeks to secure a balance between the offender and offended party (Cavadino and Dignan, 2006). Restorative justice therefore includes the concept of punishment. Penology designs by society include imprisonment, the payment of fines, and corporal punishment as a means of achieving the principles of restorative justice. Within the concept of restorative justice therefore, the perceptions of society and of incarcerated individuals shall be anchored, especially in terms o f the actual impact of incarceration on prisoners. (link between restorative justice and punishment) In understanding restorative justice, however, it is important to understand the criminal justice system and its initial applications in the UK society. Penal policy in the UK went through various transitions in an effort to support the Church of England against nonconformists, mostly by implementing forfeitures, civil provisions, and civil disabilities (Morrill, 1996). From the nineteenth century, significant changes have been identified in the criminal justice system. During Queen Victoria’s reign, major theorists like Edwin Chadwick considered the criminal offender as individuals belonging to the working classes who did not want to enter an honest full day’s work, and who preferred to drink and be idle (Mantle,, 2005). The mid-19th century welcomed the term
To make a lasting contribution in the media field Essay
To make a lasting contribution in the media field - Essay Example This shortage affects Middle East itself and affects the other nations who are involved in the region. The shortage of mentors and researchers will hinder the media aspirants to pursue the study. I planned to be skilled in Middle East media issues for such expertise is in urgent need. I foresee myself doing further researches, teaching and consulting work related to the media field. By pursuing PHD, I can now help my country by mentoring those who have great interest in the field of media and journalism and I am sure that your university will be the best place to help me achieve my goals. In my application for this studentship, I wanted to focus on "News Media and the Dynamics of Terrorism". I am confident that my academic background and job experiences are few of the many factors which will help me succeed in doing this research. First of all, I have the appropriate academic background and professional experience in the news editing, writing and analyzing. I have a 5 year experience in a newspaper and magazine company. I have also taken up master's education focusing in Media Production which is a scholarship granted to me by British Council. The background of my education alone gives me enough competence to deal with the researched subject which is to analyze and understand the audience reaction towards the "influence of news coverage to the general publics understanding of terrorism". Beside that, being a journalist from Middle East gives me a significant knowledge about the cultural dimension of the subject in which the research questions will be answer in full understanding of all related factors to the subject. My experience as an editor of the international and local news at the first page gives me an opportunity to learn more and do investigative reports on different topics Being born and raised in Arabic and Islamic country will help me in researching the "news coverage's influence on attitudes towards terrorism among subcultures understanding." Being a native in Arabic language, I can communicate to these communities effectively which is mainly Islamic "Pakistani" and Arabic communities residing in UK and consequently, I will be able to formulate a better solution to integrate them in the society. Methodology Along with consulting and direction from the project supervisor and after doing a deep theoretical research on the project, I plan to answer the project questions by using more than one research techniques. This research should be conducted in different stages and rolling the ball will motivate and extract publics' opinion toward the issue related to the subject. Surveys, questionnaires and interviews will be conducted to know the audience reaction and attitude toward the news coverage related to the terrorism news. These Surveys, questionnaires and interviews will encompass samples of the public audience and subculture sympathizers' audience. Random survey results will be representing the point of views of different types of correspondents. Interviews to media personalities like editors, producers and anybody related to media and communication industry will also be first-hand providers of information about many factors related to the
Monday, August 26, 2019
How the financial crisis will affect the ship repair yards and Article
How the financial crisis will affect the ship repair yards and shipping business - Article Example A typical argument put forward by shippers is that cyclical fluctuations in the shipping industry are typical because booms are followed by recessions. However the current financial crisis in the world has affected the industry so badly. Demand factors such as prices of other goods, production costs, demand for those other goods and the availability and the cost of finance have played a very significant role in the current decline in demand for shipping and freight services, including the decline at shipping yards for repairs. (Guironnet, Peypoch & Solonandresana, 2009). On the other hand supply factors are determined by the demand for shipping and freight services along with the prevailing interest rates. Suppliers went on accumulating excess capacity by ordering new ships and containers to meet the rising demand then. However the demand trend did not continue as was anticipated. The financial crisis has hit hard not only ship repair and building yards but also all connected services as well. Shippers in North America, Europe and Asia have been hit so hard by it. For instance the contracted tonnage of containerized cargo has declined by several millions of cubic feet. The annual decline has been one of the worst that industry has witnessed in the past. According to industry watchers there would be a further fall in demand for containerized cargo shipping till a few more months have lapsed. The existing contractual obligations are less likely to be honored by the buyers because losing what has already been paid is better than taking charge of a new or a repaired ship which would not be put in to service in the foreseeable future. The current financial crisis is inevitably the result of the global economic downturn. As early as 2008 the first major signs of a global economic crisis were seen though shippers did not pay heed to advice by economists that the crisis would engulf the
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Law enforcement and counter-terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Law enforcement and counter-terrorism - Essay Example Knowing what terrorists' aims and objectives will enable Americans to be prepared of possible future targets of terror especially in New York City. By using various research already done on the nature of terrorism and their targets, this paper intends to examine probable future targets of terrorism in New York City. This paper will first investigate why the terrorist attacked the WTC, why they like to attack New York City, Their aims and objectives, and possible next targets. It all started with an explosion that occurred on Friday, February 26, 1993 which devastated the public parking area of the World Trade Center located in New York City. The resulting blast killed 6 persons and dealt injury to not more than 1,000 others. This was considered by the N.Y.P.D. as one of the biggest crime scene they have ever encountered and the estimated damage was estimated at over half a billion dollars. Law enforcement agencies in and out of New York dubbed this as "the case of the century". This put N.Y. City in a grip of fear and panics ("The World Trade Center Bombing", 2006). This incident sparked a brand new trend in terrorism, one that involves the random and haphazard killing of civilians Dwyer et al, 1994; Myroie, 1996). 1, 042 people were reported to be injured in a more accurate account, and crime analysis has speculated that the terrorists aimed to kill more than 6 people at that time. It is also believed that the terrorist encountered several complications in the execution of the plan, and the damage could have been much worse if the circumstances were right (Parachini, 1993).The terror did not stop from that incident. History repeated itself on September 11, 2003 (now referred to as "9/11") when 2 large passenger aircraft were hi-jacked and collided with the Twin Towers again located in New York. The collision resulted in a massive fire and heavy collateral damage to the Twin Towers and other structures in the surroundings. Four of the nearby buildings in the WTC compound suffered irreparable damage and were eventually demolished. The next 8 and half months were spent on 24-hour cleanup involving thousands of voluntary workers. The effects of 9/11 is still being felt up to today, as a matter of fact as of 2005 a total of 2,749 death certificates related to 9/11 had been filed. The following statistics showed the grim and horrible results of 9/11: There were 13 survivors of 9/11, but they eventually succumbed to their injuries. The o ther attacks made on the Pentagon and Shanksville, Pennsylvania resulted in 3 more deaths in different States, one death each for Massachusetts, Missouri, and New Jersey. A total of 2, 749 people died due to 9/11, 77% were males (2,117) and 23% were females (632). Around 1,588 (58% of the casualties) of corpses examined were identified based on dental records, jewelry and other identification methods. The average age for the victims is 39 years old based on data that the average age was 38 years for females (range: 2-81 years) and 39 years for males (range: 3-85 years). Three victims were under the age of 5 while 3 others were over the age of 80 years old ("World Trade Center", 2006). This goes to show that terrorist will go to any length to sow terror in men's heart.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Developing Tyrrells Potato Chips Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Developing Tyrrells Potato Chips - Essay Example For this purpose it may resort to more advertising, other promotions, offering discounts and better customer service. It can also try to compete by making its operations more efficient and thus bring down its costs. Alternatively, it can try to increase its economies of scale by more investment. Sometimes existing market may become so saturated or uneconomical that companies may enter new markets with existing products. Such a strategy falls under the category of market development. The obvious example is the entry of multinational companies into new markets with existing products they were selling in the home country or other markets. This entry could help the company to transfer loyalties of customers to buy its own products. This is very effective if the product is a well-known brand in the world and is being made available for the first time or in large quantities. If a new product is manufactured by a company and it tries to sell it in the same market it operates, then it is classified under product development. The company is confident that its new product will be attractive in the existing market itself. Companies try to market the new product to existing customers or even get new customers to buy them. The product could be completely new or can be used as accessories or add-ons to its existing products. â€Å"Sell new products or services in current markets. These strategies often try to sell other products to (regular) clients. These can be accessories, add-ons, or completely new products. Cross Selling. Often, existing communication channels are used.†(Product/Market Grid (Ansoff) 2008). Product diversification is an instance where a company develops or acquires a new product and market in an entirely new place. There are four ways of diversification that can be used by a company.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Genetically Modified Foods Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Genetically Modified Foods - Research Paper Example Despite this, the development of these foods has met sharp critics from various stakeholders in the field of agriculture and medicine, and this has resulted to legal debates in parliaments of various countries, United States of America included. In the production of genetically modified foods, scientists usually select desirable genes from crops, combine them and come out with crops that are more superior in regard to disease and pest attack, as well as production. This is contrary to traditional food reproduction technology, in which unrelated crops were used. The cliche in the technology, as argued by opponents is based on the idea that recombining inter-species genes do not have ways of evaluating the potential threats and long-term effects on the consumption of genetically modified foods by living organisms. Since food affects each and every one of us, the discussion on food safety is of great importance to all humankind, and thus proper evaluation of both thee merits and demerit s associated with the technology is necessary. This essay seeks to outline the merits and demerits of genetically modified foods, and argue that the merits outweigh the demerits, and thus production of foods using this technology should be encouraged. Advantages of genetically modified foods To adapt to the technology of GMO’s, consumers need to be well informed on all aspects of the food starting from its production to preparation and consumption. In this regard, the consumers also need to be informed on the nutrition levels of different foods in order to ensure they purchase and consume foods that meet their health requirements. Opponents argue that GMO’s harm other organisms, human included; the recombination of genes may at times be ineffective and lead to the production of poisonous foods, which when consumed can be fatal. This is contrary to the current standards as all genetically food are tested against health standards before being released to the market. In t he production of genetically modified foods, the recombination of genes is strived to ensure that the crops are less exposed to pest and disease attacks. This is beneficial to the farmers as it reduces their cost of production and consequently increase yields and return. Therefore, the farmers can use the saved money in meeting other economic demands, which is also necessary for the economic development of a country (Skinner and Liang 12-78). On this point, opponent base their argument on the taste of foods and argue that genetically modified food have bad taste in comparison to natural foods. Although the taste of foods affects the appetitive of an individual, the nutritional value of the food is more important and thus their argument does not hold sound ground for an argument. Our ecology is very important in ensuring that all life of living organisms is sustained, and chemical components usually affect our ecology by tampering with the water systems as well as the exposure to che micals, which have adverse effects on humans, as well as animals (Shepard 34). Through the production of genetically modified foods, fewer chemicals are used, and this ensures that humans are less exposed to chemical hazards, as well as our environment remains unpolluted. Opponents argue that since genetically modified food are not good for human consumption, their production may lead to cross-pollination thus making it hard to identify genetically modified foods. Drought and other natural disasters have become a common occurrence in the recent past, and this has led to various organizations across the world striving to innovate new means of producing high yields in crop production
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Comparing the depiction of Men throughout Charles Dickens Essay Example for Free
Comparing the depiction of Men throughout Charles Dickens Essay Great Expectations is a pre twentieth century book with Cider with Rosie is a twentieth century book. Great Expectations is about a boy Pip which the book revolves around his life from a young child in the marshy land of Kent to a grown man where he meets Estella the love of his life, which he has not seen for years. This book has a storyline which has leaves you in suspense at the end of chapters. An example of this is at the end of chapter 0ne on page 5, I looked round for the horrible young man, and I could see no signs of him. But, now I was frightened again, and I ran home without stopping. This leaves suspense and you want to read on. Where as Cider with Rosie follows all the happenings of a young boy, Laurie Lee. Really it is a autobiography of Laurie Lee till he is about 14, 15 years of age. Cider with Rosie is a very descriptive book, which will describe things in great detail and in big long lists of running commentary. An example of this great description is on page 11 chapter one I crawled about among the ornaments on the unfamiliar floor-the glass fishes, china dogs, shepherdesses, bronze horsemen, stopped clocks, barometers, and photographs of bearded men. In Great Expectations the main Men I am going to look at are Mr Joe, Mr Wemmick, Herbit Pocket and Magwitch the convict. Magwitch is an escaped convict from the local prison near where pip lives. The first man described in this book is on page 2 of chapter 1, it is Magwitch the convict. Pip meats him in the church yard looking at his mothers tomb stone this is the first encounter of Magwitch for Pip it would be terrifying for the young boy. Magwitch is described in this scene as A fearful man, all in coarse grey, with a great iron on his leg. A man with no hat, broken shoes and with an old rag tied round his head. This shows the first description of a male in Great Expectations. It gives the reader a very clear image of what this convict would have looked like and been like to meet in person. The next description is one of Joe Gargery on page 6 chapter 2 of Great Expectations. Joe is married to Pips sister so he is Pips Brother-in-law but Pips looks up to him as his father as he does not have one. They are very good friends and spend a lot of time together. This is the description of him, Joe was a fair man, with curls of flaxen hair on each side of his smooth face, and with eyes of such a very undecided blue that they seemed to have some how got mixed with their whites. This is from Pips point of view and shows you what Pip thought and sees of his brother-in-law. Joe is Pips father figure, a kind of replacement for Pips Dad, which Pip looks up too. The next male I am going to describe is Mr Wemmick. He is Mr Jaggers clerk and lives and works in the London area. He is a poor man but is happy as he have his small castle to get away from the world and his old Dad who is dependent of him. In Great Expectations Mr Wemmick is frequently is involved in helping Pip in London. A description of Mr Wemmick is on page 165 chapter 21. Casting my eyes on Mr Wemmick as we went along, to see what he was like in the light of day, I found him to be a dry man, rather short in stature, with a square wooden face, whose expression seemed to have imperfectly chipped out with a dull-edged chisel. There were some marks in it that might have been dimples, if the material had been softer and instrument finer, but which, as it was, were only dints. This shows what Pip thinks of Mr Wemmick when he first sees him in Mr Jaggers office in London. It is a very depictive description of Mr Wemmick and you can vividly imagine what Mr Wemmick would look like to meet in person. Mr Wemmick is closely involved in what Pip does in London and helps him financially and none-financially. The last male I am going to look at in Great Expectations is Herbert Pocket. Pip first encounter with Herbert Pocket in Great Expectations is when they meet at Mrs Havishams after Pip has been round Mrs Havishams playing. When Pip leaves her house he runs into Herbert Pocket in which they have a play fight. This is in chapter 11 page 87, after playing at Mrs Havishams. When Pip sees Herbert Pocket he is described as a pale young gentleman. Which is what he is described as for a while longer. After the fight Herbert is described as not very healthy-having pimples on his face and breaking out of his mouth, these dreadful preparation appalled me. The next time pip meats Herbert is in London when they a older and about to share a flat together in London. Herbert is now described as still a pale young gentleman. He had not a handsome face, but it was better than handsome: but extremely amiable and cheerful. His figure was a little ungainly. This description of Herbert is more descriptive and is described in a grown-up way instead of the way he was described earlier in the book. This is on page 172 chapter 22. In Cider with Rosie there are not many men in the book as it is a female dominated book and there are very few males in the book as his father deserted him and the rest of his family at an early age of so he dose not have many males in his life. The only males he really sees in his life at an early age is at school, his brothers and men around the village he lives in. described main men that I am going to look at that are involved someway with Laurie Lees life are mostly in the chapter The Uncles.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Training of Airline Pilots Essay Example for Free
Training of Airline Pilots Essay This motto goes: â€Å"One mile of runway can take you anywhere†. Through my little time of being an aviator this has proven to be true. Aviation is an incredibly exciting field of interest that has no limits as to how far an individual can take it. Flying airplanes for a living can be very challenging, fun, and exciting; however looking past the outer shell, aviation is a main component of what makes the global economy work. According to Airsaftey.Aero, the aviation industry supplies 4. 5 million jobs directly related to airports and has a multiplier of 1.7, meaning that for every 100 jobs in aviation their are 170 jobs in associated industries. They also state that the total global value is US $880 billion. The industry allows faster, cheaper, and more efficient ways to travel for business, tourism, cargo, and mail. As you can see aviation is a huge power in the development and success of the global economy. The companies can make big profits and the economy is obviously better off with this industry. One item that is in direct correlation with the revenue of these companies is safety. Some people say that a pilot will make his whole life’s earnings in one flight and that may or may not be true, but the fact that the training of these pilots is crucial cannot be denied. This paper will discuss the attitude needed to become a pilot, the medical requirements to become a pilot, the beginning steps of becoming a pilot, the three main routes to become a professional pilot, and the continuing training required to maintain a professional pilot’s license. Attitude of Becoming a Pilot A pilot’s attitude can be the most important and valuable asset he has, yet it can also be the most dangerous. Decision-making is what separates a good pilot from a bad pilot. Every decision is a reflection of the attitude that a pilot has. Human factors are the number one cause of all aircraft accidents, and most of these stem from undesirable attitudes. It does not take an outstanding set of physical talents to become a pilot. Most people need to understand that the skills are within themselves to become a professional pilot. Aviation is very unforgiving to those who push the limits. There have been five hazardous attitudes identified that can be most detrimental to becoming a successful pilot. These attitudes have been classified as: Anti-Authority, Impulsive, Invulnerability, Macho, and Resignation. (Haz) The Anti-authority attitude is found in pilots who do not like anyone telling them what to do. This pilot may disregard rules, regulations, and procedures as silly or unnecessary. They have a â€Å"Don’t tell me†type of attitude and the proper antidote would be to say, â€Å"Follow the rules: they’re usually right†. The Impulsive attitude is displayed when the pilot feels the need to make decisions without fully thinking through the situation. Instead of saying â€Å"do something quickly,†this pilot should be saying, â€Å"Not so fast, think first†. Pilots who tell themselves that accidents and malfunctions cannot happen to them face the invulnerability attitude. Instead of â€Å"It can’t happen to me†pilots need to think, â€Å"It can happen to me†. Another undesirable attitude is described as macho. This is when the pilot has the attitude that he can take risks and that he is invincible. Instead of saying â€Å"I can do it,†pilots with a macho attitude need to train themselves to say, â€Å"Taking a chance is foolish†. The fifth category of undesirable attitudes is resignation. Pilots have no room for blaming occurrences on bad luck and that is what this attitude is. The pilot blames an undesired situation on luck and gives in. Someone with this attitude usually says, â€Å"What’s the use,†when they should have the attitude that â€Å"I can make a difference.†Pilots need to be committed to keeping a positive, levelheaded attitude. A good way to do this is to review human factors before every flight, recognizing the outside factors such as stress, money, commitments, etc. that will effect the decisions they make (Haz). Obtaining a Medical Certificate Obtaining an FAA medical certificate is required of every aviator, whether he will be at the controls as a student pilot or an Air Transport pilot. In this process a certified AME (aviation medical examiner) will perform what seems to be a basic physical examination on the patient. The examiner will check the patient’s eyes for distant visual acuity of 20/20 or better in each eye separately, with or without corrective lenses, near vision of 20/40 or better, the ability to perceive colors necessary for the safe performance of airman duties, and normal fields of vision. Next he will check the ears, nose, and throat of the patient making sure a certain decibel level can be heard, and that no preexisting issues can be identified within the nose and throat. Those are some of the main things that the examiner will be looking for in the physical components of the exam; however the rest of the examination will also include mental health, neurologic health, cardiovascular strength, and anything left that falls under general medical condition. It is recommended that if one wants to become an airline pilot that he obtain an FAA First Class Medical Certificate rather than the required Third Class Medical rating before beginning training as he cannot and will not be hired without one. The FAA does have an option to give waivers to those who may be on the border of passing one of these sections of the medical exam; however with the costs of training being very high it would be wise to make sure to meet all job qualifications prior to training (Con). Beginning Steps Now that the attitude required to be a professional aviator as well as the medical requirements have been discussed, the next step is to ask oneself some very important questions before beginning the actual training. The first question should be, â€Å"how much will this all cost?†There is no concrete number, but expect non-military training to cost somewhere around $60,000 for all the ratings. The next question to ask is, â€Å"how long will it take?†Again, there is no set time frame on this as some might learn faster or slower than others. From personal experience, expect two to four years to obtain all of the ratings unless doing military training, which is an accelerated program. Another question to ask would be, â€Å"what topics will you need to learn?†Most professional aviators did not just wake up one day and decide that they were going to try to be pilots. They have a passion for what they do and that is what makes them stand out in the fierce competition of the industry. This leads to the desire to learn many different aviation subjects such as Aircraft systems, Aerodynamics, Navigation, Weather, Aircraft operations, and Regulations. The last question one should ask is, â€Å"where should I go for flight training?†This question leads to the discussion of the three main types of flight training, which include Part 61 civilian, Part 141 flight schools, and military training. After considering whether one has what it takes to become an aviator, then the next step is to evaluate the fastest, cheapest, and most efficient way to obtain the required ratings while looking good on a resume. Part 61 Civilian Training While there is no college requirement to be an airline pilot, most employers will look for some college time and prefer a bachelor’s degree. Part 61 training is probably the simplest and easiest to complete, as there is no set time requirement for completion. The private pilot license, instrument rating, commercial license, and multi-engine license can all be obtained through part 61 training. This type of training is usually done outside of a school and all bookwork is done using a self-study style. A certified flight instructor will give all of the endorsements needed to complete the ratings up to the point when the student must fly with an FAA examiner. The timeframe is set on the student’s urgency and is usually a little less expensive than a Part 141 program. The most attractive attribute of a Part 61 flight school is the flexibility it gives its students. Even though this path has the least direction from the FAA, the pilots get a well-rounded training experience. Part 141 Civilian Training Part 141 flight schools have a more focused curriculum that requires not only flight checks but ground courses also. The FAA gives a lot of direction to the trainees. There are clear outlines for every part of the training to obtain each rating including the ground lessons, flight lessons, and stage checks. This is the best option for pilots who are serious about making a career out of flying and not interested in serving in the military. As with Part 61 training, there are several check rides required before completing flight training. The curriculum of the flight portion is set up to save flight hours creating a less expensive alternative. A Part 61 school requires a minimum of 40 hours, whereas a Part 141 schools only requires 35 hours. This may seem appealing, but many students at part 141 schools need over the 35 required hours. According to Patch on â€Å"The place where you may want to look at a part 141 school is when you go on to your advanced ratings. This is where your decreased requirements may actually have a true cost savings for you. For example, if youre getting your instrument rating at a part 61 flight school, youll need to have logged 50 hours cross country as pilot in command (PIC). Thats not a requirement for part 141 schools. Thats a considerable cost savings for most students.†Military Training Military aviator training is the toughest, least expensive to the pilot, and most desired because one can build turbine time. In the United States Air Force, officers go through a 4-phase program leading to receiving their wings. Phase-one is academic classes and pre-flight training. In this phase pilots learn and test in subjects such as Aerospace Physiology, Altitude Chamber, Ejection Seat / Egress Training, Parachute Landing Falls, Aircraft Systems, Basic Instruments, Mission Planning / Navigation, and Aviation Weather. In phase-two the officers begin primary aircraft training. This phase includes approximately 90 hours of flight training, lasting 22 weeks, with the Purpose of teaching students basic flying skills, Focus, Contact, Instruments, Formations, and Navigation. At the end of this 6-month phase, students pick which Advanced Track in which they wish to fly. Students pick based on their performance ranking in Phase-2. In Phase-3, advanced aircraft training begins. After Approximately 120 hours of flight instruction in 24 weeks of training, the hope is to put these pilots in fighter/bomber aircraft. Finally these select few are ready for phase-4, which is graduation. After roughly 52 weeks of training, officers receive their silver wings and are awarded the aeronautical rating of pilot (Spe). This method of training is desirable because one can get paid to become a pilot, can receive instruction from the worlds best, and can build turbine time before applying for an airline job (assuming the pilot are placed in a fixed-wing aircraft). The negatives of this path, on the other hand, is the competition and risk that one may end up not being a pilot, as well as a contract requiring a lengthy commitment to service. Overall this can be the way to go if one is confident in his own skills and abilities. Airline Training Once one has completed getting all of the ratings, certificates, and licenses and thinks all the training is over, well guess again. The airlines require even more training. Joel Freemen of says: â€Å"Regardless of your background, the airline will train you based on its procedures and its FAA-approved training curriculum. Even though all airlines fly the same kinds of airplanes, each airline has slightly different methods and procedures. The goal of an airline is to train you to be qualified in your position and to be standard. Standardization is one of the pillars of a safe airline. The concept is that, within the airline, cockpit behavior and procedure will be the same in every flight, no matter which pilots are at the controls, to prevent confusion and misunderstanding.†The initial training includes regulations and company-specific procedures. The pilot will then spend two weeks learning specific systems and equipment that they will be operating. Next is the simulator training. The airline will simulate every emergency procedure and mishap imaginable to ensure the ability of the pilot before allowing them to fly their million dollar airplanes. Next the pilot will be fly to obtain initial operating experience. This experience includes at least 25 hours of flight time. After this, the pilot is released to operate scheduled flights as a crewmember. What to Expect From an article on here are three short testimonies of the life of a few regional pilots: â€Å"Alex Lapointe, a 25-year-old co-pilot for a regional airline, says he routinely lifts off knowing he has gotten less sleep than he needs. And once or twice a week, he says, he sees the captain next to him struggling to stay alert. Neil A. Weston, also 25, went $100,000 into debt to train for a co-pilot’s job that pays him $25,000 annually. He carries sandwiches in a cooler from his home in Dubuque, Iowa, bought his first uniform for $400, and holds out hope of tripling his salary by moving into the captain’s seat, then up to a major carrier. Assuming, that is, the majors start hiring again. Capt. Paul Nietz, 58, who recently retired from a regional airline, said his schedule wore him down and cost him three marriages. His workweek typically began with a 2:30 a.m. wake-up in northern Michigan and a 6 a.m. flight to his Chicago home bases. There, he would wait for his first assignment, a noon departure.†These scenarios go to show that it takes a lot of hard work, passion, and love for aviation to be an airline pilot. These guys start off making awful wages, are kept away from home, get little sleep, and eat unhealthy fast food most of the year until they obtain seniority. Conclusion Pilots are the poster child’s of the aviation business. They are the most seen by the public; therefore it is essential that they demonstrate professionalism when they put on the uniform. Professionalism is not something that a pilot obtains when he/she begins making money for an airliner but rather a personality that shows respect to his/her crew, passengers, and aircraft. Professionalism is what airlines are looking for when they are hiring, they are looking for a potential Captain. Being an airline pilot isn’t for everyone though. You can probably tell from the rest of this paper that it really requires a passion as well as a great deal of sacrifice to make it through the rigorous and lengthy training. The sacrifices don’t end there, as pilots are often in major debt for years before they make enough to pay off the loans they acquire, they sacrifice time spent with their families, and they are physically tested from day one. Although this all seems negative, it is a must. Hopefully the passengers see these as a positive. The more training a pilot has, the safer he/she will be in the cockpit. The excess in training provides more protection to the passenger and/or the cargo. Training also improves accident rates therefore keeping passengers flying and keeping aviation stimulating and allowing our economy to grow.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
An Analysis of Pakistan-India Relations
An Analysis of Pakistan-India Relations Introduction Relations are built on mutual trust. This is no different when these relations are between states. Salient features of Pak-India relations include strong feelings of mistrust and suspicion on both sides. This stems from a volatile past -i.e. the hasty separation of 1947, the wars of 1965 and 1971 and the Kargil Conflict- and is exacerbated by the on and off border skirmishes and standoffs between the two countries. Reservations of one country about the other are so strong that any terrorist activity/insurgency in either country is somehow linked with or blamed to have been caused by the other one. Also both countries have strong militaries with India’s being much stronger than Pakistan’s and with Pakistan’s having significant power independent of the governments so that even if relations are good on a diplomatic level, things often escalate and become heated at the borders between the two nations. In such conditions, envisioning positive relations is not only imp ractical, but letting our guard down in the face of a continuous threat, a poor strategy. 1971 war and India’s role in the creation of Bangladesh Bitterness over the 1971 war exists in Pakistan not only because of the direct war with India and the high casualties or the humiliation of defeat but because of the strong role played by India in the permanent alteration of Pakistan’s boundaries and the secession of East Pakistan. In the 1970 elections, Awami League (led by Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rehman), which was the largest political party in East Pakistan won a majority of the seats. However, General Yahya Khan, refused Awami League the right to form a government, which led to protests all across East Pakistan, with the population demanding self-determination and acceptance of the election results. In 1971, an operation was led by Yahya Khan against these protestors and all major political parties and newspapers in East Pakistan were banned. A West Pakistani-dominated martial law was imposed on the province. Kargil Conflict-1999 External Factors that have precipitated military standoffs on the borders Events in both countries have caused friction on both sides of the border, with the armies massing, on alert and prepared to fight if the need arise. Diplomatic ties become adversely affected and it is hard to taper these tensions and start anew. 2001: After the terrorist attacks on the Indian Parliament in 2001, there was a massing of troops on either side of the border and the LoC in the region of Kashmir. India alleged that the Pakistan-based terror groups of Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammad which were also carrying out an insurgency in Indian administered Kashmir and were purportedly backed by the ISI- a charge denied by Pakistan- were responsible for these attacks. Tensions were high and there were speculations of a nuclear war between the two nations in the western media. However, these deescalated following international diplomatic mediation which resulted in the October 2002 withdrawal of Indian and Pakistani troops from the international border. 2007 and 2008: The Samjhauta Express Bombings of 2007 were alleged to have been carried out by the Hindu fundamentalist group Abhinav Bharat. Even though these allegations were never proven to be true, they did give rise to Anti-India sentiments in Pakistan. In 2008, India held the Pakistan and the ISI directly culpable for the Mumbai attacks. This led to strained relations between the two countries for a period of time. An anti-Pakistan sentiment also rose in India. There was a standoff at the border with the navies, armies and air forces on red alert and it had the potential for dire consequences since both nations were nuclear powers and had already participated in many wars. John McCain said, The Indians are on the verge of some kind of attack on Pakistan. However the tensions were dissipated when both sides made an effort to have discussions and avert nuclear war. Border Skirmishes in the Recent Years Border skirmishes and cross border firing between the Border Security Force and Pakistan Army along the Line of Control (LoC) in the disputed Kashmir area and Punjab have resulted in a high number of casualties of civilians and soldiers on both sides in the past decade. In 2011, shooting took place across the Line of Control in Kupwara District/Neelam Valley between 30 August and 1 September 2011. Casualties included five Indian soldiers and three Pakistani soldiers. Both countries accused each other for instigating the hostilities. From mid- January 2013, a series of armed skirmishes took place along the LoC in the disputed Kashmir area. They have been described as the worst bout of fighting in the region in nearly 10 years.†They were initiated after reports of a Pakistani border post being attacked by Indians, killing one Pakistani soldier. The Indian authorities denied having crossed the demarcation line and claimed that the attack was in retaliation to prior Pakistani ceasefire violations. On January 8th, Indian authorities alleged that two Indian soldiers had been killed when Pakistani forces crossed the LoC. Even though Pakistan denied these reports, the incident led to an outrage by the Indian army and government and an outcry in the media claiming that one of the soldiers had been beheaded. Talks were held between Lieutenant General Vinod Bhatia and Major General Ashfaq Nadeem who agreed that tensions needed to be tapered. But these skirmishes continued and the death toll reached 9 Pakistani and 8 Indian soldiers in August. On 9 October 2014 Indian media claimed that a total of 9 military personal and 6 civilians were killed on Pakistani side. 12 Indian soldiers and 1 civilian were killed on Indian side These skirmishes continued well in 2014, with both India and Pakistan trading blame for the violence. In October, the situation became aggressive following which then Indian Defence Minister Arun Jaitley urged Pakistan to stop unprovoked firing and warned that the response by India would be unaffordable. His Pakistani counterpart, Khawaja Asif replied to the warning with subtle mention of nuclear power that the country would be able to respond befittingly to the Indian aggression. So far in 2015, Pakistan claims to have lost 12 of its soldiers. Conclusion India and Pakistan border disputes and skirmishes are not all as blatant as is believed. India is speculated to have been making strong efforts to manipulate the borders of Pakistan by financially backing Baloch separatist insurgents, causing unrest in the country. British Intelligence officials believe India is providing undercover support to insurgents in Balochistan according to WikiLeaks cables. This support is speculated to have strengthened after Pakistan’s purported role in backing the Lashkar-e-Taiba post the 2008 Mumbai attacks. According to a security official Pakistan is considering taking up the issue of Indian involvement in Balochistan unrest at the United Nations.,†This matter cannot be ignored. Also, for nations such as India and Pakistan, with a long-standing conflict over Kashmir, territorial integrity is a huge priority. This is evident from the large defense budgets of both nations. [Check] Given this, the on and off cross-border firings, the general sentiments in both countries towards the other, and the aggregate of thousands of casualties in the conflicts and wars over the past sixty-seven years, it is evident why the attempts at improving relations between the two nations fail.
Searching for the Skeletons in the Closet: Did Richard III Have his Nep
Did Richard III Have His Nephews Killed? The reign of Richard III is something of a paradox. His rule was brief and he lost his crown to a usurper, allowing the House of York to die with him. Yet few English kings have been the subject of such continuous debate, and none have spawned such fervent denigration, or such enthusiastic support. Much of the debate fuelling pro- and anti-Richardians has been whether or not Richard had his two young nephews, Edward V and Richard of York, murdered. Unfortunately to date it has been a debate mired in speculation. Writes V. B. Lamb: 'No conclusive proof has ever come to light which could provide a solution that did not rest solely in speculation. The possibilities are endless, but all remain at best quite unsupported theories' (89). Indeed, the possibilities have seemed endless. There have been myriad theories, ranging from the plausible to the completely inane. People commenting on the matter range from Sir Thomas More to William Shakespeare to the current Duke of Gloucester. Some of these theories will be discussed in this paper. I will draw on ideas both contemporaneous and current, pro and con, along with my own insights, in an attempt to engage the sources in conversation and hopefully provide the reader with a more clear and accurate idea of Richard III and his actions (or lack thereof). Some questions are important to keep in mind when assessing the culpability of Richard. Does he seem a man capable of such a heinous act as infanticide, and his own nephews at that? Assuming he does, did the political situation make it prudent for him to do so? Or were there others who stood to gain more by their deaths? Before these questions can be answered, some context is needed. The Engl... ...ot exist; he is therefore an innocent man. Bibliography Gillingham, John. "Introduction: Interpreting Richard III." Richard III: A Medieval Kingship. Ed. John Gillingham. London: Collins and Brown Ltd, 1993. Hammond, P.W. "The Reputation of Richard III." Richard III: A Medieval Kingship. Ed. John Gillingham. London: Collins and Brown Ltd, 1993. Hammond, P.W. and Sutton, Anne F. Richard III: The Road to Bosworth Field. London: Constable and Company Ltd, 1985. Horrox, Rosemary. Richard III: A Study of Service. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989. Lamb, V.B. The Betrayal of Richard III: An Introduction to the Controversy. Revised Ed. Stroud: Alan Sutton Publishing Ltd, 1990. Richmond, Colin. "1483: The Year of Decision (or Taking the Throne)." Richard III: A Medieval Kingship. Ed. John Gillingham. London: Collins and Brown Ltd, 1993.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Michelangelos David :: Arts Paintings Art History
Michelangelo's David Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) was a Florentine Sculptor, painter, poet, and architect. Based in Florence he started out as painter at the age of thirteen, apprenticed to Domenico Ghirlandaio, the leading fresco wall painter in Florence. But eventually his ambitions led to sculpture. Michelangelo had an ideal based on the physical expressiveness of the male nude.[1] Michelangelo sculpted in a Naturalistic style, its main characteristic being the depiction of subjects in a realistic manner. His sculptures, like David, often depict the mastery of anatomy; this can be shown by the structure of every muscle and sinew in the sculptures. For David, Michelangelo had taken up the theme Donatello and Andrea del Verrocchio had used successfully in their David sculptures; Michelangelo’s version was from a political point of view.[2] David is the largest free standing marble statue since classical times. The narrative derived about this sculpture speaks of the shepherd boy who defeated the giant Goliath. Michelangelo has transformed David into an ancient hero of unrivaled grace and beauty. Interestingly David’s sling is barely visible which may tell us his strength is derived from his moral courage. The hands of David also are shown exceptionally large signifying a sense of power. David stood as a symbol of Florence’s supremacy. [3] David was constructed in 1501 but not completed until 1504, and towered over the people at the entrance to the Palazzo Vecchio. Now it stands at the Galleria dell’ Accademia, Florence. This sculpture was an influence to other sculptor’s of the Renaissance because of how Michelangelo pushed the boundaries and artistic ideals of his generation to their physical and stylistic extremes. David is a large sculpture, measuring 13’ 5†high, and is a sculpture of marble. Michelangelo’s sculptures were often larger than life.[4] --------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] Alison Cole.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Symbolism in August Wilsons Piano Lesson Essay -- August Wilson essay
In The Piano Lesson each central character learns a lesson. August Wilson uses plenty of symbolism throughout his play, the strongest symbol being the piano itself, representing the family's history, their long struggle, and their burden of their race. Throughout the play, the conflict revolves around the piano, and Berniece and Boy Willie's contrasting views about its significance and about what should be done with it. Berniece is ashamed and cannot let go of the past, or the piano, and Boy Willie wants to move his life forward, and use the piano to do so. Wilson portrays the 'lesson' of the piano as accepting and respecting one's past and moving on with one's life gracefully, through Berniece and Boy Willies contrasting actions and the play's climactic resolution. Berniece believes the piano represents the spirits of the past and should be left alone and never bothered, and is afraid to accept or embrace her family?s history. The piano represents a particularly bloody and disturbing past for her. She sees Sutter?s ghost and senses his presence, and is constantly haunted by the thought of the dead spirits coming into her life. She believes the piano stands for the bloodshed in her family?s history, and is ashamed of the violence associated with obtaining it. When encouraged to play the piano, she refuses steadfastly, saying ?that piano?s got blood on it.? She thinks that the spirits in the piano are bad, and is ashamed of the bloodshed they have caused. ?All this killing and thieving,? she exclaims. Berniece also believes the piano has strong sentimental value, and won?t agree to let go of it any way. She remembers how her mother cared so much about it. Berniece says, ?For seventeen years she rubbed on it till her hands bled.... ..., and Boy Willie finally realizes the true power and significance of the piano, the conflict is resolved. Wilson demonstrates how one should accept and respect the past, move on with their life or slow down to pay respects to their family?s history, by describing the struggle over a symbolic object representing the past like the piano. Often people will sulk in the past and struggle with themselves and the people around them when they cannot come to terms with their personal history or a loss. Others will blatantly ignore their personal history and sell valuable lessons and pieces of it for a quick buck to advance their own lives. Berniece and Boy Willie in The Piano Lesson are great examples of these people. Through these contrasting characters and supernatural occurrences, Wilson tells the tale of overcoming and embracing a rough and unsettling family history.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Kellogg’s® Special K® Target Market Report Essay
Introduction As we know breakfast is one of our daily meals, it is the first meal of the day. However come to this modern era we eat out the lifestyle to makeup our breakfast itself more enjoyable and healthily. Due to the sufficiency alimentation contain in the breakfast cereal, nowadays most of the people are concentrate on it as taking it for breakfast. In this report, I’m going to segment on breakfast cereal industry base on the combination of geographical, demographic, psychographic and behavioral variables. I would like also select one product from the industry itself and describe how the product is positioned. The product that I have been chosen is Kellogg’s – Special K, which is manufactured by The Kellogg Company itself. 1.0 Segmentation Theory Segmentation as known as a process of distinguish buyers which differ in several ways into groups regarding to their needs, characteristics or behaviour. Market segments exist within feckly market. As a marketer, they have to try to different segmentation variables, alone and in combination to find out the best and most meaningful way to identify and analyze the market structure so it is more easily for marketer to achieve in business market ( Kotler. P et al.2006, 218 ). A seller will create a separate marketing program for each buyer as classifying according to their personal preference. Market segmentation comes before the second step and third step, which is market targeting and market positioning in develop idea of targeting market. There are four main major variables to observe in order to analysis consumer market segments, which is:- ( i ) Geographic segmentation Geographic segmentation will be analysing the different geographical such as region, city size, population density and climate. Firms will decide to progress their market into region as one or a few geographic variables according to the geographical differences. ( ii ) Demographic segmentation Demographic segmentation consists of identifying which variables which include age, gender, family sizes, family life cycle, income, occupation, education, religion and nationality. Demographic segmentation is the most popular element for segmentation analysis as consumer wants and demands are observe throughout the demographic segmentation ( Kotler. P et al.2006, 230 ). ( iii ) Psychographic segmentation Psychographic segmentation are divided into different groups based on socioeconomic, status, values, attitudes and lifestyle grouping and personality. Basically, psychographic segmentation is used to combine with others segmentation variables as to analysis consumer market segments. ( iv ) Behavioural segmentation Behavioural segmentation that enables buyers to group which are purchase occasion, benefits sought, user status, usage rate, loyalty status, readiness stage and attitude towards product. Behavioural variables also trusted as the best starting point to identify the market segments. As mentioned, segmentation is the element for attempt targeted market and effective marketing plans. Thus, a clear picture and a detailed analysis for the market segments enable a firm to decide the marketing strategic in particular segments. Furthermore, a firm can also benefit from the multidimensional approach to market segmentation and the affiliated benefits are included better matching of customer needs, enhanced profits for business, better opportunities for growth, retain more customers, target marketing communications and lastly, gain share of the market segment. Eventually, a firm definitely will benefit from the multidimensional segmentation as they adopted it. 2.0 Target Market Identification Kellogg’s ® Special K ® is a lightly toasted, lightly sweetened rice cereal, high in flavor sort of breakfast cereal. Basically, it contains 7 fundamental vitamins and minerals which are essential nutrients that be supposed to contains in our breakfast. 2.1 Geographical traits Target market for the product Kellogg’s ® Special K ® are basically stressing on the urban city zone. Busyness lifestyle that implement by the residents result in none alimentation breakfast taken as their very first meal of the day. Targeting on this particular issue, Kellogg’s ® Special K ® are especially made-up for the urban residents. As we known, breakfast cereal can be taken rapidly and Kellogg’s ® Special K ® absolutely satisfy the time lacking issue in pragmatic lifestyle. Furthermore, sufficiently vitamins and minerals contained in Kellogg’s ® Special K ® intent to replenish to the residents who lack of nutrients to go with daily activity. Currently, Kellogg’s ® Special K ® is not only purchasable in nationally but also internationally and it considered as an internationalization’s breakfast cereal. 2.2 Demographic traits Basically, Kellogg’s ® Special K ® is designed for women who want to take the first step at breakfast to help manage their shape, yet there’s no gender, age, life cycle, occupation, education, religion and nationality barrier. Kellogg’s ® Special K ® can be consume by everyone who is concern overall condition in health, and this product especially recommended to the senior citizens and the busyness urban residents as it helps on boosting their metabolism. Nevertheless, the Kellogg’s ® Special K ® product can only purchase by those who have higher income as it is sort of the luxury breakfast cereal and it definitely suitable for urban residents as most of them receive a high wages. 2.3 Psychographic traits Kellogg’s ® Special K ® consider as a luxury product as it cost $16.40 for each and it is much suitable to consume by buyers who have a higher wages. Urban residents are wealthily and Kellogg’s ® Special K ® fits them well as the consumption for their breakfast. Therefore, regarding to the study of VALS lifestyles, it involves study that measuring consumers’ main AIO dimensions, which is activities, interests and opinions. Kellogg’s ® Special K ® is the higher level status product and it is most probably consume by those who are the higher and medium class in socioeconomics, which have luxury income and affordable for Kellogg’s ® Special K ®. Kellogg’s ® Special K ® consumers are human being who concern to live out an outstanding, healthy and enjoyable lifestyle. They consume Kellogg’s ® Special K ® as result in they attach importance to the essential vitamins and minerals, which are important as part of a ba lanced meal. 2.4 Behavioural traits People who consume Kellogg’s ® Special K ® is much concern to health if compare to the others. Fundamental and various kind of vitamins and minerals become the major element of the consumption of Kellogg’s ® Special K ®. In this compressive stressed century, people are too busy until there is insufficient time for them to take a breakfast. Yet, they need a product which sufficiency provided them the nutrients to start up their daily activity, and this is the purpose Kellogg’s ® Special K ® made for. Most of the consumers reckon that Kellogg’s ® Special K ® gives the essentials of a breakfast and they trust in taking Kellogg’s ® Special K ® is way better instead of eating the breakfast which prepared by themselves. Indirectly, it forms a bound between the consumers and product, which is loyalty to the product. They trust, purchase and consume on Kellogg’s ® Special K ® as Kellogg’s ® Special K ® can lead them to an ideal lifestyle. 3.0 Visually Representing the Target Market Kellogg’s ® Special K ® Geographical traits As we can notice from the packaging of Kellogg’s ® Special K ®, every single word on that particular packaging has been returned in English language printed on it as English is the common language in Australia. Besides that, English also cognizance as the international language in this century. Eventually it shows that the target market for the product Kellogg’s ® Special K ® is differentiated into a lot of geographic variables all over the worldwide. Demographic traits As mentioned, Kellogg’s ® Special K ® is sufficiency alimentation contained and it’s an excellent source of 7 vitamins and minerals. Thus, the target market for the product Kellogg’s ® Special K ® itself is people who require abundance daily nutrients regardless to gender, age, life cycle, occupation, education, religion and nationality barrier. Kellogg’s ® Special K ® contains just 17% sugar, meaning that one 30g serving contains just 5g per bowl, around 1 teaspoon – this is much lower than that contained in other breakfast foods and half that contained in toast with jam (Special K Original. 2009)! It is also 99% of fat free and especially recommended to the women, who keen to kick start to healthy weight management. A great deal in protein will also give them a boost to their metabolism. A malty taste plays a important role to allure their appetite as consuming an enjoyable breakfast. A perfect health weight management Psychographic traits Nowadays, woman and ladies intend to manage their body shape and live out a healthier lifestyle. As we can see from the packaging, a 99% of fat free definitely will attract the consumption by woman, as it is a simple and convenient weight management program. The K letter itself shows in artistic form to inspire the picture of a prefect body shape to the consumer. Besides that, a well looking packaging of Kellogg’s ® Special K ® designed to deserve the purchase cost. It is also shows the ‘snob effect’ as consume it because it is one of the luxury breakfast cereal. All of these have been shown in the pictures of the part of psychographic traits. Behavioural traits Most of the consumers have the some thought towards Kellogg’s ® Special K ® product, which is lead them to a healthier and better standard of health’s condition. The image of cereal which contains 7 fundamental vitamins and minerals will provide sufficient nutrients to the consumers to kick start their brand new day. It helps to form a healthy body by providing the essential nutritions as what written in the nutrition information panel. Reference list Kotler, P. Adam, S. Brown, L. and Armstrong, G. 2006. Pearson Education Australia. Principles of Marketing: Analyzing consumer market segments. Kotler, P. Adam, S. Brown, L. and Armstrong, G. 2006. Pearson Education Australia. Principles of Marketing: Market targeting. Market segmentation – Why segment markets? (Accessed September 1, 2009) Special K Original k-original/9230/view-topic.aspx (Accessed September 1, 2009)
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