Monday, September 30, 2019
Analysis: Hospital Nurse Staffing and Quality of Case Essay
Hospitals with low nurse staffing levels tend to have higher rates of poor patient outcomes such as pneumonia, shock, cardiac arrest, and urinary tract infections, according to research funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and others. Yet increasing staffing levels is not an easy task. Major factors contributing to lower staffing levels include the needs of today’s higher acuity patients for more care and a nationwide gap between the number of available positions and the number of registered nurses (RNs) qualified and willing to fill them. This is evident from an average vacancy rate of 13 percent. This report summarizes the findings of AHRQ-funded and other research on the relationship of nurse staffing levels to adverse patient outcomes. This valuable information can be used by decisionmakers to make more informed choices in terms of adjusting nurse staffing levels and increasing nurse recruitment while optimizing quality of care and improving nurse satisfaction. continue over the next two decades. A Federal Government study predicts that hospital nursing vacancies will reach 800,000, or 29 percent, by 2020.2 The number of nurses is expected to grow by only 6 percent by 2020, while demand for nursing care is expected to grow by 40 percent. The most recent research shows a jump of 100,000 RNs, or 9 percent, in the hospital RN workforce between 2001 and 2002 because of increased demand, higher pay, and a weakening economy. However, since almost all of the Making a Difference Lower levels of hospital nurse staffing are associated with more adverse outcomes†¦Page 3 Patients have higher acuity, yet the skill levels of the nursing staff have declined†¦Page 5 Higher acuity patients and added responsibilities increase nurse workload†¦Page 5 Avoidable adverse outcomes such as pneumonia can raise treatment costs by up to $28,000†¦Page 6 Hiring more RNs does not decrease profits†¦ Page 6 Higher levels of nurse staffing could have positive impact on both quality of care and nurse satisfaction†¦ Background Periods of high vacancy rates for RNs in hospitals have come and gone, but the current shortage is different. According to a 2002 report by the workforce commission of the American Hospital Association, the nursing shortage â€Å"reflects fundamental changes in population demographics, career expectations, work attitudes and worker dissatisfaction.†1 In fact, the present situation may well Author: Mark W. Stanton, M.A. Managing Editor: Margaret Rutherford Design and Production: Frances Eisel Suggested citation: Stanton MW, Rutherford MK. Hospital nurse staffing and quality of care. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; 2004. Research in Action Issue 14. AHRQ Pub. No. 04-0029. increase came from RNs over age 50 who returned to the workforce and a greater influx of foreign-born RNs, this does not alter the structural features in the long term: the aging of the nurse population and the increasing unwillingness of young women to consider nursing as a profession.3 Today’s difficulties are further complicated by other changes in hospital care, such as new medical technologies and a declining average length of stay, that have led to increases in the amount of care required by patients while they are in the hospital. New medical technologies allow many less seriously ill patients who previously would have received inpatient surgical care to receive care in outpatient settings. Also, patients who in the past would have continued the early stages of their recovery in the hospital, today are discharged to skilled nursing facilities or to home. During the period 1980-2000, the average length of an inpatient hospital stay fell from 7.5 days to 4.9 days.4 An important consequence of these changes is that hospitals have a higher overall concentration of sick people who need more care. Various groups, including the American Hospital Association, the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, and the Institute of Medicine (IOM), have expressed their concerns about the evolving nursing crisis. The IOM issued a report in 1996 that recognized the importance of determining the appropriate nurse-patient ratios and distribution of skills for ensuring that patients receive quality health care.5 Its report highlighted the fact that research on the relationship between The nurse workforce and nurse staffing levels the level of staffing by nurses in hospitals and patients’ outcomes has been inconclusive. The IOM’s analysis of staffing and quality of care in hospitals concluded by calling for â€Å"a systematic effort †¦ at the national level to collect and analyze current and relevant data and develop a research and evaluation agenda so that informed policy development, implementation and evaluation are undertaken in a timely manner.†To begin to meet that need, AHRQ-funded research and other research have pursued a number of different paths. Hospital nurse staffing and nursing-sensitive outcomes Hospital nurse staffing is a matter of major concern because of the effects it can have on patient safety and quality of care. Nursing-sensitive outcomes are one indicator of quality of care and may be defined as â€Å"variable patient or family caregiver state, condition, or perception responsive to nursing intervention.†6 Some adverse patient outcomes potentially sensitive to nursing care are urinary tract infections (UTIs), pneumonia, shock, upper gastrointestinal bleeding, longer hospital stays, failure to rescue, and 30-day mortality.a Most research has focused on adverse rather than positive patient outcomes for the simple reason that adverse outcomes are much more likely to be documented in the medical record. a â€Å"Failure to rescue†is defined as the death of a patient with a lifethreatening complication for which early identification by nurses and medical and nursing interventions can influence the risk of death. The nurse workforce consists of licensed nursesâ€â€registered nurses (RNs) and licensed practical nurses (LPNs)â€â€and nurses’ aides (NAs). Both RNs and LPNs are licensed by the State in which they are employed. RNs assess patient needs, develop patient care plans, and administer medications and treatments; LPNs carry out specified nursing duties under the direction of RNs. Nurses’ aides typically carry out nonspecialized duties and personal care activities. RNs, LPNs, and nurses’ aides all provide direct patient care. RNs have obtained their education through three different routes: 3-year diploma programs, 2-year associate degree programs, and 4year baccalaureate degree programs. Almost a third of all RNs have a baccalaureate degree, and 7.6 percent of hospital nurses have advanced practice credentials (either a master’s or doctoral degree). LPNs receive 12-18-month training programs that emphasize technical nursing tasks. Nurses’ aides are not licensed but many acquire certified nurse aide or nursing assistant (CNA) status after proving they have certain skills related to the requirements of particular positions. Nurse staffing is measured in one of two basic ways: †¢ Nursing hours per patient per day. †¢ The nurse to patient ratio. â€Å"Nursing hours†may refer to RNs only; to RNs and LPNs; or to RNs, LPNs, and nurses’ aides. 2 A broad array of research on this topic has found an association between lower nurse staffing levels and higher rates of some adverse patient outcomes. A new evidence report entitled The Effect of Health Care Working Conditions on Patient Safety, produced by an AHRQfunded Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC), reviewed 26 studies on the relationship between nurse staffing levels and measures of patient safety.b Most of the studies examined nurse staffing levels and adverse occurrences in the hospital setting, including in-hospital deaths and nonfatal adverse outcomes such as nosocomial infections, pressure ulcers, or falls. The EPC’s researchers found that lower nurse-topatient ratios were associated with higher rates of nonfatal adverse outcomes.7 This was true at both the hospital level and the nursing unit level. With regard to in-hospital deaths, however, the evidence does not consistently show that lower nurse staffing levels are associated with higher mortality. The largest of these studies on nurse staffing (jointly funded by AHRQ, the Health Resources and Services Administration, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, and the National Institute of Nursing Research) examined the records of 5 million medical patients and 1.1 million surgical patients who had been treated at 799 hospitals during 1993.6,8 Among the study’s principal findings: †¢ In hospitals with high RN staffing, medical patients had lower rates of five adverse patient outcomes (UTIs, pneumonia, shock, upper gastrointestinal bleeding, and longer hospital stay) than patients in hospitals with low RN staffing. c †¢ Major surgery patients in hospitals with high RN staffing had lower rates of two patient outcomes (UTIs and failure to rescue). †¢ Higher rates of RN staffing were associated with a 3- to 12-percent reduction in adverse outcomes, depending on the outcome. †¢ Higher staffing at all levels of nursing was associated with a 2- to 25-percent reduction in adverse outcomes, depending on the outcome. Table 1 illustrates some of the major findings. For example, the researchers found that medical patients in hospitals with high RN staffing were 4-12 percent less likely to develop UTIs than medical patients in the comparison group. Lower staffing levels are linked to higher adverse outcome rates The EPC report included five studies funded by AHRQ that examined the relationship between adverse patient outcomes and hospital nurse staffing. All five studies found at least some association between lower nurse staffing levels and one or more types of adverse patient outcomes. How often do such adverse â€Å"nursing-sensitive†patient outcomes occur in hospital care? Different studies report varying adverse event rates, which vary by the type of patient (medical or surgical) as well as other factors. For example, UTIs occur in from 1.9 percent to 6.3 percent of surgical patients and pneumonia in 1.2 percent to 2.6 percent of surgical patients.8-10 b Table 1. Percent reduction in rates of outcomes among medical patients in hospitals with high nurse staffing (75th percentile) compared to the rates in hospitals with low nurse staffing (25th percentile) Amount by which rates are lower for: In order to improve the quality and delivery of health care services, AHRQ has sponsored a series of evidence reports that are based on rigorous, comprehensive reviews of relevant scientific literature. These reports are developed and written by outside research and academic organizations designated as Evidence-based Practice Centers (EPCs). The reports’ emphasis is on explicit and detailed documentation of methods, rationale, and assumptions. The goal of these reports is to provide the scientific foundation that public and private organizations can use to develop their own clinical practice guidelines, quality measures, review criteria, and other tools to improve the quality and delivery of health care services study measured RN staffing as hours per day and as the RN proportion of nursing hours. Hospitals with higher hours of RN staffing (75th percentile) had an average of 9.1 hours of inpatient RN nursing per patient day, while those with lower RN staffing (25th percentile) had an average 6.4 hours of inpatient RN nursing per patient day. Hospitals with a higher proportion of RN staffing (75th percentile) had an average of 75 percent of inpatient nursing hours provided by RNs, while those with lower RN staffing (25th percentile) had an average of 62 percent of nursing hours provided by RNs. Outcome in medical patients Urinary tract infection Upper gastrointestinal bleeding Hospital-acquired pneumonia Shock or cardiac arrest High RN staffing 4-12% 5-7% 6-8% 6-10% High staffing, all levels (RNs, LPNs, aides) 4-25% 3-17% 6-17% 7-13% c This Note: Difference is expressed as a range of values (e.g., 4-12 percent) because several statistical models were used in evaluating the relationship between nurse staffing levels and each adverse event. Source: Needleman J, Buerhaus P, Mattke S, et al. Nurse-staffing levels and patient outcomes in hospitals. Final report for Health Resources and Services Administration. Contract No. 230-99-0021. 2001. Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA. 3 Medical patients in hospitals with high levels of total nurse staffing (RNs, LPNs, and aides) were 4-25 percent less likely to develop UTIs than patients in the comparison group. A similar analysis was performed for the smaller group of surgical patients (Table 2). Surgical patients in hospitals with high RN staffing had a 5-6 percent lower rate of UTIs and a 4-6 percent lower rate of failure to rescue than surgical patients in the comparison group.d Pneumonia rates are especially sensitive to staffing levels Three AHRQ-funded studies found a significant correlation between lower nurse staffing levels and higher rates of pneumonia. †¢ The first study found that adding half an hour of RN staffing per patient day could reduce pneumonia in surgical patients by over 4 percent.12 This study covered 589 hospitals in 10 States during 1993. †¢ A second study by the same researchers also found that fewer RN hours per patient day were significantly correlated with a higher incidence of pneumonia.13 The study examined administrative data on post-surgical patients in 11 States during 1990-96. †¢ A study of nurse staffing levels and adverse outcomes in California found that an increase of 1 hour worked by RNs per patient day was associated with an 8.9-percent decrease in the odds of a surgical patient’s contracting pneumonia. 8 †¢ This study also found that a 10-percent increase in RN proportion was associated with a 9.5-percent decrease in the odds of pneumonia. The researchers in the California study believe that the strong relationship between RN staffing and pneumonia can be attributed to the heavy responsibility RNs have for respiratory care in surgical patients. This study examined the effects of nurse staffing on adverse outcomes in 232 acute care hospitals from 1996 to 1999.f Unlike many earlier studies, the California study included only adverse outcomes that were not present at admission.7 Table 2. Percent reduction in rates of outcomes among surgical patients in hospitals with high nurse staffing (75th percentile) compared to the rates in hospitals with low nurse staffing (25th percentile) Amount by which rates re lower for: High staffing, all levels (RNs, LPNs, aides) 3-14% 2-12% 19% Outcome in surgical patients Urinary tract infection Failure to rescue Hospital-acquired pneumonia High RN staffing 5-6% 4-6% 11% Note: Difference is expressed as a range of values (e.g., 2-12 percent) because several statistical models were used in evaluating the relationship between nurse staffing levels and each adverse event. Source: Needleman J, Buerhaus P, Mattke S, et al. Nurse-staffing levels and patient outcomes in hospitals. Final report for Health Resources and Services Administration. Contract No. 230-99-0021. 2001. Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA. A second study, funded jointly by AHRQ and the National Science Foundation, examined licensed nurse staffing (RNs and LPNs) and adverse outcomes among both medical and surgical patients in Pennsylvania acute-care hospitals.11 It found a lower incidence of nearly all adverse outcomes it studied in hospitals with more licensed nurses. For example, a 10-percent increase in the number of licensed nurses is estimated to decrease lung collapse by 1.5 percent, pressure ulcers by 2 percent, falls by 3 percent, and UTIs by less than 1 percent. Also, with a 10-percent higher proportion of licensed nurses, there was a 2-percent lower incidence of pressure ulcers.e,11 d Surgical patients overall had lower rates of adverse outcomes than medical patients, perhaps because they are healthier. Also, the smaller number of surgical patients in the study may have made it more difficult to detect associations. Nurse staffing was measured in two ways: (1) the ratio of licensed nurses (RNs + LPNs) to the patient load (with and without adjustments for patient acuity) and (2) the proportion of licensed nurses to the total nursing staff (RNs, LPNs, NAs). The adverse outcomes selected for study were â€Å"either caused by or not prevented by medical management†based on criteria used by the Harvard Medical Practice Study. Nurse staffing was measured in three ways: all hours (the total number of productive hours worked by all nursing personnel per patient day), RN hours (the total number of productive hours worked by registered nurses per patient day), and RN proportion (RN hours divided by all hours).
Sunday, September 29, 2019
A Book Review on “Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court”
In the political and social satire A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur†s Court, Mark Twain demonstrates his excessive pride and glory in the political, economic, and technological advances of his time by developing an interesting plot in which an 19th century mechanic travels back to the time of a cruel feudalistic Camelot and attempts to modernize and improve it. Overall, in A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur†s Court, Mark Twain compares the basic political, social, and technological principles of the 19th America to the medieval ages of Great Britain. On a political scale, the novel denounces that the medieval period exemplified strict rule by the monarch, unity between church and state, and showed that many of the people had extremely harsh judgment. On a social scale, Mark Twain demonstrated that the Middle Ages carried a strict separation of classes where the nobility and clergy had much control, while the peasantry had almost non. Last, on a technological scale, Mark Twain implies that magic is not real and he goes on further to prove that the technology and tools of his time frame could have greatly improved the Middle Ages. All in all, Mark Twain creates an ideal character from his time that ends up creating a semi-utopian environment in Camelot. When Hank Morgan awakened into the medieval world of King Arthur and Camelot, he saw political injustice. To compensate for this injustice, Morgan used his status as a beneficiary tool and combated against the church and the royal privileged. Overall, he made the people of Camelot aware of the injustice of their time and gave them the hope for an optimistic future. From this, we can see that Mark Twain believed that his time frame possessed the best type of government in which church was separated from state. Furthermore, Mark Twain implies that the people of his time had better judgment. For example, in order to save himself from death, Morgan remembers that an ellipse occurred on that day and informs the people that he will cover the whole world in darkness. As he said those words, the ellipse occurred thus making all the gullible citizens of Camelot to believe that he was extremely powerful. As a result, he was spared. Thus from this example, it is evident that the people of the middle ages were quick to rational supernatural phenomenon even though it was just pure science at work. Conclusively, Mark Twain glorified his time period to an extent that the he used the horrid faults of the Middle Ages as an example in his novel, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur†s Court. The next major point that Mark Twain wanted to concentrate on was based on the social conditions. In the novel, Hank Morgan is a witness of injustice and social inequality that he believes needs to be altered. Once again, it is noticeable from this that Mark Twain shows bias towards all other types of social distinctions, and rather favors the American democratic way. Furthermore, Twain enforces various principles of what he believes to be â€Å"good government†in which the nobility and commoners alike enter into a life of respect, dignity, and purpose towards each other. Moreover, through Morgan, it obvious to see that Twain is against slavery and is pro-education. All of these characteristics are evident because Morgan eventually abolishes slavery and builds various schools including West Point. Lastly, Mark Twain shows great respect for the technological advances of his time through the characterization of Morgan. For example, as a mechanic, Hank Morgan realized that his life would be unbearable with out technology. As a result, he begins inventing various equipment like telephone, telegraph, and even bicycles; inventions that otherwise would seem preposterous to exist at that time but were greatly revered in the 19th century. It also becomes evident that Mark Twain had great respect for education and very little in superstition or magic. For example, because of Morgan†s scientific knowledge, he was able to predict the eclipse and he was even able to turn aside a half-dozen charging knights by simply blowing a column of pipe smoke from beneath his armored face shield. Furthermore, another example of where education outpoured magic was when Morgan restored the flow of water to a fountain by simple mechanics, while Merlin†s â€Å"magical†methods did not work. In conclusion, the social and political satire, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur†s Court, by Mark Twain, uses a character from 19th century America as a type of savor to the horrible feudalistic times of the Middle Age Camelot. By stressing bias beliefs about the political, social and technological advance of his time, Mark Twain creates a nearly utopian environment for Camelot. Oppression, social injustice, and slavery were abolished, while education, inventions, just government, new professions like engineering and even belief of a virtuous approach to life was introduced. All in all, by showing mans inhumanity and then its victories through a utopian type of middle age society in a satirical fashion make this literary pieces one of the best literary works of our time.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Hazard and vunerability analysis (Case) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Hazard and vunerability analysis (Case) - Essay Example A terrorist wanting to target a populated area where the biggest affects could take place would choose and have chosen a largely populated area like the World Trade Center. The targets chosen by the terrorist on September 11th were vulnerable targets. Profile sectors in the community contributed to its vulnerability. The location was on the east coast and easy for those coming from the Middle East to access. The city is near water and there were only few ways to get in and out of the city. In the midst of a panic, this would make it difficult for emergency crews to get it and help. The height of the building makes it impossible to evacuate everyone in a quick and timely matter. All of these events, after being profiled are a perfect fit for a terrorist attack. The severity level was catastrophic on September 11th. Many lives were taken and the building was completely destroyed. There is no way around it; the World Trade Center was too vulnerable to an attack. There needs to be higher awareness of other areas that can have catastrophic losses from a terrorist attack. The terrorist are smart and often plan very carefully before a huge attack like September 11th. The terrorist may have been targeting D.C. as their main target. September 11th could have been used as a distraction while the other planes went to Washington D.C.. This is why it is very important to make sure that even after one event occurs, no one is safe. The enemy may also have plans in force to target another area. 2. What factors, if changed, may have pre-empted the disaster? There were factors that could have lessened the severity of the loss that occurred on September 11th. The building was easily accessible by many, it was located along the coastline, and there are few ways to get to and from the building. Circumstances like this create too much vulnerability. Vulnerability is what makes an area a target for terrorist attacks. The buildings location should send a flag up that the area is a hig hly targeted area. Being on the coastline allows the building to be accessed by anyone in the world. Because of this, the plane was able to come right off of the coast and straight into the building. When a building is that vulnerable a border patrol type security needs to be set up and able to monitor flights coming in and going out. If some sort of security was able to stop the plane first, the affects could have been lessened. Having an effective evacuation plan could have pre-empted the disaster. Buildings that are vulnerable need to make sure that there is a way to get as many people out of the building as possible. These evacuation plans need to apply to everyone in the building and enforced. Not only is an evacuation plan important, it is important for emergency response vehicle to get to and from the disaster. If a plan was in force and New York was prepared, the severity would have been lessoned. It is all about being prepared. Being prepared may not be able to stop the att ack from happening, but it can lessen the severity. It is never to late to be prepared for a disaster. Many vulnerable areas can learn a lesson from what happened and learn to prepare their selves if a similar incident happens. 3. Is there any indication that New York or Washington D.C. utilized a hazard and/or vulnerability analysis in their planning for this type of disaster? There wasn’t a strong indication that N
Friday, September 27, 2019
Pedagogy and Curriculum Primary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Pedagogy and Curriculum Primary - Essay Example The study of mathematics is also of particular importance in the education curriculum as a whole. Mathematics offers learners with a chance to excel in other areas of interest in the curriculum. Since mathematics is wide and exciting, students of all ages, interests and capabilities. The study of mathematics enables the learner to develop skills of critical thought, analysis, problem solution, ingenuity and the capacity to think about theoretical concepts. Mathematics employs a system of numbers and symbols that permit for universal communication of ideas in a precise, explicit and accurate way. In order to be able to confront the challenges of a fast developing world, every person requires a thorough knowledge of mathematics (Donaldson, 2008). Mathematics provides learners with a myriad of skills which are necessary for work, living and education. A comprehension of the significance of mathematics in life is of utmost importance. This calls for the acknowledgement that Mathematics i s elemental throughout a person’s life and as such it should be treated as such. ... It is prerequisite for all teachers who are charged with the development of mathematical skills to familiarise themselves with the function of numeracy in mathematics and the methods that are used to develop numerical capacities in the wide variety of experiences for learners (The Scottish Government 2007). The experiences and outcomes in mathematics are segmented into three major sections; measure, number and money; movement, shape and position; and the analysis of information. The framework stresses the significance of mathematics at present and in future in the societal development and in its applicability in daily living. An elemental aspect of the mathematics framework involves developing algebraic thinking in young learners. This is informed by studies which conclude that an early introduction to algebraic thinking makes learners be more attuned to mathematical understanding and also results to learner confidence in tackling mathematical problems (The Scottish Government 2007). Experiences and outcomes will be invaluable in the practical aspects of teaching since they show how mathematics is used in real life situations such as gambling and probability. These experiences and outcomes will enable learners see the practicality of attaining mathematical skills for life decisions. Aspects of Effectual Teaching and Learning in the Mathematics Framework From the start of young people starting to learn, it is important that teachers make learners have success in mathematics. This should be done through developing their self-confidence so that they are able to accept risks, query, and be creative enough to investigate different methods devoid of the apprehension of being incorrect. Learners who are not afraid of being wrong will be able to explore and will enjoy the
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Effects of Mass Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Effects of Mass Media - Essay Example Adequate information is important because they prevent people from making errors or poor comparisons when getting information from different sources, and in prevention of poor conclusions. Mass media revolution has swept through the economy and no company that is capable of escaping the effects of information conveyed in new age media. Therefore, mass media can be a tool used by companies to obtain competitive advantage in various forms, which include reduction of time of obtaining, processing and transmitting business information in organizations. During the process of obtaining the information that has been found, there has been a setback, which involves the creation of an environment that allows people who take advantage of unsuspecting victims by giving false information, and if an individual researcher obtains information without careful selection, one may use information that is not relevant. Advantages and disadvantages of social media Social media has facilitated open communication between people of different cultures, creation of new friends, and communication with loved ones in different parts of the world. In promotional campaigns, people from different geographical locations are able to express, share and promote various global products (Sznitman et al, 2011). Social media has enabled people to get connected at a broad level making it easy to know and find information about almost anything from different parts of the world through the use of the media.... Social media has enabled people to get connected at a broad level making it easy to know and find information about almost anything from different parts of the world through the use of the media. Students have had the opportunity of getting technological exposure, which has enabled them to become connected to interaction options from a broad base; besides this, the media has helped students in working together and creating their own meaning on social contexts and academic environment. The use of social media helps in the development of simple skills since social media relies on advanced forms of information and communication systems that require technological literacy. Technological literacy helps in connecting people to the economy as well as making people make vulnerable contributions to the economy. The use of social media is a fun and creative way of doing business because it provides an opportunity for employees to share ideas, share links, ask questions, minimize advertising co sts of the business and improve the reputation of the business. However, there is a high probability for social media to open opportunities for hackers to commit crimes such as virus attacks and fraud making people fall prey to online frauds that eventually end in data theft. The third disadvantage of social media is the damage it can to on one’s reputation especially when using the wrong online branding strategy. Worker productivity is affected using social media at the work place; lost productivity may result using social media in ruining the reputation of a company. Instead of workers concentrating on their duties during the time of work, they may spend a lot of time on
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Economic, Social, and Political Change Worksheet Essay
Economic, Social, and Political Change Worksheet - Essay Example Changes in western politics are incorporated, that spread across the region through interaction in liberalism and community manifestos despite the repression by conservatives and the venture of political struggle and realpolitiks. Following a shift from subsistence to commercial farming, in the beginning of the 16th century, there was improvement in livestock management, as well as introduction new rotations, which paved in a way for more production from traditional to modern practices in Agriculture (Bayliss-Smith &Wanmali, 1984). The earlier open field systems had laid the foundation for the farming shift in Europe, though it was later replaced by enclosed fields and more compact farms, it was part of basis in revolution. Most part of Northern and Eastern Europe experienced temperate climatic conditions, apart from the leveled plains and hills that could contain deeper soils to support Agricultural revolution. The society saw a great change in population growth following the massive production of food. The mortality rate was high with the entire population increasing at a higher rate than food production. â€Å"In 1800, Europe had about 190 million people; by 1850, 250 million. By 1914, it had 460 million†(Perry, Chase, Jacob, Jacob, & Laue, 2009, p. 501). The industrial revolution was initially attributed to the population growth in society which provided adequate labor force to produce enough resources from agriculture, to industries for processing and manufacturing. Mechanization also played its role, allowing the introduction of machineries, and more advanced equipments for use in factories and farming; the steam engines were invented to pump water from the mines. Trade intensified following demand of food and other products from the population, which forced industrial revolution in the region and other parts of the world. Between
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Marketing survey Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Marketing survey - Assignment Example Inappropriate drug intake or when dosages are not properly monitored may have also resulted to this figure so it remains safe to claim that it is alright to try the drug provided that prescriptions followed with regular checkups and consultation to a reliable specialist are held in cautious regard. Q2: A new cancer drug was released on the market, 2,400 people out of 3000 died and the remaining 600 were cured shortly after the drug was administered. How likely are you to take the drug. 1-9 is absolutely Not. 10 is give the drug. In this case, I would most probably be on the 1-9 scale and doubt many aspects of the newly released drug. Since 2,400 is quite an alarming poll out of 3,000 then people may be inclined to think of the drug’s adverse effects besides issues on inefficiency and incompatibility. The remainder of those who recovered may have used the drug only up to a certain extent and might have had other means of medication. So, more extensive studies and research must be taken into account in analyzing the properties of the cancer drug from this phase prior to further
Monday, September 23, 2019
Magic Carpet Airlines Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Magic Carpet Airlines - Case Study Example They used the League of Flight Attendants to articulate their issues with the management. The other stakeholder in the case was Magic Carpet Airlines team that represented the company with whom these issues were being addressed (Kennedy, 2007). Compensation was one of the major problems in this situation. The base wages for Magic Carpet Airline’s flight attendants were relatively low and the data that they collected from Monthly Labor Review helped them conclude that the base wage was not matching the cost of living that had gone up. The airline’s flight attendants observed that the company’s wage scheme was fixed and was contended for a five-year wage review (Guasco, 2007). Job security was the other major issue in this situation. The flight attendants felt that they risked losing their seniority if the deal between Magic Carpet Airline and RCA went through. The company did not provide a clear way of reassuring its flight attendants that their contract was binding and this made them feel like they could lose their jobs anytime (Kennedy, 2007). The third major problem in this situation was working conditions. The company assigned its flight attendants a prolonged trip trading lead-time of five days but they felt that it should be reduced to one day. The company provided $6 monthly for the maintenance of flight attendants’ uniforms but they felt that the about needed to be raised to $20 (Shell, 2006). The fourth major problem in the negotiations was the disparity between the wages and wok rules, and Magic Carpet Airline’s financial performance. The league of flight attendants demanded for the harmonization of the company’s wages with its financial performance. I would recommend that the League of Flight Attendants utilize quarterly meetings with the board of directors of the company in order to discuss their issues. This would provide a platform for them to air their grievances before they escalate. Secondly, I would
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Challenges of the Twenty-Year Veteran Seeking Federal Employment Research Proposal
Challenges of the Twenty-Year Veteran Seeking Federal Employment - Research Proposal Example The paper tells that the Federal Executive branch has been recognized to be the principal owner with regard to Veteran employees in the United States. A huge number of Veterans are believed to be engaged presently in different agencies throughout the country as well as the world. The Federal government is learnt to comprise augmented number of Veterans as its employees in comparison to the other private segments. It has been further found that the Federal government even plans to increase its recruitment of Veterans in the various fields of services. Employing Veterans by the government is not only considered to be morally appropriate but is also believed to be advantageous from the business point of view. It is considered to be quite beneficial as the government is often believed to put in noteworthy amount of resources for the reason of training as well as development with regard to the military service workforce. The insistent steps taken towards keeping hold of the evolutionary m ilitary service workforce within the government aid in making the most of their return on the made investments. This also facilitates the government to make recruitments and fill up the places that entails higher requirements in the Federal agencies. The twenty-year veterans’ were found to witness challenges while seeking federal employment after the completion of their service in the armed forces. This is proving to be discouraging for the twenty-year veterans’ as they are being held back from leading a normal life post service. The main challenges faced by the twenty-year veterans’ along with the causes are considered to be the problem which is aimed to be explored in this study. Purpose Statement The purpose of this study will be to focus on the various challenges faced by the twenty-year veterans while seeking federal employment. The study will also intent to identify the causes triggering the challenges along with suggesting suitable solutions. Conceptual T heoretical Framework The aim of this research will be to identify the challenges faced by the twenty-year veterans while looking for federal employment. The research will relate to the laws favoring the appointment of twenty-year veterans’ in federal employment and the other relevant laws related to the preference and disabilities along with the needed steps that is required to be undertaken in this context. Research Questions The research questions in relation to the topic of the research identified are: The kind of challenges witnessed by the veterans’ The role of the Veterans’ Preference Laws in overcoming the challenges Literature Review From the time period with regard to the Civil War, considerable extents of preference in the course of selection in relation to the Federal jobs are being provided to the Veterans related to the Armed Forces. Taking into consideration the degree of sacrifices made with regard to those individuals offering their services in t he field of Armed Forces, the Congress passed laws with the intention to avoid or check veterans on the lookout for Federal service from being reprimanded owing to the amount of time spent by an individual in the field of military service (Howell, 2011). According to the regulations, the physically disabled veterans or the ones who rendered their respective service in relation to dynamic responsibility with regard to the Armed Forces in the course of definite particular time phases or even in military movements would enjoy certain
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Social Media in China Essay Example for Free
Social Media in China Essay Introduction: According to Webster’s dictionary Social Media are â€Å"forms of electronic communication (as Web sites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content.†The main purpose of social media as a marketing tool is to engage with consumers. Social media allows businesses to engage with consumers in ways that were never possible before. For most companies, creating a social media campaign is not the challenge. The challenge for most companies is their ability to measure effectiveness of their social media efforts. Measuring how a social media campaign translates into profits for a company is no easy feat. But there are some things companies can do to not only make their campaigns successful, but to measure the benefits of this success. The objective of this research paper is to explore how businesses can use social media as a successful marketing tool. Specifically, this paper will address how Chinese businesses can use social media as an effective marking tool. It will also explore the differences between social media in the United States and China. Social Media Platforms in the USA There are several types of social media which are used in the United States. The most commonly known are those which are considered to be â€Å"social networks.†These sites allow for individuals to make their own personal profile and connect with other individuals. Communications on these platforms come as video, messages and pictures. Facebook and MySpace are commonly used to keep in touch with friends and family. LinkedIn is a different type of social network whose primary focus is to connect business professionals with one another. Many businesses use these types of social media to share important information about the company activities with consumers. They can also use these types of tools to entice consumers to purchase products or visit their stores. These types of networks can also be used to target customers or to create a buzz about some new product or promotion going on with a specific company. Pepsi is a great example of how a company used Facebook to increase sales. â€Å"Pepsi used social networks, specifically Facebook, to gather custo mer insights about their DEWmocracy promotions. Their efforts lead to the creation of various varieties of their Mountain Dew brand.†By allowing the customer to decide what flavors they would like to see created, Pepsi gained great insight about the people who buy their product. Another type of social platform is what is known as a microblog. A microblog is a shorter condensed version of an actual blog. These platforms limited their users to 140 characters as opposed to regular blogs that allow users unlimited amount of characters. They are used for immediate and constant updating when things happen or even when they are happening. The purpose of the microblog is to get small bits of information to your â€Å"followers†as quickly as possible. Twitter is the most commonly known and most popular microblog in use today. With Twitter, a user can create their own account and then can elect to â€Å"follow†other users on the platform. They can choose to â€Å"follow†friends, family and even celebrities. Bu t from a business standpoint, there is more value in Twitter than just tweeting and retweeting. According to Schmidt, â€Å"Twitter can be used as a monitoring tool to get data that marketers need to make decisions. Companies now have ability to monitor what consumers think and feel about their specific product. One tweet from a company has the potential of reaching all 140 million Twitter users†(Schmidt.6). Though the microblog is a newer type of social media platform, Twitter has seen huge success since its birth in 2006. Marketers can capitalize on this platforms’ success by utilizing it in their business’s everyday marketing strategy. Blogs are also considered to be a type of social media, though less popular than the ones previously mentioned. A blog is similar to an online journal or diary but is used by several different people for different reasons. They are not limited in length and can be very informative or just for fun, depending on the author. The entries can also be short or long as well. Schmidt explains that, â€Å"the blog has a solid pla ce in social media because of it flexibility and capacity for interactivity. A blog reaches people in different ways than other mediums do so it is a good idea for companies to use this together with other social media outlets, not instead of them†(Schmidt.4). It is important to note, however, that if a company uses a blog, they must make sure they invest the time and energy to keep the information current and the posting frequent. Social Media in China Social media in China takes on a unique form compared to the rest of the world. Unlike other countries, the use of such social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are banned and blocked in China. â€Å"Rather than eliminate social media all together, these restrictions have resulted in a flourishing home-grown, state approved ecosystem in which Chinese-owned properties thrive†(Crampton.1). Social media has become integrated in the lives of Chinese people. Most internet users in Chinese experience the internet solely through social media. The Chinese platforms created are similar to those platforms used across the world. Like their US counterpart, the Chinese have developed numerous types of social media platforms. While other counties use Facebook, China has developed a platform called Renren. This â€Å"social network†has similar features to that of Facebook in which users create their own personal profile and connect with friends and family. This platform is commonly used to keep in touch with such people. This platform attracts college students and users can also upload video and personal information. However, unlike many other countries, China also has several other platforms which attract unique segments of the population. For example, Douban is a social media site that specifically attracts art students. You are likely to find individuals who are passionate about reading , culture and music. Another type of â€Å"social network†, KaixinOO1, is similar to Renren in that it allows users to create profiles. Unlike Renren, this site is utilized mostly by white collared professionals and is used to share more broad information as opposed to personal content. The Chinese have also utilized the microblog through there platform known as Sina Weibo. Again, this platform has similarities to that of Twitter. The interface works just like Twitter. Users elect to follow certain people and in turn other people can follow them. This platform has about 100 million registered users which consist of a board range of China’s internet population. Some of the people who utilize this type of social media include youth, celebrities, business professionals, and media personalities (Nooruddin.2). But what sets this country’s social media apart is not those platforms that are similar to those of other countries, but those interfaces uniquely utilized in China. An example is the utilization of Chinese bulletin board systems (BBS). These are â€Å"online forums where individuals can post questions and engage in discussions on any range of topics. More the 96% of Chinese online users have spent an hour or more a day on BBS sites. These users tend to be between the ages of 20 to 40 years old from various professional backgrounds. More than 80% of BBS users search for product information and of these users about 61.7% ask other BBS users for their opinion before making a purchase themselves†(Geng.6). These systems allow for users to post anonymously which encourages users to be honest in their reviews of certain products and services. As you can see, different social media platforms in china attract a distinct audience, making it easier for Chinese businesses to target specific consumers. However, while there are many different social media outlets in China, after having a chance to speak with Chinese natives, it seems that Webio is the most highly used by Chinese citizens. We will explore further how businesses in China use these different platforms to successfully use social media as part of their marketing mix. Social Media Differences between the Two Countries Upon reviewing the different platforms in both countries, one might conclude that there is no difference among those types of social media used in both countries. Though at first glance, this may be the case, there is much more to social media in China than simply the platforms which Chinese internet users utilize. Social media has been so deeply intenerated into the lives of the Chinese. In china, the social media is the internet; there is no real distinction. â€Å"Social media platforms and online behaviors vary in important ways from those that may be considered their international equivalents and this difference is not due to censorship,†(Crampton.2). The variations in usage are driven by language, culture and economical development. The platforms which individuals of different countries focus on can vary widely. This variation can occur not only between countries, but within a single country as well. One way to understand the differences between the uses in China verses The United States is by analyzing the differences among the platforms in both countries. Twitter and Sina Weibo are both microblogs used to have short quick communications with users. The differences between these two platforms are rooted mainly in language. Sina Weibo is the fastest growing microblog in China. Though it is similar to Twitter in that it allows users to post 140 characters, Weibo actually allows its users to post videos and photos. It also allows users to comment on other peoples updates and to add comments when reposting a friends message; all things which twitter currently lacks. One of the biggest advantages however, which Weibo has over Twitter is the â€Å"length of communications expressed via microblogs in Chinese verses English†(Crampton.4). Even though both platforms allow users to express 140 characters worth of information in a single post, those users communicated using Chinese have an upper hand. This is due to the fact that each Chinese character is a word. This allows users, but more importantly, companies which are utilizing this platform to engage with consumers, to share more information. The article, â€Å"Social Media in China: The Same, but Different,†shows how Dell utilized this language difference. For a promotion the company was running they posted this update on twitter: â€Å"Today’s deal: Get FREE Eco-Lite Sleeve with the purchase of any Dell Outlet Insprion Mini 10,†(Crampton.4). A similar message on a Chinese microblog for the same add read like this: â€Å"Dell’s National Day Sale runs from Se ptember 11 to October 8th. To celebrate the 60th anniversary with the motherland, Dell home computers is offering 6 cool gifts and deals on 20 computer models. These exciting offers will run nonstop for 4 weeks. Also, get a free upgrade to color casing and a 512MB independent graphics card, as well as other service upgrades. All offers are on a first com first serve bases†(Crampton.4). As one might notice, a 114 characters limit in Chinese translates into 434 characters in English. This turns microblogging in China into more of a blog-like platform. Though these two platforms are different in structure, as business promotion tools, they are one in the same. Businesses use both Webio and Twitter to create a dialog and to get information about what is going on with their company quickly to their users. According to Nielsen, brand information via social media in both China and the US spread through, â€Å"interactions with friends on social media platforms. They believe that their platforms can be used by business to achieve greater success than form traditional advertizing.†It is clear to businesses that these micro blogs are important not only to help create a dialog between the consumer and the business, but more importantly, these specific platforms are used to obtain higher immediate brand exposure, brand identity and brand awareness among consumers. While the social network site Facebook has become the default social network throughout most of the world, China has been able to establish similar platforms which are tailored to attract specific segments of people. Most of the social networks created in China have developed around the interests of people who belong to certain segments of the Chinese population. As mentioned before, Douban is focused on attracting those individuals who are art students. The website also allows registered users to record information and create content related to film, books, music, and recent events in Chinese cities. Unlike Facebook and Renren, it is opened to both registered and unregistered users. Not only can users connect according to their interests but the website also provides recommendations about books, music and more to its users. Based on this information, one can conclude that social media in China has been somewhat customized to meet the needs of several different segments of the population as well as to meet the interests of those people. Companies can benefit from these â€Å"targeted social networks.†Yet oddly, â€Å"many companies have failed to acknowledge the shifts in their marketing strategy. Social media has grown to become the shared commons where Chinese consumers offer opinions, ask for advice and discuss their interests which include brands. Thus, while in the past the internet could have been considered a lost opportunity in China, today, ignoring social media is a business risk†(Crampton.6). The article entitled, â€Å"Social Media: The new Hybrid Element of the Promotion Mix,†examines how the traditional marketing mix has been changed due to the rise of social media. Traditional Promotional Mix Verses New Promotional Mix Traditionally, marketing consists of the four â€Å"Ps,†product, price, placement and promotion. The promotional mix focuses on the promotion elements of marketing. Before social media, companies relied heavily on what is known as integrated marketing communications to interact with their consumers. These communications, â€Å"attempt to coordinate and control various elements of the promotional mix- advertising, personal selling, public relations, publicity, direct marketing, and sales promotion- to produce a unified consumer-focused message and therefore, achieve various organizational objectives as well†(Mangold and Faulds.1). Promotions are all about communication because promotions are the way a business makes its products known to both current consumers and potential ones as well. The goal of a promotion is to ensure that customers are aware of the existing products and it is also used to persuade customers that the product is better that the competing products on the market. It is a marketer’s job to remind customers’ why they want to buy their companies products. Traditionally, businesses spoke to their consumers through such mediums as TV ads, billboards and radio. It is also typical for a company to use sales promotions to influence consumers to buy. The rise of social media has flipped these traditional ideas of promotional marketing on its head. Due to the rise of social media, the â€Å"strategies for communicating with customers have changed significantly†(Mangold and Faulds.358). Mangold and Faulds suggest in their article, â€Å"Social Media: The new Hybrid Element of th e Promotion Mix,†that social media plays a hybrid role in the promotional mix. This is due in part to the fact that social media has changed the way which businesses can communicate with their consumers. Social media not only enables companies to speak directly to their consumers, but it also allows for consumers to communicate with one another on a large front. Companies can use such platforms as Facebook and Renren to communicate with their consumers. The company’s consumers can use these same platforms to give feedback about their experiences with that company’s product or service.â€Å"The second role of social media- enabling customers to talk to one another, is in away an extension of the traditional word-of-mouth communication†(Mangold and Faulds.359). What makes this word of mouth exchange unique is that it magnifies the communication. Before social media and with the traditional approach, individual consumers were only able to communicate their experience to a few friends. Consumers now have the ability to express their experience s to hundreds and thousands of people in the matter of a few keystrokes on a social media platform. This takes the control of what messages are sent to consumers away from the actual business and puts it into the hand of the consumer; it in turn limits the amount of control companies have over the content and dissemination of information (Mangold and Fauld.359). The question for businesses to explore: how can this power of social media be harnessed for the benefit of the organization? The best way to do this is by consistently engaging with the consumers by these platforms. Companies are in control when they are able to create a buzz about a specific product, when they are able to learn from customers and when they are able to successfully target customers. Divol, Edelman and Sarrazin explain how companies can use this control which social media gives them to create successful social marketing campaigns. Divol, Edelman and Sarrazin, authors of the McKinsey Quartly article entitled Demystifying social media believe that in order for businesses to be in control of social media conver sations, they must monitor consumer responses, respond to those responses, amplify their responses and make efforts to lead consumers to long term behavioral changes which will continue to keep them coming back to their company. They describe brand monitoring as â€Å"simply knowing and understanding what consumers are saying about the company’s product.†(Divol.4) They believe that even if a company does not engage in direct conversation with consumers on social media platforms, this information obtained by monitoring will allow them to gain insight on what their consumers want. It also provides advanced warning for negative publicity. But monitoring is just the start. Businesses also need to respond to consumers by pinpointing conversations for personal interaction with the consumer. This responding can be positive if it is done to provide customer service or to uncover certain leads or to deal with crisis management. Next, the authors believe that it is important to amplify their conversations with their consumers. They explain that â€Å"amplification involves designing your marketing activities to have an inherently social motivator that spurts broader engagement and sharing. This means that businesses should invite consumers to join into a conversation. They should also have ongoing programs and share new content. It is also important for businesses to provide opportunities for sharing back. Finally, businesses should focus on offering experiences that customers want to share to others†(Divol.6). An example of this amplification comes from Starbucks. â€Å"Starbucks wanted to increase awareness of its brand. To do this, the company launched a campaign which challenged their users to be the first to tweet a picture for one of the new advertising posters which the company had placed in six major cities providing the winners with $20 gift cards. This got millions of fans speaking about Starbucks and their current promotion. By giving consumers a reason to speak about a company’s brand, they are able to quickly and effortlessly create customer brand awareness and therefore, save millions of dollars in advertising†(Divol.7). Finally, the authors believe it is important to lead consumers along long term behavioral exchanges which will keep them coming back for more. Companies can influence behavioral changes by creating a buzz, asking for feedback from customers and creating promotions which actively involves consumers. In order to have successful marketing campaigns in the 21st century, mangers need to change their thin king and attitudes toward these new additions to the marketing mix. They need to realize, accept and understand that a large amount of information about their products and services are being talked about via social media outlets. They also need to understand that the communications occurring on these platforms are directly impacting all aspects of consumer behavior. Managers should be aware that â€Å"consumers are reducing their reliance on advertising and traditional elements of the promotional mix as a source of information to help make their purchasing decision,†(Mangold and Faulds.361). In order for marketing managers to drive a successful social media campaign, these managers need to learn to communicate with their consumers on the medium and not to speak at them as illustrated by the examples above. How can Social Media be used to Benefit Businesses? Though the social media platforms used in China and the US differ, the basic benefits of social media to businesses are the same. The main goal of social media in marketing campaigns is customer engagement. Just like with traditional marketing, social media can be utilized for customer engagement. As mentioned previously, social media allows the consumer to communicate on a massive scale to one another on their experiences with particular products. In order for a business to benefit from this, marketing managers need to focus their efforts on shaping the conversation. The following paragraphs explain ways in which businesses can take control of social media conversations. Consumers prefer to communicate with likeminded people. One way that organizations can control this is by providing platforms, which allow likeminded people to network. Organizations can create online communities which consumers with the same interests and values can come together to communicate about similar intere sts. These â€Å"networking opportunities do not have to take form in social media platforms to be effective. For example, movie premiers bring together die-hard fans who like to attend midnight showings so they can be the â€Å"first to know†about the movie. Similarly, Apple has effectively been able to drive iPhone fanatics together who wait in long lines to be the first to purchase the new product. Creating excitement through events and through online forums will benefit the organizations. As the authors state, â€Å" the experience of participating with likeminded individuals in highly anticipated events becomes memorable and is likely to e talked about for years to come†(Mangold and Faulds.361). This is the type of positive conversations organizations can benefit from. Consumers also feel most engaged when they are able to give feedback. This way they feel like they are being heard. Organizations can also use contests and free give a ways in order to engage with their consumers. However, it is important to remember that organizations want to have meaningful conversations with their consumers. If all their consumers are talking about is getting free stuff from them and not about the products and services that these organizations may offer, then that means that companies are not using social media effectively. A way in which organizations can effectively use contests for engagement is by having contests in which consumers are actively involved in promoting a certain product. â€Å"Enabling consumers to see others using the product can entertain and engage consumers while communicating product benefits†(Mangold and Faulds.362). Other ways in which organizations can utilize communication to consumers via social media is by providing information to consumers. Using social media platforms to introduce new products or to provide answers to questions are a few ways in which companies can insure that their consumers are being informed. Some companies have established special websites that allows consumers to connect to one another and gather more information about specific products or services which they are interested. For example, Procter and Gamble created portion of their website called â€Å"Ask Julia.†This section of the website provides detailed information on many subjects related to the products which PG provide to their consumers. The more informed you are, the more you will communicate it to others. At times, it is important for businesses to think outside of the box with their campaign. A way they can do this and attract attention to them is by doing something outrageous to get their consumers talking. For example, Burger King played a joke on it customers by telling them that the Whopper would no longer be sold. They then recorded their customer’s reactions to the news which they posted online for consumers enjoyment. These reactions got Burger King’s consumers talking. Sometimes it is important for businesses to have a little fun with their marketing techniques as Burger King did in this example. Consumers also enjoy exclusivity. People generally like to feel special. Businesses have the ability to control this type of special feelings. Feeling special can occur if businesses offer products, information and special deals which are only available to a specific subset of customers. These positive feelings will most likely translate into positive talk among consumers. Some other ways in which companies can get their consumers talking is by make people want to talk about them. When Apple launched their first iPhone, it changed the way people looked at phones forever. Companies should design products with talking points in mind. If companies provide exclusive offers to their consumers, it will also get them talking as well. It makes the consumer feel important to the company and thus should lea d to positive talks from consumers. Finally, companies can support causes that are important to consumers and utilize the power of stories to create meaningful conversations. By doing so, they can connect with those consumers which may be emotionally linked to a specific causes. Due to this linkage, these consumers may be more likely to purchase a company’s product. How can companies measure the effectiveness of social media? After doing a lot of research, I have found that both American and Chinese companies use the same or similar metrics to track their social media success. Since social media is fairly new in the marketing realm, most companies have struggled translating the effectiveness of their social media into actual numbers in term of return on investment for their companies. But companies can do themselves a favor by tracking specific metrics which can tell them how successful their campaigns are in terms of reach. In terms of social media, reach is defined as the number of people who see the conversations which occur between a specific business and other consumers or social media users in general. As stated before, the purpose of social media is to hold conversations with potential new customers on these platforms; it is all about engagement. In terms of conversation, it is important for a company to measure the number of conversations they have with their â€Å"fans†or â€Å"followers,†the speed of the responses they are getting from their fans or followers and the company’s ability to hold a single conversation. It is important to see what your fans are talking about. The conversations must be of quality and less so about what someone is getting from the company i.e. â€Å"free stuff.†But while social media thrives on conversation, the metrics that can be used to see the effectiveness of a social media campaign stretches much wider. The following lists some of the metrics that a company should look for in order to determine whether their social media campaign is really having an impact on their company: * Social Connections and Page Views: How much exposure is your site getting on social media platforms? It is important for any company to keep track of the number of followers they are obtaining through their social media platforms * Quality of Followers/Fans: According to â€Å"Thoughtful China,†it is important that companies realize that it is not just about the number of followers or fans that the company’s page has but also the number of followers or fans which each individual person who is following the company’s site has. This will drive the reach and the impact which the company is having over the whole social media platform. (Thoughtful China Video). * Engagement Rate: â€Å"A good social media marketer needs to know when he or she posts something that creates a reaction or follower engagement,†(Gold.1). It is important to keep track of positive and negative feedback gained from certain posts. It is also important for a company to keep track of what is known as the â€Å"retweet rate.†This is in essence is keeping track of the number of times you are retweeted every time you post a single tweet. This flows into the next metrics, reach. * The Reach of your Social Media Campaign: This includes a number of things. One of the main things to look for is your company’s â€Å"share of voice.†This simply refers to the number of people on social media which is talking about your company in comparison to your competitors. It is important for a company to think about reach in this manner; â€Å"Am I doing better than last week or last month and what did I do to improve or hurt my performance or reach?†(Gold.1). The more effort companies put into their social media campaigns, the higher the return. Studies show that if a company can convert â€Å"7% of fans or followers into customers this will translate into 40% of sales†(Thoughtful China Video). Since there are extremely high volumes of people using social media platforms, it is hard to say exactly how many people you engage with turn into buyers of your product. But since social media can be used all along the value chain, it is important for businesses to look at the ROI of social media in terms of its overall business impact, not just its impact on sales. Without impact measurements, it is extremely difficult for companies to justify investments in social media and to compare social media marketing with other marketing mediums. Key performance indicators are vital in making the case for social media. According to McKinsey Company, a comprehensive measurement rationale should consist of three levels of KPIs. Level one should consist of a basic KPI system that measures engagement and consumers feelings of the companies’ social media efforts on all different platforms. Metrics such as the ones mentioned above can be used to stratify this level measurement. The company also suggests that level two should consist of business case logic. McKinsey Company recommends that â€Å"companies should create business cases to assess the value of specific activates, like campaigns, or decisions, like platform choices†(McKinsey Company Buzz into Gold). An example could be tracking the value of a Facebook fan. A company should create a calculation that recognizes the average number of contacts created through one Facebook fan. The third and final level consists of gross rating points which will allow companies to make social media comparable across all platforms. McKinsey Company notes that â€Å"for traditional marketing, gross rating points (GRPs) measures advertising intensity of a campaign as a whole. This traditional rating can also be used as a metrics which is used specifically for social media. This measure would be based on the number and reach of the companies posting through multiple social media platforms and would be calculated as the number of people reached multiplied by the number of times these people are reached per day or week (which ever the company prefers). Based on the information above, it is clear that there are many ways in which companies can measure effectiveness of their social media campaigns. The question that needs to be answered now is are American and Chinese companies successfully measuring these metrics? The answer: some companies recognize the importance of these metrics more than others and are doing a better job of tracking this information than others. Here are just a few examples of Chinese and American companies who have used social media as a marketing tool successfully. AJ Bombers: An American Company who experienced social media success AJ Bombers is a burger joint located in Milwaukee Wisconsin. Joe Sorge, the owner of the restaurant changed the way he promoted his company and turned it strictly into social media marketing. He believes that successful social media marketing starts with a great product, something he believed his restaurant had; the best burger in town. Sorge decided to get rid of all forms of traditional marketing that he had previously used to promote his restaurant. Before making the switch to strictly social media, he relied on only using email marketing as a method of marketing his restaurants. Sorge started experimenting with Twitter. He first searched to see what people were saying about his restaurant and he eventually decided to create an account himself so that he could respond to what his customers where saying about his restaurant. By doing this, he was able to create meaningful relationships with his customers and began to see positive reactions from his customers whom he had communicated with via Twitter. The power of social media became evident when Sorge realized that his account had the ability to reach hundreds and thousands of people through his Twitter account. Even if he did not directly engage with some of his customers, they were able to see the conversations going on, and if they liked something they heard or saw, they were able to retweet it to friends and family. The restaurant was previously known for its events. When Sorge realized the benefits of social media, he quickly used this to help promote the events which occurred at his restaurants. He used social media platforms to drive sales for AJ Bombers. One example of an event that Sorge put on was the, â€Å"I’m on a boat badge party.†He partnered with foursquare to create a check in point for his restaurant. Then he used Twitter and Facebook to promote the event. This event allowed customers to earn an â€Å"I’m on a boat badge.†He also partnered with a local outdoors store to obtain boats which customers so that customers could earn their badge by taking part in challenges after checking in. During the event, more than 231 people checked in to the foursquare events page. The event resulted in the single best day of sales that the restaurant has ever seen and the employees had to turn away customers because they did not have enough room to accommodate everyone who showed up. Sorge believed that the word of mouth buzz created by this event through various social platforms and the speed at which the information traveled is what lead for this event to be one of the most successful events he has ever created. This example shows the how constant engagement with customers on social media platforms can be effective in attracting consumers to certain businesses. It also shows how fast communication happens via social media and how many people these conversations can potentially reach. This type of success is possible for all kinds of businesses if they know how to effectively engage with customers. IKEA China: Building a Loyal Following through Online Customer Engagement (Source: The China Observer) IKEA Group is the world’s largest furniture retail with over 280 stores in 26 countries. In 1998, IKEA chose Shanghai to penetrate the Chinese market. IKEA presently runs ten stores in nine cities in China and has achieved total sales of $755 million dollars with over 31 million customers visiting its stores in 2011. Since IKEA used a relatively conservative approach to opening new stores in China, IKEA location were limited, making it harder to reach the young generation of white collar consumers across China. The company found it challenging to build a distinctive brand and to influence Chinese consumers to purchase products since most people treated the IEKA stores as a place for entertainment and not to make purchases for new furniture. In October of 2010, IKEA decided to expand their emphasis on social media. The company started to organize events both real-world and virtual events to engage potential customers both online and offline. IKEA created its own profile on Douban, a Chinese social media platform which allows users to recommend, comment on and compare their favorite books, films and music. The company created a page which listed tips on decorating homes with IKEA products. In September 2011, the company launched on its page called â€Å"the dream home in films.†They encouraged users to upload screenshots of their favorite home furnishing styles from famous films and write a description of the scenes with each â€Å"episode†containing a different theme, focusing on different types of rooms in a virtual home. Participants could win gifts sponsored by IKEA. IKEA attracted a widespread and achieve engagement among Douban users; they are considered to be well-educated and creative urban Chinese. The online and offline event provided customers and potential customers with a way of expressing themselves which translated into a positive impression of the IKEA brand. IKEA’s profile page on Douban, increased to just over 30 thousand followers and 210 thousand visitors. IKEA was able to increase its sales by 20% in the 2012 fiscal year by investing in its brand in China through social media. Conclusion Businesses all over the world have switched gears and included social media as a part of their marketing efforts. With the ever evolving ways of the internet, it is important for businesses to realize how to use web platforms such as social media to help increase their bottom line. In order for companies to make sure they run a successful social media campaign, marketers need to educate themselves on the different ways to engage with their consumer on social media, and how to track these conversations in terms of ROI. Proper utilization of social media can lead to increased brand awareness, brand image but most importantly, the proper use of social media as a marketing tool can lead to increased sales. Works Cited Bodnar, Kipp. Generating Small Business Customers with Social Web. Crampton, Thomas. Social Media in China: The Same but Different. China Business Review. ProQuest, 11 Jan. 2011. Web. 27 Oct. 2012. Divol, Roxane, David Eldmen, and Hugo Sarrzin. Demystifying Social Media. Demystifying Social Media. McKinseyCompany, Apr. 2012. Web. 20 Jan. 2013. Dove: Encouraging Female Consumers to Share Their Beauty Stories. The China Observer. N.p., 31 May 2012. Web. 20 Jan. 2013. IKEA China: Build a Loyal Following Through Customer Engagement Online. The China Observer. N.p., 22 Mar. 2012. Web. 20 Jan. 2013. Kuo, Kaiser. Blogs, Bulletin Boards and Business. China Business Review. ProQuest, Jan. 2009. Web. 27 Oct. 2012. Lipsman, Andrew, Graham Mudd, and Mike Rich. Power of Like: How Brands Rewach (and Influence) Fans Through Social-Media Marketing. Journal of Advertising and Research 52.1 (2012): 1-24. Web. Mangold, Glynn, and David Faulds. Social Media: The New Hybrid Element of the Promotion Mix. Harvard Business Review (n.d.): 1-9. Web. Nooruddin, Zaheer. 7 Steps to Weibo Success. China Buisness Review. ProQuest, July 2012. Web. 27 Oct. 2012. Schmidt, Stacey, and David Ralph. Social Media: More Available Marketing Tools. The Business Review. ProQuest, Dec. 2011. Web. 20 Jan. 2013. Turning Buzz into Gold. McKinseyCompany. McKinseyCompany, n.d. Web. 20 Jan. 2013. Gold, Harry. 14 Social Media ROI Metrics You Can Use Right Now! ClickZ. Click Z Marketing and News, 21 May 2012. Web. 21 Oct. 2012. Social Media Metrics. Thoughtful Media Group. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2012.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Role of a Mentor within Pre-registration Midwifery Education
Role of a Mentor within Pre-registration Midwifery Education The aim of this assignment is to critically analyse the theoretical principles involved in teaching and learning for personal and professional practice. I will critically evaluate the role of a mentor within pre-registration midwifery education through personal reflection. I have attached details in appendix one which explores the experience and my feelings. To maintain confidentiality and to act in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Councils professional standards (NMC, 2015) all names have been changed. The role of a mentor has been enshrined in midwifery practice and pre-registration education for a number of years now with the NMC (2008) defining the role as making judgments about whether a student has achieved the required standards of proficiency for safe and effective practice for entry to the NMC register. The role is seen as critical in helping facilitate development of future generations of midwives as well as preparing students for life as a professional and enabling students to register as competent practitioners and become mentors themselves (Lawson Bunyan, 2013). Mckimm, Jollie and Hatter (2007) further identifies benefits to organisations such as increased staff morale and job satisfaction, increased inter-professional working and co-operation while for the mentor this can improve leadership and communication skills while raising profile in the organisation. To undertake the role existing midwives must work within a defined framework meeting outcomes in eight domains (appendix two) and for this assignment I am going to reflect on my experience relating to these (NMC, 2008). Bloom, Engelhart, Furst, Hill and Krathwohl (1956) divide learning into three domains: cognitive (mental skills), affective (feelings and emotions) and psychomotor (physical skills). Within each there is a taxonomy associated with the overarching aim of moving to higher levels through learning (appendix three). Learning can be defined as acquiring knowledge, skills and attitude by study, experience or teaching (Jarvis, 1983). It can be argued that Blooms taxonomy is too simplistic and outdated for adult learners on clinical placement and mentors need to consider many other factors that lead to effective learning such as student perception, sociological influences and personal motivation (Hinchliff, 2009). Kolb (1984) developed a learning theory that works on two levels. First a four stage cycle (appendix four) for a learner to progress through. A learner can enter the cycle at any stage as each is mutually supportive of and feeding into the next, Kolb concludes effective learning only occurs when a learner is able to execute all four stages of the cycle; no one stage is effective as a learning tool on its own. It can be argued that this cycle is simplistic as some learners may flit around the cycle instead of naturally feeding to the next (Dyke, 2006). Secondly, Kolb describes learning styles (appendix five) which are influenced by a variety of factors, for example social environment or previous educational experiences. By mentors knowing a students preferred learning style this enables learning to be orientated to individual needs or circumstances. Learning styles were further developed by Honey and Mumford (1982) who identified four distinct styles which learners naturally prefer. To maximise potential learners need to understand their own learning style and seek out opportunities using that style. As mentor, if you teach according to preferred learning style, you are creating tailored learning experiences and meet outcomes of domain two (NMC, 2008). Mentors and students should also take opportunities to improve learning skills and processes where there are known weaknesses so one should always strive to develop ability to teach and learn in other styles too (Stuart, 2013). Honey and Mumfords (1982) learning styles can be used alongside Kolbs cycle of learning (appendix six). However, some students may get stuck in one part of the cycle so mentors need awareness of this to help move students forward. During placement my mentor and I did not know if I would have the opportunity to perform an episiotomy so Suzanne worked through Kolbs cycle. We simulated this on a model using my existing knowledge. I was able to identify dexterity problems (being left-handed) and weakness in my rational knowledge; from this I knew I needed to practice more and do more research. Suzanne also reflected on her own experiences and we agreed for me to research the evidence base so I could demonstrate improved knowledge and understanding of rationale, outcomes and implications for recovery. A week later we simulated the process again and because I had had time to analyse this I was much more confident, explaining rationale and what I would do in a real life situation. It was interesting to see the change in my own confidence as my knowledge increased. I know in future I will take more opportunities to use similar formats of learning as it works well for me and by repeating quickly I know my confidence wi ll grow. Simulation has roots in behaviourist theory; it allows practice in a safe environment so there is a degree of familiarity (Hinchliff, 2009). Gibbs (1988) believes simulation is invaluable while Quinn Hughes (2013) debate validity of transferrable skills so students need to assess the value of this method for themselves. Suzanne successfully demonstrated meeting outcomes of domain two (NMC, 2008). When the opportunity presented in real practice, I was confident in infiltration and performance, Suzanne was supportive throughout and despite me being nervous inside I completed it safely and effectively and we were able to reflect again afterwards. I am a dual pragmatist/theorist (appendix seven) but I think I would have been happy to get stuck in and do this with someone talking me through it but I can now see benefits from this method. As a learner if I were to just do things, I could become competent but without feeling, watching and thinking so when matched togethe r, one can see how some types of learners may get stuck in one part of the cycle and a good mentor can recognise this, and help to move the student on. In contrast, if mentors do not move through the cycle then this can be frustrating for the student. I had completed the cycle in a similar way as above for applying a fetal scalp electrode and was ready for the active phase. However, when opportunities arose with Helen she did not offer me the opportunity to demonstrate the clinical skill and failed to meet outcomes in domains five, six and eight (NMC 2008). Under the pre-registration standard for midwifery education (NMC, 2009) students should have a range of clinical experiences and in practice Stuart (2013) identifies that mentors may be influenced by personal bias for, or against the student. I think this can also be a problem for students having personal bias for, or against a mentor so in future will consider critical thinking in relationship problems. At the time, I was concerned I was unable to build experience but can now see that I should have been more active in discussing concerns and looking at how to overcome t hese together.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Theme of William Wordsworth as a Prophet in Tintern Abbey Essay
Poet as Prophet When I spoke last, I ended with the image of Wordsworth as a monk or priest-like figure zealously converting Dorothy and, by extension, the reader into a position within his vision of the world. But even more than priest, Wordsworth often depicts the romantic poet as prophet. This depiction is demonstrated more clearly in "The Prospectus to the Recluse" than in "Tintern Abbey." In the 1814 version of the "Prospectus" he writes: Paradise, and groves Elysian, Fortunate Fields -- like those of old Sought in the Atlantic Main -- why should they be A history only of departed things, Or a mere fiction of what never was? For the discerning intellect of Man, When wedded to this goodly universe In love and holy passion, shall find these A simple produce of the common day. (47-55) Similar to his vision in "Tintern" where perceptions are both half created by the imagination and half perceived by the senses, here Wordsworth declares that for those who recognize its power, the human mind, or imagination, can meld with nature, can heal the split between nature and mankind, the sublime and the beautiful, to re-create an edenic heaven on Earth. Wordsworth then goes on to assert: -- I, long before the blissful hour arrives, Would chant, in lonely peace, the spousal verse Of this great consummation -- and by words Which speak of nothing more than what we are, Would arouse the sensual from their sleep Of Death, and win the vacant and the vain To noble raptures (56 - 62) Wordsworth, as the romantic poet-prophet, has a preview of ... ...e romantic era ends with the sublimated subject removed from any experience outside that reflected by the romantic centre -- an ironically alienating end to a movement that began in an attempt to unite with the universe. Bibliography Abrams, M.H, General Ed. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 4th ed. Vol. 2. New York: Norton and Company, 1979. Althusser, Louis. "Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses." Lenin and Philosophy and other essays. Translated from the French by Ben Brewster. London: New Left Books, 1971. 121-173. Wordsworth, William. "Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey." Abrams, Gen. Ed. 155-158. ---. Preface to Lyrical Ballads." Abrams, Gen. Ed. 160-175. ---. "Prospectus to The Recluse." Abrams, Gen. Ed. 227-230. ---. The Prelude, or Growth of a Poet's Mind. Abrams, Gen. Ed. 257-313.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Aruba :: Free Descriptive Essay About A Place
Aruba Aruba’s culture is a collection of values, beliefs, and traditions from several nations over hundreds of years. The language, architecture, schooling, language, festivities, and folklore have made the Aruban natives the people they are today. The native population has ethnic roots in Arawak, African, and European peoples. This is evident in the local foods, architecture, celebrations, and languages. There is also a mix of expatriates from Europe, the Caribbean, and Latin America working in various industries on the island. Culturally, Aruba has strong ties to Holland; it’s colonial occupier and present-day partner in the Netherlands kingdom. The official language of the island is Dutch, seen on street signs, government documents, and several local newspapers. Most people of Aruba, particularly those in the tourism business, speak English . There are four languages spoken overall there and they are Dutch, English, Spanish, and Papiamento. Papiamento is not a dialect but a language that is evidence to the many influences of older languages and Aruba’s culture and traditions. It has traces of Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, French and local Indian languages. It is a language that began in Curacao in the 1500’s in an attempt to help slave owners communicate with their slaves. It’s a comparatively easy language to learn with a limited vocabulary and a spicy rhythm that makes it â€Å"fun†. The challenging aspect of Papiamento is the importance of proper emphasis on the right syllable. If this is done incorrectly another meaning to the word intended may be interpreted. Some examples of Papiamento are as follows; Very good is Hopi bon, Good Morning is Bon dia, Good Afternoon is Bon tardi, Good Evening is Bon nochi, and Have a good day is Pasa bon dia. Even with a limited knowledge of Spanish an d French, one can find similarities and traces of the two within these few phrases . The education system of Aruba has established the same standards to those employed in the Netherlands. Teachers communicate with their students primarily in Dutch. English is required of students by the fourth grade and many become fluent in their early adult years. Spanish, French, and German are three other languages offered to students while attending school. On the island, school facilities include a secondary education, a teacher’s college, a law school, and technical and training establishments.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Success of Mcdonalds
As a husband and Father of two children, I’d like to say I’m an expert on McDonalds, especially the modern day McDonalds which is a lot different than when I was a kid. Today, McDonald’s is practically everywhere in the world and is a part of their cultures. The explanation of McDonald’s success can be derived from many things, but the ones that stand out are first their branding. They have been around for over sixty-five years and that certainly helps with branding. As of today, McDonald’s success in the public’s eye is that they have quality food at a low price that is given to the customer quickly with great service and clean facilities. The planning, organization, leadership and controlling by McDonald’s are about as cutting edge as you can get when it comes to fast food restaurants. I’m going to talk about these four points and they will tell you why McDonald’s is the number one fast food chain in the world. The McDonald’s chain is composed of company owned restaurants as well as franchised restaurants which make up over sixty-five percent of the operating McDonald’s outlets. Now because of this many of the restaurants are controlled and run separate from one another. McDonald’s is not just around to gain profits, but to survive not only the American recession, but also the global market. They strive to be the best employer for people in each community around the world, deliver operational quality to their customers in each and every restaurant and achieve profitable growth by continuing to expand their brand and using their strengths to continue to be innovative and take advantage of modern technology. So yes, McDonald’s knows what they are doing, but that wasn’t always the case. Back when they first opened, they were only open for lunch and dinner. So approximately from 7:00 a. m. to 7:00 p. m. and they did well, but today most McDonald’s restaurants are open twenty-four hours a day. Many fast food chains have copied this idea in order to keep up with McDonalds. From a planning standpoint, McDonald’s is always coming up with innovative ideas to continue to their branding. When you watch a couple hours of television in the evening, no matter what channel, you are going to see a McDonald’s commercial. They are typically very fresh and memorable and that’s without a doubt on purpose. The planning that goes into McDonald’s marketing is to always be two steps ahead of their competition. You also probably can’t help but see at least one billboard from McDonald’s on the way to work. Again, this to McDonald’s in your head for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Another big part of McDonald’s planning is to stay modern. Our American culture has gotten increasingly obese over the decades and McDonald’s takes a lot of heat for this. This is why they came up with their healthy menu a few years back so people had the choice to eat healthy. I believe another big part of McDonald’s planning is to tap into markets that they haven’t reached before. Sure McDonald’s has been serving coffee for years, but who doesn’t like a good cup of Starbuck’s coffee? I know I love my Starbuck’s in the morning and this is where McDonald’s decided to tap into the gourmet coffee drinker market recently by coming up with the McCafe. They now serve frappuccinos, gourmet coffee and iced coffees. This was brilliant in my opinion because now when you go to McDonald’s in the morning for your Egg McMuffin, you can now get a Starbucks quality gourmet coffee. McDonald’s has done very well with this addition to their menu and this is why McDonald’s has been and will continue to be the number one fast food chain in the world. As far as organizing, McDonald’s has franchises all over the world now and they continue to grow at a blistering pace. Their goal is to make sure that globally, each restaurant caters to specific cultures. What is on the menu in my southern California McDonald’s is different that say a McDonald’s in Europe. Having been stationed in Germany, I can definitely attest to this. So organizationally, McDonald’s continues their success by globally rganizing and implementing innovations to each of their franchises all over the world. Even the McCafe, as new as it is, is launching in McDonald’s franchises across the globe. Leadership is vital the McDonald’s success. Without strong leadership, who knows what would have happened to the McDonald’s brand. In 2001, the Hu man Resource Design Center for McDonald’s Corporation initiated the development of a special leadership development program for a select number of high potential managers identified as candidates for possible promotion into a key role in its system, that of regional manager. The program was entitled â€Å"McDonald’s Leadership Development Experience†. This program, now twelve years young, is breeding leadership within its own walls. Having read about the program, it’s very extensive and well thought out and this is just one of the reasons why McDonald’s continues to have strong leadership. Now as far as McDonald’s controlling is concerned, they do have very strict controls and guidelines in place to ensure that all of their restaurants are uniform. This is really one of the qualities that separate themselves from the competition. The strict controls in place for each McDonald’s franchise don’t just apply to the ones here in the United States, but all over the world. Things like uniform restaurant hours, quality control standards and strict hiring criteria for employees are just a few of the things that McDonald’s has in place to ensure that all of their restaurants in the world have a high standard of excellence. McDonald’s has been successful for quite some time now and the four points I just wrote about are some of the reasons for their success. McDonald’s will continue to be innovative and hold a high standard of excellence. I be in twenty year there will be new and exciting products from McDonald’s as they continue to be the number one fast food chain in the world. McDonald's 24/7; By focusing on the hours between traditional mealtimes, the fast-food giant is sizzling, by Michael Arndt. Business Week. New York: Feb 05, 2007. , Iss. 4020; pg. 64, retrieved at 07/22/2010 from: http://www. businessweek. com/magazine/content/07_06/b4020001. htm Helm, B. (2010). Ethnic Marketing: McDonalds' Is Lovin' It. Bloomberg Business Week, retrieved May 15, 2011 at http://www. usinessweek. com/magazine/content/10_29/b4187022876832. htm A Golden Recipe for McDonald’s Europe, by Kerry Capell(2010). A Golden Recipee for McDonalds' Europe. Business Week (on line), New York, July 18, 2008, retrieved at 07/200/2010 from: http://www. businessweek. com/globalbiz/content/jul2008/gb20080717_293203. htm Patton, L. (2011). Ronald McDonald Sidelined as Chain Toutes Lattes. Bloomberg Business Week, retrieved May 15, 20 11, at: http://www. businessweek. com/news/2011-03-02/ronald-mcdonald-sidelined-as-chain-touts-lattes. html
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