Thursday, October 31, 2019
Aviation Careers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Aviation Careers - Essay Example Employers for graduates of aviation courses are airlines, airports, national and international unions, companies in the logistics and supplier industry and government. A career in aviation offers excitement, the opportunity for regular travel, and the chance to constantly learn new skills. However, the preparation for this fast-paced industry is an extensive process. A career in aviation means you will meet and work with a wide variety of people. One has to be able to perform well under pressure and must be able to understand the complex technical concepts of aviation. Technology is an important and crucial aspect in any aviation career. Experts in the area of computers, electronics, instrumentations, inspections, and investigations are in great demand in the aviation industry. Several opportunities are also available in research and development because of the need to always determine safer and more efficient ways and techniques to upgrade the industry. The search for new products an d technology is simply non-stop. If one wishes to work with an airline, there are various entry level positions which will cover a wide variety of duties and responsibilities. One may opt to be a flight attendant which will require extensive customer contact. It is important that one possesses strong interpersonal and communication skills.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Bionade as a World Wide Brand Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Bionade as a World Wide Brand - Assignment Example To attract more consumers, they offer beverages with various flavors. As a botanical brew most of its products were herbs and plant roots especially the ginger roots. It is different from other drinks in the sense that apart from being a soft drink, it follows a different procedure during the manufacturing process which enables it to be fermented and produced naturally (Yang 2011, p. 12). The fact that it is an original drink just like coca cola makes the drink to attract many consumers as it undergoes organic fermentation. Viral marketing and communication strategies adopted sponsor several events that enable the drink to be successful in the market. Customers: Segmentation The drink can be one that has segmented its consumers specifically to those who are non alcoholic. It has been branded by many consumers as a hip lifestyle drink which is healthy for consumption. Every customer in the market is always in need of refreshment that will quench their thirst. This may not be an easy p rocess as most of the drinks in the market are known to be artificial as opposed to Bionade which is a natural drink (Kotler et al., 2008, p. 21). This specifies its interest to people with specific health requirements and is not ready to consume artificial products. Business to Business In order to keep up with the high competition in the markets, there was need for the Bionade Company that was establishing them in USA to come up with a unique approach to business and their consumers. Making a natural drink made them have an advantage over other businesses which focused mostly on the artificial drinks. As a refreshment drink, it would be recommended by most consumers. The new packaging and branding of the commodity attracted the consumers in the market making the product to be on a high demand. The restaurant structure was one that attracted the consumers towards the place as opposed to other places which did not have a unique appearance. Despite the fact that they were not able to advertise their product on media, they were able to give it a unique branding which attracted most consumers. Business to Customers The manufacture of the product through a natural process of fermentation made most of the consumers to be attracted to the commodity. This was further enhanced by a red logo that made the drink be easily recognized by the consumers in the market (Marieke & De 2010, p. 67). The restaurant that was to be created in USA was one that was surrounded by a cultivated green herb garden and the intention here was to also educate the consumers on the ingredients of the herbs found in the refreshment. Providing enlightenment for the consumers is an idea that would be accepted by most consumers and this would in turn attract them towards the commodity. To attract more consumers in America, Bionade was also contemplating on adding more flavors in order to provide the consumers with a variety. Current Position within the USA Market In the beginning, the residents of America had a difficult with accepting the new beverage as they associated the word fermentation with alcohol and it was challenging to convince them that Bionade was refreshment (Steven 1994, p. 34). The ability to maintain strong links with various institutions enabled them to easily stabilize in America especially by paying more attention to educational institutions where coca cola and Pepsi had firmly established themselves. This was done in specific states namely San Francisco and Los Angeles which would serve as a basis to
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Dangers Of Passive Smoking Health Essay
The Dangers Of Passive Smoking Health Essay Passive smoking is breathing in the smoke of smokers, cigars or pipes. Environmental smoke includes the smoke exhaled from the smoker and the smoke emitted from the burning cigarette. Stream smoke from the burning cigarettes tend to wander in the room longer and the concentrations of carcinogens than the smoke exhaled from the smoker. So to have people smoking in the home, whether smoking in another room, the children remain at increased risk for smoke inhalation. Passive smoking not only affects the lungs of children but also affects the brain, heart, gut As of respiratory diseases, numerous studies have demonstrated that passive smoking increases the risk of tuberculosis infection, the onset of asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, or children frequent cough, runny nose. Experts estimate that each year about 150,000 to 300,000 children under 18 months of age with acute bronchitis or pneumonia related to the Smoke Free Environment. Children under 1 year old are the children of smokers with acute bronchitis or pneumonia more than double those of nonsmokers. Children in families with smokers are at risk to asthma increased more than 2 times daily, the number of hospitalizations for asthma treatment is much more than children whose family members do not smoke drugs. These children are exposed to environmental tobacco smoke or sore throat, inflammation of nasal congestion, hoarseness, and flu than non-exposed children. Children who are exposed to secondhand smoke also scraping the tonsils VA and cut more. Passive smoking can affect a childs heart muscle system. These influences include the limited supply of oxygen to the tissues of the body, reducing the heart rate response to activity, and gradually increase heart rate continuously. Passive smoking is also a risk factor for causing all kinds of other chronic intestinal diseases, colitis. Those children exposed to secondhand smoke, the risk of ulcerative colitis increased 2 times compared with children not exposed. Results showed that smoking increases the risk of metabolic syndrome a disorder related to the increased amount of fat in the stomach, leading to an increased risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. When you smoke anywhere toxic particles from tobacco will hide the hair and clothes. When you come in contact with me, even then you do not smoke again, the baby is exposed to toxins. And if you breastfeed, your baby will go to toxins through breast milk, Winickoff said. To protect young children, experts recommend parents as follows: Keep children away from smoking. Use a coat to wear outside each smoker. Wash your hands after smoking. Use other measures to stop smoking support To cope with the increasing restriction of smoking, big tobacco manufacturers in Japan has launched a product which the company claims is the first smokeless tobacco in the world. Mint looks Zerostyle regular cigarettes, but contains a tube containing a removable medication afraid. This tube is inserted into the filter and the smoker can enjoy a taste of the drug, plus the pleasant fragrance of mint flavor. The most special thing is these drugs do not release the smoke. two-thirds of the cigarette smoke from the burning will spread into the environment, not on smokers lung. The reason is a cigarette burn out of chips that it only took minutes to about two thirty-seconds for each cigarette. Nicotine. This is the addictive chemical, smoke a few times as it began to smoke because it stimulates the initial chemicals. Once inhaled, the nicotine running up the brain, making it supremely comfortable for follicle stimulating the adrenal glands and nerve cells. But the long-term use of nicotine cause heart palpitations, high blood pressure, taste buds numb, lonely mood, by the people. Carbon monoxide. This gas is odorless, colorless, has negative effects are taken the place of oxygen in red blood cells, causing the body of oxygen. Only very small quantities, but continuous work for longer, this gas is also taken to heart disease. 3-High tobacco. Cigarettes contain thousands of chemicals. Nearly half are natural or caused by chemical reactions between each other when the cigarette is burned. Several other manufacturers add to enhance the flavor. When burned, these chemicals to see each other and create tar (tar), a glue-like compound, gray. Inhalation, tar and throat irritation alveoli. Some chemicals found in plastics are acetone, ammonia, benzene, cyanide, formaldehyde, phenol, toluene, cadmium, arsenic, mercury, lead When smoke is deliberately flying in a watertight space, the air will be more air pollution as 40 times normal. -Sitting in this environment, many people are excited, the plant will eye, tears lead nose, itchy throat, chest pain, headache, dizziness, nausea. After half an hour, continue to breathe, the carbon monoxide in your blood, fast heartbeat, decreased inference judgments. Here are some of the reasons that children are more risk severe smoke inhalation and whose parents smoke in the house: 1-The lungs of young children, less growth completely; 2-immune system protects the bodys weak because they are new students; Because 3-breathing faster than adults so they inhale more harmful chemicals in the same time; 4-You can not protect themselves by staying away or tell the public does not want to inhale smoke, so take the battle to breathe. Where does the freedom to smoke cigarettes, there is no way to protect them with this hazardous smoke. Here are some of the risk of illness for children: When a new-born but had smoke inhalation, the growth of the lung is not perfect, leading to decreased lung function, poor health; b-balance Childhood passive smoking increases the risk of lung infection such as pneumonia, bronchitis. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the United States each year there are 300,000 children under the age of one lung infection with 15.000 children hospitalized treatment, just because the balance of passive smoking; Smoke makes you cough or, to talk and problems in the throat, wheezing. Many children have surgery to remove excess flesh in the throat department to avoid infection; e-hand smoke as much fluid accumulates in the inner ear caused surgery to treat or to put drainage pipes; e-Children with asthma can breathe air that tobacco smoke on asthma and the disease is more severe. Also smoking is the risk of asthma in children may be sick of this. Research in Britain and Israel concluded parents smoke, pneumonia of children doubled. -When parents smoke, then I can born underweight, premature death after birth or Sudden Death Syndrome (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) may be the reason for the reduction of oxygen to the fetus, because nicotine can do carbon monoxide and blood vessels take the place of oxygen in hemoglobin. After birth, that I continue smoking, the immortal dead twice. When severe addiction, the mortality increased fivefold since the common inhaled smoke excess air from the mother smoking drugs. Your mother does not smoke but smoking is the way children are born to light up. Had evidence of pathological changes leading to atherosclerosis newborn umbilical cord when the mother smoking or breathing secondhand smoke to spare. i-UK study shows that the balance of passive smoking reduces the likelihood of early childhood reading. This is not counting, parents smoking when children grow up and imitate smoking and became addicted. And the cycle was renewed generation after generation Khà ³i thuà ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬Ëœc là ¡ tà ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ¡i sà ¡Ã‚ »Ã… ¸ là m, nÆ ¡i cà ´ng cà ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â€ž ¢ng. This is a problem that has been public and government attention very much. The reason is safety in the workplace is very important. Employers have a duty to provide employees with a job without risks, a safe workplace. Since the 1980s, inhaled cigarette smoke has been seen as residual risk leading cause health risks at work and in public places. The new study shows that access to tobacco smoke in restaurants, more pub than in the workplace or other facilities. Restaurant staff, facilities have smoke are at increased risk for heart disease and lung and the employer must be responsible. There is much precedent court case, an employer must pay compensation for failing to protect the health and safety for workers with residual smoke. uly 3, 2003, Sir Liam Donaldson, a senior health officials of the British government, has announced that, who do not smoke but live with the population crush the pill will increase the risk of lung cancer from 20 30% and 25% of heart disease. Also, according to these officials, the creation of smoke-free environment will help people quit smoking addiction, but also avoids the risk of disease for millions of non-smokers, including many children, large and small. He also said that in the past 50 years, tobacco has no significant rival to death for his people the British Queen. Last November 2004, Britain began smoking bans in public places. Mindful of the adverse effects to passengers that smoking should not breathe smoke-polluted air, the airline also applicable law prohibiting smoking inside the plane. Most airports also a place where non-smokers. Kà ¡Ã‚ »Ã‚ ¹ nghà ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬ ¡ sà ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ £n xuà ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ¥t thuà ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬Ëœc là ¡ cà ³ à ½ kià ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ¿n khà ¡c They say that there seems to have exaggerated the effects of environmental tobacco smoke pollution on health; that the risk is not serious except for a few nasty little thing. They promised to publish the medical evidence is reliable passive smoking is not harmful to public health non-smokers. According to them, the campaign against smoking has caused damage not repaired for industrial production of cigarettes and they will launch a campaign asking people to protect the rights of smokers. A statement to be reminded many times in the journal Tobacco International is: Communism failed because people do not have freedom of choice. Smoking will last forever because smokers have a choice of smoking or not Là ½ luà ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ n cà ¡Ã‚ »a dà ¢n nghià ¡Ã‚ »Ã‚ n thuà ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬Ëœc là ¡ In principle, smoking or not smoking is a freedom of choice that no one individual or any government can ban. However, where interest, especially when the impact if create is not good for others may be restricted, prohibited. Some people argue: I smoke in my house, nobody has the right to ban because it is my freedom. But actually it is not used his right only to satisfy the nicotine craving only. Moreover, when tobacco smoke as a spouse or child of his poetry to breathe smoke, then carrying the disease, it is also a form of domestic violence, child physical abuse. That when there is domestic violence law to intervene to protect victims of secondhand smoke. So if you want a healthy spouse, fetal growth, healthy children to live happy life, please think about their responsibilities. There is also precedent for a divorce, a parent lose visitation rights because the children refused to stop smoking when near them. The UK, the adoption of standards, there does not account for smokers or sponsored child care, because cigarette smoke lead to risks to their health. er active smoking and alcohol voluntarily. Phà ²ng ngà ¡Ã‚ »Ã‚ «a rà ¡Ã‚ »i ro-Bà ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ £o và ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬ ¡ sà ¡Ã‚ »Ã‚ ©c khà ¡Ã‚ »Ã‚ e After decades of research, scientists have demonstrated the benefits of eliminating tobacco smoke, prevent environmental pollution. This is a work necessary to protect the health of everyone, especially when that did not want to breathe the air pollution there. Service or learn to observe, the risk of causing illness that may prevent passive smoking, the balance of the third, aftScientific evidence for or: there is no safe level for any cancer-causing agents. So environmental tobacco smoke as much or even less, should be eliminated at their workplaces, private homes and public places. As a reminder that smoke and odors can be reduced by ventilation systems, but some chemicals are still hanging around the house several hours after smoking. Public places as enclosed spaces frequented by the public, activities such as offices, hospitals, schools, professional or public places, banks, restaurants, entertainment, sports performance, training fitness training, waiting room, reception room people living in this environment should be protected, sheltered before the dangers of toxic substances in tobacco smoke. Phà ²ng ngà ¡Ã‚ »Ã‚ «a à ¡Ã‚ »Ã… ¸ nhà Do not smoke or let guests smoke in the house; b-If for reasons of force majeure that a family member smoking indoors, they should increase the ventilation system in rooms where people smoke it, expand the window, use extra fans to smoke out the milk; c-No smoking around children, especially infants because they are highly susceptible to cigarette smoke; e-Not to keep the baby, who helped the smoke in the house or near them; Select e-home child care has a clear plan for smoking ban. Phà ²ng ngà ¡Ã‚ »Ã‚ «a tà ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ¡i nÆ ¡i là m vià ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬ ¡c The agency safety and health workers are encouraging each facility must have a plan on smoking. Primary purpose is to protect those who do not smoke, avoid breathing secondhand smoke in an unwanted environment. Here are a few methods can be applied: a-Banning smoking in the premises or restrict smoking in designated locations; b-air in smoking rooms are allowed to exit directly out outdoors with ventilation, not flow into other rooms. This room must be placed separately from the work to non-smokers from the back and forth. Those who do not smoke should not use this room for any demand, any service. If you set up outdoor smoking area shall prohibit smoking right outside the doors for non-smokers can use that path. Should be consistent with outdoor ashtrays to break ground population, smoking; e-There should be programs to help people who want to quit. Sometimes working in the smoking ban is encouraging people addicted motivation goodbye yellow smoke, because many people are unaware that their habit was harmful to others. -Phà ²ng ngà ¡Ã‚ »Ã‚ «a tà ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ¡i tià ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬ ¡m ăn, tià ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬ ¡m rÆ °Ãƒ ¡Ã‚ »Ã‚ £u Currently, in many localities have passed laws that prohibit smoking in city restaurants, Pub. Many employers sometimes do not want to ban smoking in restaurants, for fear of losing customers. But the study said: smoking bans do not affect the profitability of the service that contrary to many people prefer the back because I feel safer. Employers should have no smoking areas and smoking areas. This division will somewhat reduce smoke for nonsmokers. No smoking area should be placed near the top of the air supply. Smoking area near the exhaust out. Bà ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ £o và ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬ ¡ cà ¡ nhà ¢n Do not smoke, but want to avoid the risk of environmental tobacco smoke pollution, they may protect themselves by: a. Tell everyone they have contact with cigarette smoke is offensive to her. To sign Please do not smoke in the house, car, office work. b-When the restaurant, so pick the smoking areas as far as possible; c. Require government measures to protect against secondhand smoke in public places; e-Support the establishment plans to ban smoking; e-When meeting people, where the proposal is specifically for people addicted to smoking; g-on professional or public, to sit as far from smokers as possible; h-If anyone smoke near her, then gently tell them that you are allergic to smoke. Or away from where people smoke. Kà ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ¿t luà ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ n In many countries, the problem is excess smoke inhalation is a special public attention. The reason is there much evidence of adverse effects caused by this pollution to health. In the U.S. alone, every year there from 9700-18.6000 children were born underweight; 1900-2700 children die suddenly; 700,000-1,600,000 children with otitis media; 800,000 new asthma cases are detected; 400,000-1,000,000 cases of aggravated asthma; 150000-300000 children with bronchitis or pneumonia. All are caused by residual smoke. Not to mention that many cases of lung cancer, heart disease, the risk of uterine cancer. So the problem of passive smoking should be more public agencies and institutions of each country abetting satisfactorily resolved, to eliminate the acceptance of this reluctance to tobacco smoke pollution. And so people are comfortable living life in peace.
Friday, October 25, 2019
All Quiet On The Western Front :: essays research papers
The novel All Quiet On The Western Front contains many incidents where the readers can hold characters responsible for their actions, however his novel in particular relates to the clash of values. Though fictional this novel by Erich Maria Remarque, presents vast detail through the conflicts at the Western Front. Corporal Himmelstoss a character in the novel is portrayed as a stereotypical military man, whose actions, when all's said and done, speaks for itself as the reader really does not question his iniquitous behaviour. However, apart from just the reader holding such characters morally accountable for their actions the novel concerns the rejection of traditional values, Paul’s disillusionment, and life opposed to death. Through such clashing of values, Remarque creates a confronting novel where the plot is for the most part articulated around values in conflict. The stereotypical stance of Corporal Himmelstoss, a military officer, is presented as a physically undersized man who wears a waxed moustache, which ideally supports the many defiant occasions where he disheartens the young soldiers. Throughout the novel where he is sent into the trenches we accept his role of breaking the spirits of the young soldiers. However, we understand why Paul and Albert Kropp take revenge beating him up. It is through these instances where the reader can almost understand a character through his right and wrong actions. Remarque’s inclusion of such scenes in the novel acts out the bitter anger and disillusionment of the young soldiers. The constant close companion of death besides Paul and his friends provides such clashing of values. Throughout the novel Paul never really recalls their opponents, the allies, as enemies. We also hardly see the other side other than the time where they took on the French militia; infact it would be appropriate to conclude that their real enemy in the war was the enemy Death. Every soldier in the war wasn’t innocently fighting for his country in an attempt to win, soldiers were fighting in order to survive death – it is only the fact that chance and luck kept them going. Paul and his friends could not comprehend that World War One was simply fought due to some document signed by each side’s respective leaders. These events allow readers to follow through that novel above all was concerned with values of life against death, and peace against war. Perhaps Remarque’s intended theme at the
Thursday, October 24, 2019
China’s Relations with African Countries: Strategic Perspective (Case of Madagascar)
Communication University of China 2012-2013 Academic Year 1st Semester Course: MEDIA IN CHINA [pic] TOPIC: CHINA’S RELATIONS WITH AFRICAN COUNTRIES: STRATEGIC PERSPECTIVE (CASE OF MADAGASCAR) STU. NAME: RANDRIANASOLO Fenolanto Salome STU. NO. CLASS SCHOOL LECTUERER: PROFESSOR LUO QING GRADE: Master CHINA’S RELATIONS WITH AFRICAN COUNTRIES: STRATEGIC PERSPECTIVE (CASE OF MADAGASCAR) INTRODUCTION In recent decades, while China can ignore other countries, other countries cannot ignore China.It is beginning to play an increasingly important role in many areas such as economics, political, and socio-cultural. This is a great new rising power at the beginning of the 21st century. This explosive growth of China has generated significant debates among policymakers, scholars and business leaders on a number of levels. China is now building relationships in several countries especially in Africa. There have been a number of contacts between China and African states in recent deca des. This paper seeks to understand this recent shift in China’s relation with African countries such as Madagascar.Historical Background In 1955: 29 African and Asian states create the â€Å"Third world†to strengthen its base in Africa and Asia; Since 1960s: . The Chinese leader Mao supported the African independences. China supports the ambassadors of the emerging countries against Western interference in their internal affairs at the United Nations. In 1978: Deng Xiaoping decided to open the Chinese economy by establishing a new form of socialism; Since the 1990: African economies have opened up for the Asian powers including China; China becomes the spokesperson for developing countries within the WTO (world trade organization)Partnership China-Madagascar: China has become increasingly active on the African continent in recent years and this activity has drawn the attention of scholars and journalists, among others. Diplomatic Relations: Madagascar and China estab lished diplomatic relations November 6, 1972 and bilateral relations between the two countries continue to consolidate, develop and to strengthen since. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries in 1972, their relationship and cooperation in the economic, commercial and various grow without ceasing.In recent years, the leaders of both countries attach great importance the development of relations and exchanges of high-level increase, which gives great impetus to the rapid development of bilateral relations of friendship and Malagasy cooperation. The Minister of Foreign Affairs established the first diplomatic relations between China and Madagascar during the transition (1972-1975); The celebration of the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relationship between China and Madagascar held on 6th November 2012.Several high Malagasy personalities visited China since the 1990s such as the President of the Republic Albert ZAFY in 1994; Madagascar President Marc R AVALOMANANA arrived in Beijing in 2008. During the current transitional period, Ambassador of China Shen Yongxiang has presented his credentials to the Head of State Andrinirina RAJOELINA. Several high Chinese leaders such as the President of the National People’s Congress Chen Muhua; the Second Prime Minister Jiang Chungun and the Vice President of the Republic Hu Jintao was visited Madagascar.Economic Relations: If China's economic weight is felt in African countries, in particular Madagascar by its commercial dynamism, the country begins to be an investor not negligible. Since 2005, the partnership agreements between Madagascar and China have continued to increase. For example, the establishment of a cement factory, the construction of a large 5 star hotel by a Chinese group, the future construction of a hospital. And even well before the year 2005, investment in China has already had its place in the economy, be it in the industry â€Å"trade†.China is the largest partner of Madagascar in terms of imports; 95% of products from Madagascar benefit from the Chinese treatment tariff exemption; The agreement of economic and technical cooperation between China and Madagascar was signed in 2006. Several Chinese companies investing in Madagascar in the infrastructure, energy, the exploitation of oil and raw materials. Bilateral cooperation in the economic and commercial widens constantly rapidly increasing bilateral trade, investment activates the day and exchanges in cultural, educational and human intensify.The consultations between the two countries in international affairs reinforce more. Cultural Relation: During 40 years of partnership, China has provided more than 350 scholarships and has trained more than 860 government officials and journalist. CONFUCIUS Institutes were established in three provinces of the Big Island. Impact and perspective: The Chinese presence opens a new perspective for developing countries and it presents many more c hoices in terms of policy and developing model. It allows exploitation of natural resources with higher prices of raw materials and facilitates access to international aid.It promotes the diversification of investment, a new spirit based on the expression win-win more attractive. China's growth is pushing up global demand and therefore the price of commodities exported by African countries. In addition, China has become the main partner of several African countries: it provides cheaper manufactured goods and reduces their dependence on their ways traditional trading partners. In the case of Madagascar, the local market is still underdeveloped in that 20% of the population live in urban areas and in this context, the abundance of Chinese products (food, textiles, toys, shoes, appliances, †¦ Markets Local penalizes local industries to the extent that the price of Chinese products is well below the cost of local industries and supply is abundant. The competitiveness of local in dustries is low compared to the value of a product Chinese including textiles and food products. In the Capital Antananarivo, expansion and Chinese domination can be analyzed via the rapid development of a shopping center Behoririka (name of district) in the middle Capital in the image of Chinatown. Added to this is the development of restorations.However, these imports improve the well-being of people in that price consumer goods from China are within the powers of purchases population. The development of these businesses creates jobs but the salary level remains insufficient compared to the level of wages in the private sector in Madagascar. Chinese competition also exerts downward pressure on the cost of investment. Chinese equipment (transport, agriculture) is very cheap an alternative to higher quality goods. However, the lifetime of the equipment is not long compared to the same type of equipment from Europe.Chinese growth will boost African exports but will also increase vola tility. China opened its market by treating preferential tariff least developed countries, but this has not yet been impacted on African exports. In the case of Madagascar, export to the China is still insufficient compared to the values of imports and has been a decade. This increases the trade deficit Malagasy and may undermine the external reserves position of the Central Bank of Madagascar. If Europe the main export destination from Madagascar, China still relatively low and represents 2. 2%.In terms of trade between China and Madagascar, relationships become increasingly important during the last decade. Current trends regional trade showed a significant increase and the value of continuous imports from China, and a modest increase in export exports Madagascar to China. Changes in imports and exports of Madagascar with China do not evolve at the same rate, resulting in an imbalance of trade. The exchanges are obviously in favor of China. CONCLUSION In short cooperation with Ch ina is mutually beneficial and China has promoted the cultural development in Madagascar.Projects underway in Madagascar, which involve Chinese aid, are also very visible. In terms of foreign direct investment, the weight of Chinese investors is not negligible and is around 10%. The majority of Chinese capital from Hong Kong. Chinese companies are among the providers of jobs in Madagascar. If the participation of France in the capital is very dominant in Madagascar, China’s participation has increased by 0. 8% to 10. 9% over the same period and has a negative influence on the situation in France.This attests to the strengthening of the position China and offset somewhat the impact of French colonization of the current situation. The friendly cooperation in the field of education, health and trade, have borne remarkable fruit. We think that with the principle of mutual benefit, cooperation between China and Madagascar will have a bright future. REFERENCES †¢ http://www. b bc. co. uk/news/world-africa-13864364 †¢ http://www. irinnews. org/Madagascar †¢ http://www. state. gov/p/af/ci/ma/ †¢ file:///F:/feed%20back%20de%2040%20ans. htm †¢ file:///F:/CCTV%20mirrroir%20d%20afrik%20frappe%20chinoise. htm file:///F:/mada%20chine%202. htm †¢ http://www. xinhuanet. com/english/home. htm †¢ Perspectives economiques en Afrique. OCDE. 2006 †¢ Plan cadre des Nations Unies pour l’assistance au developpement (UNDAF) Madagascar 2008-2011. Systeme des Nations Unies. Juin 2007 †¢ Rapport National sur le Developpement Humain Madagascar 2006 : Les technologies de l’information et de la communication et developpement humain. PNUD. Avril 2007 †¢ Les echanges entre la Chine et L’Afrique : Situation actuelle, perspectives et sources pour l’analyse , Jean Raphael Chaponniere, STATECO N °100, 2006.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Final Exam Hrdv 5700
Final Exam HRDV 5700 Career Management Recommendation 1. Executive Summary A brief summary of your recommendation and key points 2. Recommendation I am recommending a restructuring of employee mentorship and incentive programs to increase employee morale and decrease turnover. a) Mandatory Employee Goal Statements b) Upper Management Mentorship Twice a Quarter Upper Management team members will provide employees with Goal feedback and assessment * Twice a Quarter Mini Management Training Seminars c) Goal Completion Incentive Packages for Sales Team Members * Sales workers will receive predetermined incentives for meeting company sales goals d) Employee Commitment Bonus for Hourly Employees * Predetermined completion incentives will be set to encourage superior employee practices. Ie 90 days of time arrival will earn you an extra hour of lunch breaks, which can be saved to total up to one full day off then the record, will restart. . Justification This recommendation is being offered due employee evaluations that overwhelming viewed employer involvement in career management as almost non-existent. e) Employee Evaluations * Employees were interviewed and asked a standard set of questions to determine their view on employee Career Management. 4. Background f) History of the Issue: * Blanks Family Paper Company: midsize paper company located in the Midwest. * Current Employee Career Management Practices: None * Current Rational: Work and Get Paid Only Feature Article Fin 486 Final ExamCurrent Basis for hourly employees is work 40 hours and get paid for 40 with no incentives. Current incentive for sale worker: 8% of sales. With no sales incentives. g) Symptoms vs. Causes: * Blanks Family Paper Company current increased turnover from 2010 to 2011, increase in HR Complaints, overall moral is all what have called a need for Employee Career Management standards. * Increased turnover, and decrease in sales have been the major sparks for change. * After interviews, employee surveys, and irrefutable turnover percentage have all been used to gauge this need for change. ) Cost Implications: * Cost and Benefit Statement * What are the annualized costs and benefits? * Do the benefits outweigh the costs? * What will be the impact on the HR budget? i) Legal Implications: * There are no foreseen legal implications. But all newly implement practices will be evaluated annually by an outside law firm to check for any discrepancies. j) Relationship Implications: * The employees have voiced their concerns thoroughly and responding positively to all suggest forms of Career Management Reform. Supervisors and Managers should be ready and willing to implement these changes. Implementations of the new changes will prove to be beneficial to all employees. Increased company moral is always a positive * These changes will have a positive effect on retention and recruiting. Employees will be willing to stay at a company who values more than the time on the clock but also the lives that are developing. Furthermore, increased company moral and proven healthy and positive Employee Career Management Program will be an huge selling point in company recruitment.It is a major seller of college graduates who desire a career and not just a job. * Outside critics should likely be impressed by our company’s new direction and involvement in the wellbeing of our employees. * Will it impact recruiting and retention. k) Other company practices: * Solutions for Boosting Moral According to Forbes. com: a) Greenbacks are nice, of course, but barring those, Nelson discovered that most employees crave communication, involvement and autonomy. While a hearty pat on the back always feels good, extra attention and sense of ownership feel even better. ) â€Å"Every employee should be given the chance to determine how best to do their jobs, as well as increased authority and leeway in the handling of company resources,†says Nelson. c) Arbill, a Philadelphia-based workplace-safety consultancy, takes that observation to heart. The company boosts morale by giving the troops more responsibility. â€Å"We created employee committees to do things like set up a health fair, a food co-op and other [projects],†says chief executive Julie Copeland. d) But the extra work doesn't just make people feel good. Watching how employees manage these committees helps us create a great bench of leaders for the company,†says Copelan d. e) Taking an interest in your employees also means investing in their future. That's why training and development opportunities are energizing perks. Check out the local community colleges and university-extension departments for affordable classes, and foot part or all of the tuition for eager employees. f) Company picnics? Chuck them. Employees don't care–in fact, they find them a burden. Better to grant the flexibility for personal time to handle family obligations.Four-day work weeks are becoming popular (though they come with their own complications). If possible, consider letting people work from home one day a week–with gas at $4 a gallon, that savings will feel a like a holiday bonus. * Solutions for Battling Employee Turnover According to NFIB. com a) Surveys Employee satisfaction surveys can get to the root of workplace dissatisfaction. You might find that some people are leaving for better pay or benefits, whereas others feel they haven’t receiv ed sufficient training.Surveys set an expectation that management will act on the findings, so be sure to publish a follow-up plan of action afterwards. b) Happiness Assessments Mary Miller, CEO of janitorial services company JANCOA, says annual turnover at her company used to be over 360%. â€Å"Come 5 o’clock every day we were trying to figure out how we were going to get buildings cleaned,†she recalls. But Miller found that addressing employees’ happiness outside of the workplace trumped other methods for improving retention at her Cincinnati-based company.She started holding group conversations with employees to discuss what problems they faced in their personal livesâ€â€and what would make them happier overall. The company created a program called Dream Manager, whereby teams use creative ways to help employees achieve their dreams. In one case, two workers temporarily swapped schedules so that one could take a music production class. â€Å"Studies sh ow that turnover rarely has anything to do with money,†Miller says. Through this program, Miller says she’s lowered the turnover rate to 45%. c) Hiring Practices â€Å"Most companies don’t track their quality of hire,†says Quinn.They fail to examine retention among their best people, and so they don’t determine why their top performers are leaving. Revisit your employee selection process. Maybe conducting better interviews could weed out people who aren’t a good fit. Miller says she avoids hiring people who are concerned solely with money or don’t have any future vision for themselves. d) Consultants An outside consultant may help get more honest responses from employees and uncover blind spots in your practices. They may do on-site interviews to get to the source of dissatisfaction, and then propose solutions.They’ll also review human resources data such as exit interviews and performance metrics to look for areas for improve ment. 5. Timing: * These implementations can be presented and started almost immediately. However, I would Sales Employees a month to make any adjustments to their sales tactics that they deem necessary. 6. Evaluation of Alternatives * Alternative: Keeping the Current Employee Career Management as is. * Advantages: * No new investments will have to be made. * Employees will not have to restructure their current method of work * Disadvantages The very obvious dissatisfaction from employees will have not been address * Turnover will also not be addressed and will continue to be an issue and a non-selling point for recruitment. 7. Implementation * Specific Actions to be Taken and Time Table: * Complete Analysis of Verbal Surveys: 1 Month * Management Training for Mini-Management Training Seminars: 2 Months * Introduction of New Career Management Program to Hourly Workers and Sales Team: 1 Staff Meeting * Begin New Program: 1 Month after Introduction 8. Appendices (samples of forms used )
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Haunted House (1859) by Charles Dickens
The Haunted House (1859) by Charles Dickens The Haunted House (1859) by Charles Dickens is actually a compilation work, with contributions from Hesba Stretton, George Augustus Sala, Adelaide Anne Procter, ​Wilkie Collins, and Elizabeth Gaskell. Each writer, including Dickens, writes one â€Å"chapter†of the tale. The premise is that a group of people has come to a well-known haunted house to stay for a period of time, experience whatever supernatural elements might be there to experience, then regroup at the end of their stay to share their stories. Each author represents a specific person within the tale and, while the genre is supposed to be that of the ghost story, most of the individual pieces fall flat of that. The conclusion, too, is saccharine and unnecessary- it reminds the reader that, though we came for ghost stories, what we leave with is a mirthful Christmas story. The Guests Because this is a compilation of separate short stories, one would not expect much character growth and development (short stories are, after all, more about the theme/event/plot than they are about the characters). Still, because they were interconnected via the primary story (a group of folks coming together to the same house), there could have been at least a bit of time spent developing those guests, so as to better understand the stories they ultimately told. Gaskell’s story, being the longest, did allow for some characterization and what was done, was done well. The characters remain generally flat throughout, but they are recognizable characters- a mother who would act like a mother, a father who acts like a father, etc. Still, when coming to this collection, it cannot be for its interesting characters because they just are not very interesting (and this could be even more acceptable if the stories themselves were thrilling ghost stories because then there i s something else to entertain and occupy the reader, but †¦).  The Authors Dickens, Gaskell, and Collins are clearly the masters here, but in my opinion Dickens was in fact outshone by the other two in this one. Dickens’s portions read too much like someone trying to write a thriller but not quite knowing how (it felt like someone mimicking Edgar Allan Poe- getting the general mechanics right, but not quite being Poe). Gaskell’s piece is the longest, and her narrative brilliance- use of dialect in particular- are clear. Collins has the best paced and most appropriately toned prose. Salas’s writing seemed pompous, arrogant, and long-winded; it was funny, at times, but a bit too self-serving. The inclusion of Procter’s verse added a nice element to the overall scheme, and a nice break from the various competing proses. The verse itself was haunting and reminded me quite a bit of the pace and scheme of Poe’s â€Å"The Raven.† Stretton’s short piece was perhaps the most enjoyable, because it was so well-written and more intricately layered than the rest. Dickens himself was reportedly underwhelmed and disappointed by his peers’ contributions to this serial Christmas tale. His hope was that each of the authors would put into print a certain fear or terror particular to each of them, as Dickens’s story did. The â€Å"haunting,†then, would be something personal and, while not necessarily supernatural, could still be understandably frightening. Like Dickens, the reader may be disappointed with the end-result of this ambition. For Dickens, the fear was in revisiting his impoverished youth, the death of his father and the dread of never escaping the â€Å"ghost of [his] own childhood.† Gaskell’s story revolved around betrayal by blood- the loss of a child and lover to the darker elements of humanity, which is understandably frightening in its way. Sala’s story was a dream within a dream within a dream, but while the dream could have been unnerving, there seemed little that was truly frightening about it, supernatural or otherwise. Wilkie Collins’s story is the one in this compilation which could actually be considered a â€Å"suspense†or â€Å"thriller†story. Hesba Stretton’s story, too, while not necessarily scary, is romantic, somewhat suspenseful, and well-accomplished overall. When considering the group of tales in this compilation, it is Stretton’s which leaves me wanting to read more of her work. Ultimately, though it is called The Haunted House, this compilation of ghost stories is not really a ‘Halloween’-type read. If one reads this collection as a study of these individual writers, their thoughts, and what they considered haunting, then it is quite interesting. But as a ghost story, it is no extraordinary achievement, possibly because Dickens (and presumably the other writers) was a skeptic and found the popular interest in the supernatural rather silly.
Monday, October 21, 2019
United States Constitution essays
United States Constitution essays The Constitution Right from the beginning of its creation the constitution of the United States has been a shaky document. The very basis for it being there was in fact illegal. The story of American politics starts with the Declaration of Independence. This document was brilliantly written by Thomas Jefferson and compacted all of the great ideas of enlightenment into one short easy to read paper. The declaration stated all of the ideals the new American nation would strive for. A constitution was needed as a way in which to fulfill those goals. The articles of confederacy were created as that constitution. However, they were weak, because no state wanted to give away any of their powers, and so the articles eventually failed. That is when the modern day constitution was starting to form. The Articles of Confederacy stated that in order to change any part of the document all thirteen states must agree to the change. Therefor a meeting was called so that they could amend the failing articles. However, representatives from two of the states did not show up. Even though not all states were represented the meeting started and the first vote was to totally throw away the Articles of Confederacy. The constitution wasnt formed yet and it was already a flawed document. Because not all states were represented when the articles required it, the constitution was an illegal document. The delegates working on the constitution new that they needed a stronger document, because the articles proved too weak, but it still needed to please all of the states. This was impossible. So what ended up happening was the new document became more and more vague. The only way to create a document that would pass was to make a document which didnt really solve any problems but make each state believe that there problems would be fixed. This was accomplished by making it so that it was too vague to offend ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Learn How to Conjugate Produire (to Produce) in French
Learn How to Conjugate Produire (to Produce) in French The French verb produire looks similar to its English meaning of to produce, so that makes it relatively easy to remember. However, if youre going to use it properly in a sentence, its necessary to know its verb conjugations. These allow you to say things such as produced and producing and this lesson will help you learn those essential conjugates. The Basic Conjugations of Produire French verb conjugations are not the easiest part of learning the language because you have many words to memorize. Some verbs are more challenging than others and, unfortunately, produire is one of those. Produire is an irregular verb and it does not follow a regular conjugation pattern. However, it is not alone because all French verbs ending in -uire are conjugated in the same way. To make each a little easier to learn, consider taking on a few at a time. The irregularity of this verb means you will have to commit all of its conjugates to memory. Beginning with the indicative mood is the best approach. This includes the basic present, future, and imperfect past tenses that you will use most often in conversation. Using the chart, match the subject pronoun with the appropriate tense for your subject. This will show you which ending is added to the verb stem (produi- ) to produce the conjugate. For example, je produis means I am producing while nous produisions means we produced. Present Future Imperfect je produis produirai produisais tu produis produiras produisais il produit produira produisait nous produisons produirons produisions vous produisez produirez produisiez ils produisent produiront produisaient The Present Participle of Produire Acting as a verb, or a noun, adjective, or gerund in some circumstances, the present participle of produire adds -sant to the stem. This produces the word produisant. Produire in the Compound Past Tense Passà © composà ©Ã‚ is the French compound past tense. This construction requires the past participle produit along with the present tense conjugate of avoir. When you put the two together, you get phrases such as jai produit (I produced) and nous avons produit (we produced). More Simple Conjugations of Produire There are a few more basic conjugations you may need. Among those are the subjunctive and the conditional. The former implies uncertainty while the latter is used in if...then situations. Both the passà © simple and the imperfect subjunctive are literary tenses and found most often in literature. Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je produise produirais produisis produisisse tu produises produirais produisis produisisses il produise produirait produisit produist nous produisions produirions produismes produisissions vous produisiez produiriez produistes produisissiez ils produisent produiraient produisirent produisissent You might also find the French imperative useful for produire. When you do use it, its okay to skip the subject pronoun and simply say produis.​ Imperative (tu) produis (nous) produisons (vous) produisez
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Financial Accounting and Reporting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Financial Accounting and Reporting - Assignment Example 4). iii. They need the information about the resources of the organization not only to assess the prospects for future organization’s net cash inflows but also to identify how efficiently and effectively the organizations management has discharged or performed their duties and responsibilities in using the existing resources of the organization. For instance, it helps them to portray the results of the stewardship management hence being able to assess the management’s accountability so that their decision making process is influenced for their betterment (Weygandt et al 2010, pg. 4). Q1.2. Regulatory agencies and bodies are basically formed to address the needs of various user groups of financial statements. They usually address these needs by specifying procedures and requirements that should be followed in preparing and presenting financial statements. The different aspects used in addressing these needs include This Framework states the basic concepts that should be followed in preparing and presenting the financial statements particularly for the external users. It addresses the needs of different user because by addressing the reporting of the financial reporting, qualitative characteristics of the useful financial information, and by stating the definition, measurement and recognition of different elements of the financial statements (Alexander & Archer, 2008, pg. 2.20). IAS on the other hand, addresses the needs of the users by detailing the preparation of financial statements and by explaining the accounting treatment of various items in the financial statements, for instance inventories, leases, intangible assets to mention but a few. IFRS on the other hand, are designed in order to make company accounts comparable and understandable across international boundaries because it acts as a common global language particularly for multinational corporations. They specify accounting rules to be followed by accountants in
Friday, October 18, 2019
Hip Hop Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Hip Hop - Essay Example This paper gives a relationship between the aspects of written poetry and the hip-hop music lyrics. Just like normal English poems, the string of words used in the lyrics of a hip-hop genre has a pattern seen in the lines. Mos Def’s lyrics depict the same pattern depicted in poems. He uses rhyming words such as tomorrow, follow, there it is, and where it is, to build a rhyme in his rap. English poems use these feet to build strings in the flow of the poem. Poets bring together repetitions of similar strings of feet in composing the lines of a verse. Hip-hop uses rap and music to bring out the rhyming elements in the verse. Thus, poetry will rely greatly on the reader to discover the rhyme in the verses (Bradley 39). Poetry and hip-hop lyrics use language to present information above the literal meaning of what the writer conveys in the lyrics. In essence, both writings are rich in the use of symbolism. When Mos Def speaks of getting a rash on his lips from speaking the King’s English, he means something very different from what the words represent. The use of symbolism is an ancient art of poetry. Symbolism is the backbone of language and dictates a writer’s command of the language (Bradley 49). Apart from symbolism, alliteration, metaphors, and similes, are other uses of language in poetry. The art of comparison forms part of the major technique that hip-hop artist use in writing their lyrics. In his lyrics, Mos Def compares his success’ brightness to be so bright that everyone watching him will have to use squinted eyes to have a look at it. By this, he shows that no one is capable of reaching the heights that he has attained already. The use of language in poetry helps the reader build vivid descriptions as he reads along. In rap, it helps the listener to understand clearly the message that the rapper brings along (Bradley 55). Metaphors in poetry emphasize on the comparison aspects in a poem making a poem interesting.
City Council Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
City Council Paper - Essay Example Motorist ought to be offer with relatively safer, smoother and structurally sound roadway system. This will reduce the traffic congestion on the road. Even though an inconvenience to the daily routines, road construction is fundamental to ensuring that the underlying motorists are offered with safer and functional roads. The pressing issue and reason for the present traffic congestion rests on the underlying want of the citizenry to understand and exercise substitute method of transportation. In progressive towns such as Bloomington, citizens with vision of future possess the capability of raising the consciousness of the status quo (Black, pp34-87). Bloomington residents have interest in the present alternative Transportation by offering bicycling community with a network of user friendly commuter lines and paths. The City Planning Department ought to be swift in offering bicycle commuter lines on under advanced tracts of land, develops an opportunity to enhance alternative transpor tation, recreation and preserving open space corridors. Nevertheless, large scale efforts demand coordination at all the prevailing levels of administrative coupled with comprehensive planning vision. The achievement of the underlying vision does not merely end at the quality of life issues. Comprehensive alternative transportation and recreation plans will promote economic advancement (Black, pp34-87). The city is aware of the inherent value that such strategy might have on the marketing Bloomington, tourism and strengthening economic advancement. The problem of sustainability of the Transportation Alternative such as bicycle paths have rise numerous and diverse interests. Sustainable development will only be achieved when Bloomington implement an effective alternative transportation strategy for its citizens. Nevertheless, the effective process of such projects that can sustain development is still skeptical. The considerable strive
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Hollywood Cinema Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Hollywood Cinema - Essay Example are those commercial feature films which, through repetition and variation, tell familiar stories with familiar characters in familiar situations,†he says. â€Å"They also encourage expectations and experiences similar to those of similar films we have already seen...a movie was a ‘western’ or a ‘war movie’ or a ‘musical,’ and such descriptive labels came to signal information to prospective consumers about the story and the kind of pleasure it was likely to offer.†(Barry K. Grant, Film Genre Reader III, Int., p.1-2, University of Texas Press, Austin, 2003.) Analyzing films based on genre allows for a more complete assessment of each film. It does not assume the authorship of the film to be strictly that of the director, as has often been the case in film analysis. â€Å"The auteur theory led to such nonsense,†says Phillip Dunne, the noted screenwriter of, among other films, How Green Was My Valley. â€Å"If John Ford was the supreme creator of How Green Was My Valley, then who was Daryl Zanuck, me, Richard Llewelyn, who wrote the novel, or William Wyler, the director who prepared the script for production with me...To give sole authorship to a non-writer director is just absurd.†(Lee Server, Screenwriter, p.110, The Main Street Press, Pittstown, NJ, 1987.) It is quite common for many of the genres to overlap. Gothic films can often also be categorized as horror films and also as science fiction. The series of Frankenstein films made in the 1930s by Universal Pictures would be examples of this. The gloomy setting in the basement of an old mansion makes them part of the gothic genre. The monster terrifying the local people makes it a horror film, while the creation of a monster by a doctor makes it science fiction. Other films which would fit into all three genres include two others produced by Universal Pictures, (which had great success producing horror films in the early thirties) Dracula from 1931 and The Invisible Man (which shows the close
Influence of Technology on decision making Assignment
Influence of Technology on decision making - Assignment Example First, it is the tangible category, which includes the models, blue prints, operating manuals and lastly the prototypes. Second category is the intangible. Here, technology is divided into sub categories involving the problem-solving, training method and lastly the consultancy section. Third category is high. It follows that the above represents the entire aspect of intelligent and automated technology that logically manipulate ever-powerful forces and finer matters. The fourth category is the intermediate part, which involve the following: partially and semi-automated technology that bears the mandate of manipulating medium level forces and refined matters. The fifth category is the low. Here, it is worth noting that the low category of technology in an organization involves a technology that manipulates the objects in a labor-intensive manner (Argenti, 2006.p. 5). It is pertinent top note that decision-making is a vital stage in the progress of manipulating data in a firm to acquir e the desired output. Therefore, it is pertinent for the organization to embrace technology when solving pertinent issues on decision making as stated in this essay. On other hand, decision-making is the section of the management that is integrated. In management criterion, the sound decision-making and rational is referred to as the primary function of management. It is worth noting that for any management to be successful, managers usually take in a lot of decision either consciously or subconsciously, and letter they make it core concepts in their management role (Dede, 2000.p. 2). First, according to (Argenti, 2006.p. 23) it is important to heed that manipulate of Technology on decision-making where the decisions arte made on ladders. The author goes ahead to illustrates that the above depends on the kind of technology to be employed. Therefore, the author argues that for effective analysis of decision-making, it is pertinent to correspond it with the right technology. For insta nce, if process cost and data storage has gone down, it is important to employ information in the database. Therefore, it will be easier for the managers to access the information thus making necessary decisions. The articles, written by Vannoy,& Palvia,, Argenti and also Vannoy, although they both bear different tiles the authors’ aim was to bring at home the point that the kind of technology used will affect the desired output. Some of the technology in list is the emails, wireless data transfer as well as mobile phone. The authors affirm that such technology has mad it easier for those employed to tackle the communication issue in the organization. At the same time, the article written by (Awasthi, & Varman, 2010.p. 65), involves data collection by the school of economics in London. The above school collected data about the structure of organization, which was compared to multinational firm (Dede, 2000.p. 23) as per the article written by (Christensen-Szalanski, 2010). It is evident that the above study aimed at examining the links between communication technology and the information flow in organizational structure. Thus the authors asserts that ERP a long with technology paves way for the workers to effectively solve both the production and design problems without their superior’s inputs. In addition, the researchers did conclude that it ids high time for the companies to be keen on the use of technologies. The above sentence is in regard to where decisions making should be incorporated.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Geotechnical Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Geotechnical - Essay Example Geotechnical engineering uses the geophysical methods in measuring the physical properties on the earth sub surface. These methods have the potential of measuring the anomalies in the properties of soil to identify the position and the presence of minerals (Das and Sobhan, 2013). They involve applying physical methods in measuring the physical traits of rocks and soil thus detecting the physical differences between the rocks that have the hydrocarbons or ore deposits. This paper explores the different types of geophysics method and their use in geotechnical engineering. Electromagnetic induction (EM) involves a method that uses the induction principles in measuring the electrical conductivity of the subsurface. Different from the techniques of conventional resistivity, EM requires no contact in the ground. This eliminates the fast problems of electrical coupling allowing much acquisition of rapid data. Since the EM instruments give an easy and rapid collection of data, the instruments are always used as the tools of reconnaissance used in identifying the greatly detailed anomalies (Nobes, 2000). The induced electromagnetic pulse can be measured using the frequency domain meters and time domain meters. GPR (ground penetrating Radar is utilized in pinpointing the buried objects location and mapping and having stratigraphy mapped out. It gives the shallow subsurface cross-sectional measurements. The method has the ability of locating the nonmetal and metal objects. In many cases, data and profiles are recorded and the result is shown using the real time having the attached display unit of the computer. This results into a fast and easy field interpretation. More data interpretation could be done later (Nobes, 2000). The instruments of GPR have energy beamed into the ground from the antenna in the electromagnetic wave form. An energy position is reflected towards the antenna at the specific subsurface
Influence of Technology on decision making Assignment
Influence of Technology on decision making - Assignment Example First, it is the tangible category, which includes the models, blue prints, operating manuals and lastly the prototypes. Second category is the intangible. Here, technology is divided into sub categories involving the problem-solving, training method and lastly the consultancy section. Third category is high. It follows that the above represents the entire aspect of intelligent and automated technology that logically manipulate ever-powerful forces and finer matters. The fourth category is the intermediate part, which involve the following: partially and semi-automated technology that bears the mandate of manipulating medium level forces and refined matters. The fifth category is the low. Here, it is worth noting that the low category of technology in an organization involves a technology that manipulates the objects in a labor-intensive manner (Argenti, 2006.p. 5). It is pertinent top note that decision-making is a vital stage in the progress of manipulating data in a firm to acquir e the desired output. Therefore, it is pertinent for the organization to embrace technology when solving pertinent issues on decision making as stated in this essay. On other hand, decision-making is the section of the management that is integrated. In management criterion, the sound decision-making and rational is referred to as the primary function of management. It is worth noting that for any management to be successful, managers usually take in a lot of decision either consciously or subconsciously, and letter they make it core concepts in their management role (Dede, 2000.p. 2). First, according to (Argenti, 2006.p. 23) it is important to heed that manipulate of Technology on decision-making where the decisions arte made on ladders. The author goes ahead to illustrates that the above depends on the kind of technology to be employed. Therefore, the author argues that for effective analysis of decision-making, it is pertinent to correspond it with the right technology. For insta nce, if process cost and data storage has gone down, it is important to employ information in the database. Therefore, it will be easier for the managers to access the information thus making necessary decisions. The articles, written by Vannoy,& Palvia,, Argenti and also Vannoy, although they both bear different tiles the authors’ aim was to bring at home the point that the kind of technology used will affect the desired output. Some of the technology in list is the emails, wireless data transfer as well as mobile phone. The authors affirm that such technology has mad it easier for those employed to tackle the communication issue in the organization. At the same time, the article written by (Awasthi, & Varman, 2010.p. 65), involves data collection by the school of economics in London. The above school collected data about the structure of organization, which was compared to multinational firm (Dede, 2000.p. 23) as per the article written by (Christensen-Szalanski, 2010). It is evident that the above study aimed at examining the links between communication technology and the information flow in organizational structure. Thus the authors asserts that ERP a long with technology paves way for the workers to effectively solve both the production and design problems without their superior’s inputs. In addition, the researchers did conclude that it ids high time for the companies to be keen on the use of technologies. The above sentence is in regard to where decisions making should be incorporated.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Stay at Home vs Working Mothers Essay Example for Free
Stay at Home vs Working Mothers Essay I have been fortunate enough to experience being both a stay at home mom and a work away from home mom. Currently there is a societal debate on which approach raises a healthier and better adjusted child. On that I cannot comment as I have not yet raised a child to adulthood, but having my own mixed feelings on this topic I can clearly see the vast differences to each method. Does working away from home make a more secure and adaptable child? Does staying home form a stronger bond? Does working away from home leave a child to be raised by a daycare provider with different values than your own? Does staying at home compromise social skills and personality? These are the questions that most parents face when they are trying to balance raising a happy and healthy family with paying bills and providing adequate food and shelter. Is one choice really better than the other? I will attempt to use my humble experience to compare these two approaches, not in an effort to decide which the ideal is, but simply to point out what I see to be the differences between each. Each morning as I headed to work, I stopped off along the way to drop my child off at a carefully chosen home daycare facility. From day one, I was fortunate enough to have a child that was easy going enough to leave me for a few hours each day to learn and grow in an environment where learning was first and foremost. I’ve never had to deal with the crying and leg-clinging torture sessions that many children and parents go through almost every-single-day. As a new parent I agonized over the decision to go back to work and send my baby to daycare or stay home and live in poverty because I couldn’t bear the separation. I thought that I was doing my child a disservice by leaving her and creating an insecure environment. On the contrary, I felt that leaving her in the care of someone that I have carefully screened and interviewed has made her a more secure little being. She was secure knowing that mommy leaves her in the morning for a fun filled day of activities and story time and will come back every evening like clockwork to pick her up. She knows that I will always come back. Being a stay at home mom, with all its merits, doesn’t give a child the opportunity to experience his parents leaving and coming back. The routine is not a routine, mommy is always home and there s never a need to worry because she is there to immediately respond to every irrational need and desire. In this scenario a young child never has to experience separation or getting used to a different style of care. Sometimes while at work I get emotional; am I missing out on my little ones formative years? Is she missing out on a mommy that should be there with her at this crucial time? I am! She is! It is me who should be taking her to the park, teaching her to go down the slide and to not let go on the swing. Is she forming a stronger bond with her provider than with his own mommy? Is she feeling so comfortable at daycare that she is not comfortable at home?. Those stay at home moms no doubt have a different kind of bond that working moms don’t have. They are home all day every day to attend to each bump and scrape; to sleep train and potty train on their own terms with a consistency that will foster a strong, unbreakable bond. Oh, don’t get me wrong, working moms have strong bonds with their children too, but they are just following the instructions that someone else is leaving for them. There are six things to consider when deciding whether or not to go back to work or to stay at home with your child or children. They are as follows: 1. Money- Consulting with a financial planner would help you to make a responsible decision because it is important that you are able to afford to stay home if that is your decision. 2. Personal Preference-It is crucial that you understand your own feelings concerning staying at home vs. going back to work because these feelings will affect your children’s lives. 3. Your Significant Other-Your partner’s support in your decision is important and crucial. 4. Social Network- Find a group of friends who are doing the same thing you are doing. This will be a circle of friends who will provide you with a huge amount of support. 5. Career Workplace-How family friendly is your workplace and your boss? 6. Culture- Think about how your family has raised all the children in the past. How will you let family tradition influence your decision? Above all, it is important to remember that Mother is not spelled p-e-r-f-e-c-t-i-o-n. All our children ask us to do is love them and take care of them. Working vs. staying at home is a decision that you have to make for your whole family keeping everything above in mind. For now, from my stand point there is no right or wrong answer, responsible parents do what they need to do to take care of their children. In this day and this economy being able to stay at home is a luxury and it may not always be the best option. And while being a working mom has definite emotional drawbacks it has strong arguments for being a healthy alternative. In any event there is no reason for one side to bash the other. Either can work if you allow it to . If parents provide love, comfort and security and plenty of quality time, we can be sure that this generation will be just fine.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Mental Health Groups: Theories and Methods
Mental Health Groups: Theories and Methods Constance Ballew All over the world the issue of mental health is a rampantly growing problem. With budget cuts both statewide and federally since the 1980’s by President Ronald Reagan, our country has had to create more cost efficient ways to meet the needs of our mental health crisis. Because of these budget cuts the need for more mental health services has grown and our county has responded to the outcry from those with mental health issues. Tulare County has come up with a way to help meet these needs locally through the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA), which was voted for in November 2004 and became effective January 2005. From August 2009 to October 20011 MHSA has helped over 16,000 Tulare county residents with mental health issues. This is possible because of a 1% tax surcharge on those who make $1 million or more per year. Mental health groups in Tulare County treat a broad spectrum of problems. From Bipolar Disorder and depression to schizophrenia, there are support groups to help c lients deal with the difficulties associated with mental illness (HHSA, 2012). In California the rate mental illness vary from county to county. Over all the rate of those with mental health issues in California are 16.3% that equals to about 4 million Californians. This percentage is a scarce comparison to that of all Americans who need mental health services. These figures which are 20-28% are alarming. Mental health affects everyone, even those who don’t have mental illness are affected by the mental health crisis in our county and country. Mental illness does not choose its victims by color, race, gender or age. Mental illness also does not prefer certain social or economic status. (Lund, 2001) Before 1956 many patients were not open to the idea of group therapy, almost two thirds of the patients in fact. And of those who entered group therapy 15% dropped out within the first 5 weeks of therapy. It is also shown in the study done by DeSchill that patients who had already received individual counseling did not increase their likely hood of staying in group counseling over those who had not. (DeSchill, 2014) The creation of mental health groups came from the need for more patients to be seen at a more economic and less time consuming. This is due to the introduction of Managed care into the mental health care system. Managed care has brought some limitations into treatment of mental illness as well as other groups. These are that managed care will pay for a certain amount of group sessions. There is a price cap on some of the sessions and therapist are often limited to the quantity and quality of care they provide group members. The Goal of mental health groups is to help people cope with the disabilities they face in life. It is this such support that helps many people around the U.S. live their lives in more fruitful ways than they would if they did not had the support of the mental health support groups. Mental health support groups provide an end to isolation. The isolation that people suffer who have mental health issues is debilitating and leads to early death rates for the mentally ill. According to Marla Szalavitz, in a study done by researchers at University College London, 6,500 people over the age of 52 where studied. The most isolated of those had a 26% higher chance of earlier death than those who were not isolated. Mental health groups have a valuable role in the part of treating those with mental illness, not just mentally but also physically (Szalavitz, 2013). The group members would be screened prior to entering the group. This is to ensure safety within the group and also to allow the maximum effectiveness for the group. The screening process would be done by a physician who would then refer the member to our group. This would help the therapist to focus on the members in the group who are able to do work and participate in their own change process. The roles of the members in a group are important to study. Each member role help to establish a flow for the dynamic and solidifies norms. The challenges of the leaders in a mental health group can be somewhat different from a leader in other groups. This is because the dynamic could change more often than that of other groups due to the challenges that face those with mental illness. The treatment models used to treat mental illness in group therapy according to Sara Battista, groups can be psychodynamic, cognitive behavioral psychotherapy and psychosocial. The purpose and goal of a mental health group is dependent on the type of model used. In psychosocial groups, the goal is to sustain a balance of norms in the clients life, change if it happens is slow and not expected with the psychosocial model of treatment. In a Cognitive behavioral model led group, the leader is an example for the group. The group is made of people with the same sorts of issues who seek the same goal. Psychodynamic groups focus on the role each member has had in their families or in society and now have in the group. (Battista, 2013) In addition to the generalization of the treatments used to treat mental health issues, there are more in depth tools used in groups for the treatment of mental illness. Depression for people who have a mild or moderate level has been treated with cognitive behavioral along with interpersonal psychotherapies. While patients who have a disorder such as schizophrenia have been shown to benefit from cognitive behavioral psychotherapy. (Lehman et al, 2004) Psychoanalytic groups or psychodynamic groups settings usually have anywhere from 5 to 10 people. In this type of setting there is a gender heterogeneity and the ages are usually within the same developmental stages. This is also a group which is cost effective and would benefit the members in financial hardship. The meetings are generally and 1  ½ long or longer depending on the group. This type of group would meet a couple of two to three time per a week. This model is used because of its effectiveness to deal with group issues such as resistance and transference. Because of the heterogeneity in the group, members are able to work out other emotional reactions they might have opposed to that of a homogeneous group. Group members use their interactions with each other to help them work out problems in their lives. There is a sense of self-awareness that is gained by this type of therapy in group and the individual is able to do work more efficiently than on his own (DeSchill, 1974 ). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy used in group sessions is cost and time efficient. This type of therapy helps the group members to focus on life issues such as relationships, matters of their health and are aims to help correct dysfunctional issues with the clients. The goals for this type of group would be to help the group members realize that they can have more choices than the ones that have had in the past. Also to replace faulty behavior with healthy emotions and behaviors. This group would be a smaller group of about 5-10 people and also heterogeneous. This group would most likely meet about twice a week for about 2 hours to help promote the necessary change needed in the group (Cowdry, 2012). Psychosocial group settings are settings in which the group members talk out their problems, this is an effective type of treatment for people who have various type of mental health disorders. The setting would also be gender heterogeneous and include different ethnic backgrounds. The cultural differences in the group may prove to be an issue of resistance but if the therapist is trained with a multicultural background it can be a learning experience for the rest of the group. This group much like the two previous types of groups I have mentioned would be smaller groups and would meet more frequently to help the process of change. (Cowdry, 2012) The group duration is ongoing for those with more serious mental health issues and can be more time limited for those with anxiety or depression issues. Since the goals for the groups are different. The duration would also be different. Meaning that people with schizophrenia will need a group with a longer duration, maybe 2 years while someone suffering from anxiety and depression may only need 16-18. This is because for those with serious issues the goals are more about maintaining their lives and with anxiety or depression it is to help produce change. The goals of each group would be depending on the degree of mental health issues in which the members have. For instance, the goals for group members who are more seriously mentally ill would more tailored to adapting or maintaining mental and physical health and not towards a cure or getting better. While the goals for groups that are for depression and anxiety are focused on cognitive and the behavioral changes for members. It is also focused on helping the group members see more positive ways to manage stress and coping skills to manage negative thoughts. (Corey et al, 2014). Group rules for mental health members should be clear and easy to understand. They should set limits on behaviors and encourage the members to share. Rules should also help to ensure safety and confidentiality within the group. Rules would be as follows; please allow people to finish sharing before speaking. Respect others thoughts and feelings. Please keep what has been shared in group inside group. Please share any thoughts or concerns you may have in group. The tools that can be used in the forming stage of the group can be activities used to create safety and trust. This would be for the first few sessions of the group. The next few sessions would be activities to confront resistance in the group so that the members can get through to the second stage of tuckmans model which is storming. Then a few team building exercises to help the group cohesion and encourage the norming stage. The next few sessions would be based on tools to increase performing within the members and the final stage and for the last few weeks group members and therapist would be focused on the ending of the group-termination. This final stage would be to help the member talk about any issues that they feel haven’t been addressed and also deal with the closing of the group. These last sessions will also be used to go over what has been learned by the group members, what they will do after group and help them with crisis plans. There are some ways in which a group can be evaluated to see if it has been an effective form of treatment. One way is to ask the clients to complete a pre group and post group questionnaire. This would ask questions asking the group member to rate their feelings toward themselves, their mental illness, their current abilities to function inside and outside of the group and also would ask them how willing they are to join the group. The post group questionnaire would also ask the client to rate their feelings based on how they felt after receiving the treatment in group. Another way to evaluate the effectiveness of the group would be to ask the group members to share with each other how they feel in group during the first few sessions about the effectiveness. This would be charted. The therapist can also ask members to come to a meeting after termination of the group in which they are asked their thoughts and feelings again about their time in the group. This would also be charted. T he comparisons used in the feeling checks before and after group can help the group leader determine the effectiveness of the group. A therapist can also evaluate the effectiveness of the group by research. The therapist can study how many people need more help, how many terminate early and for what reasons and also what changes need to be made to enhance the effectiveness (Corey et al, 2014). In doing this research, I found that mental health groups are a vital part of treating those with mental health issues. At times people feel alone, with group such as mental health treatment groups, members don’t have to feel alone and can relate to each other. References Battista, S. (2013) New Trends in Mental Health Treatment, National Alliance on Mental Illness, Retrieved From Corey et al, (2014) Theories and Techniques of Group Counseling, Groups Process and Practice, Ninth Edition, Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning Cowdry, R (2012) Treatments and Services, National Alliance on Mental Illness, Retrieved From DeSchill, S (1974) Introduction to Psychoanalytic Group Psychotherapy Part 1, The Challenge for Group Psychotherapy, Retrieved From Health and Human Services Agency (2012) Tulare County Mental Health Services Act, Five Year Report, HHSA, Retrieved From Lehman et al. (2004) Evidence-Based Mental Health Treatments and Services: Examples to Inform Public Policy, Millbank Memorial Fund Retrieved From Lund, L. E. (2001) Mental Health Care in California Counties: Perceived Need and Barriers to Access, Center for Health Statistics, Retrieved From Szalavitz, M. (2013) Social Isolation, Not just feeling Lonely May Shorten Lives, Time, Retrieved from
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Essay --
Introduction The Berlin Plus Agreement was signed on 16th December 2002 by Javier Solana, the European Union High Representative for the Common and Security Policy and George Robertson, Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The main purpose is to enhance a bilateral cooperation on international security. The first mission held through the Berlin Plus agreement was promoted by the EU in Macedonia and Bosnia (2003). Named Concordia it provided concrete evidence of the importance of the Berlin Plus to be effective in order to safeguard Europe. After Concordia, a small but successful operation, the Berlin Plus Agreement was once again used for a military mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina. EUFOR Althea was launched on 2nd December 2004 and has been going on until nowadays. Nevertheless these were the only missions undertaken within the framework of the Berlin Plus Agreement. Europe Common Foreign Security Policy (CFDP) was created in response to the lack of means from the EU during the Balkan Wars in the early 1990's. The Berlin Plus Agreement is a treaty created to legitimize the use of NATO means and expertise by the EU. Nevertheless politics had a huge impact in the effectiveness of the Berlin Plus Agreement. Before the creation of CSDP in the St Malo Act in 1998 – held during the Washington Summit - political tensions between Turkey and Cyprus/ Greece which had been going on since 1981 reached a climax after Greece became part of the then European Community (EC). Restrictions arouse between the EU and Turkey, their relationship worsened. The tension resulted from the EU recognition of Cyprus independence, whereas Turkey refused to legitimize it. The outcomes of these tensions were to jeopardize t... ...hree months) and a mission that would mean dealing with a real threat to national security. Furthermore the question about France ends up being very central in the CSDP question since France is the state that most pressures the EU to take part in military missions. Would CSDP exist if France was not there to pilot missions? Many European officials take the Foreign Policy of the EU for granted. The EU has been successful in the three missions engaged independently from NATO. Furthermore the main distinctiveness of the EU is its civilian comprehensive approach. Therefore this should be the main engagement of the EU. Even though the EU needs to have some security and defence protection for its borders, it should bear in mind that NATO exists to protect and defend its Member States and nothing less. Therefore NATO should not be ignored by the EU when CSDP is engaged.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Salem Scare Essay -- Literary Analysis, Arthur Miller
On the day of the hangings at Gallows Hill, many watched as friends and family were executed for crimes they had not committed. Arthur Miller wrote about that which preceded this morbid event in The Crucible. The story, which catalogs the witchcraft trials of Salem, was not an unprovoked piece of literature. At the time Miller wrote the play, America was dreadfully close to war with Russia, and many believed that communists were infiltrating the government. Joseph McCarthy was a man who oftentimes would accuse people of being â€Å"Reds.†Arthur Miller was one of the victims of McCarthy's verbal attacks. Although Arthur was in no way a communist, denying the accusation made others think he was guilty. This Catch-22 scenario reminded Arthur of the Salem Witchcraft trials of the late 1600's. Although the two events were hundreds of years apart, the â€Å"Red Scare†and the Salem Witchcraft Trials were very much alike. Frenzy was the main component of each happening, and this frenzy resulted in the unjust prosecution of many individuals. The definition, theme, and how the theme relates to my daily life are crucial to understanding The Crucible. The definition of â€Å"crucible†is â€Å"a test†. Throughout the play, many of Salem's inhabitants are tested in various ways. Of all the characters within The Crucible, there are three who had to make major decisions that would not only affect themselves but also affect the accused. John Proctor, a man who had quite a good reputation in Salem, underwent a test of moral integrity. Throughout the story, he is plagued with the guilt of having had an affair with Abigail, and in order to save his wife, must confess this sin to the court. Before his wife, Elizabeth, is taken to jail, she tells John this... ... By reading about how people within the play responded to their tests, one can reflect upon how they respond to their own tests in day to day life. The theme of how fear and suspicion feed upon themselves and result in the destruction of public order and good sense can show one the serious repercussions that come with not considering all scenarios and letting fear take control. How the theme applies to my daily life provides one with a real world example of how fear can break down reason and create unnecessary turmoil. Fear is a recurring emotion within Salem, and one that many in the village did not keep under control. This fear became a monster that consumed the town and unjustly killed many. In modern society, controlling our fear can save innocent lives and reputations and prevent occurrences such as the Salem Witchcraft Trials from ever happening again.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Portfolio Managemnt Essay
Overview KBIM Investment Inc. is a leading investment company incorporated in Barbados and licensed under the Companies Act cap 308 of the laws of Barbados. Founded in the year 2000, the company seeks to provide its investors with risk-adjusted returns in a management structure that closely aligns the interests of investors and managers. Further, KBIM has continued to evolve from a dedicated private equity investment firm to a diversified management company. The fund buys US and Canadian stocks from the New York Stock Exchange as well as from the Toronto market. The fund has been equally divided among the following four industries; financials, technology, pharmaceuticals and energy. To assure that efficiency is maintained, the net assets are calculated weekly at the end of each week (Friday) of all stock market transactions. Global Economic and Market Outlook The global economy is in a dangerous new phase. Global activity has weakened and become more uneven, confidence has fallen sharply recently, and downside risks are growing. Against a backdrop of unresolved structural fragilities, a barrage of shocks hit the international economy this year. Japan was struck by the devastating Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami, and unrest swelled in some oil-producing countries. At the same time, the handover from public to private demand in the U.S. economy stalled, the euro area encountered major financial turbulence, global markets suffered a major sell-off of risky assets, and there are growing signs of spillovers to the real economy. The structural problems facing the crisis-hit advanced economies have proven even more intractable than expected, and the process of devising and implementing reforms even more complicated. The outlook for these economies is thus for a continuing, but weak and bumpy, expansion. Prospects for emerging market economies have become more uncertain again, although growth is expected to remain fairly robust, especially in economies that can counter the effect on output of weaker foreign demand with less policy tightening. World Economic Outlook (WEO) projections indicate that global growth will moderate to about 4 percent through 2012 from over 5 percent in 2010. Real GDP in the advanced economies is projected to expand at an anemic pace of about 1 ½ percent in 2011 and 2 percent in 2012, helped by a gradual unwinding of the temporary forces that have held back activity during much of the second quarter of 2011. However, this assumes that European policymakers contain the crisis in the euro area periphery, that U.S. policymakers strike a judicious balance between support for the economy and medium-term fiscal consolidation, and that volatility in global financial markets does not escalate. Moreover, the removal of monetary accommodation in advanced economies is now expected to pause. Under such a scenario, emerging capacity constraints and policy tightening, much of which has already happened, would lower growth rates in emerging and developing economies to a still very solid pace of about 6 percent in 2012. Strategic Objectives KBIM Investment Inc endeavours to provide an above average, long-term total return fund by investing in small capitalization stocks listed from within the US stock exchanges. The fund’s investment style of small capitalization values the investment objective of growth funds. A growth fund seeks to find companies that are expected to show rapid future growth in earnings, even if current earnings are poor, or possibly non-existent. The latter is directed towards more aggressive investors seeking good performance in an expected market rise. KBIM Investment Inc places heavy emphasis on asset allocation which is a very important decision for any investor in terms of portfolio construction. Fund managers have decided based on strategy and policy of the fund to utilize tactical asset allocation. This approach is performed routinely as part of the ongoing process of asset management. Using this approach, market risk is insulated, where exposure to a particular market is increased when its performance is expected to be good. On the other hand there is decrease exposure to the market when performance is expected to be poor. An investor’s fate is basically determined by having allocated funds to asset classes. Risk, expected return, market expectations, risk tolerance and goals of the fund is reflected in the allocation of weights The following characteristics should be present for companies in which the fund invests: 1. The company’s share price is depressed after a period of negative growth 2. An acceptable level of financial strength, efficient control and effective management of business assets should be exhibited by the said Company. KBIM Investments Inc reserves the right to rebalance the portfolio after decisions have been made from review of the portfolio ever quarter. Rebalancing reduces the risks of sharp losses and is less volatile than a portfolio not rebalanced. At any time where the fund liquidates or suitable equity investments are absence, KBIM investments Inc will seek investments in short term debt securities or money market instruments. Risk KBIM investment equity fund is specifically for an investor who seeks to attain high returns and by doing this is willing to tolerate high risk to receive the maximum benefit from their investment. Investors must take into consideration that investments in only one portion of the economy may offer greater risk than a highly diversified fund. In addition to the above, a fund that invests in well-established companies may be less risky than one that favors start-up companies. Limitations Investors must take into consideration the impact of taxes on the portfolio. Further, changing tax laws imposed can become bothersome in terms of forecasting future tax rates. Investors must also abide by regulation requirements imposed by state and federal agencies. The latter specifies the actions an investor should take in terms of achieving objectives, given the preference of the investor and any constraints imposed. Benchmark To evaluate portfolio performance, the following questions should be answered; the first being whether or not the return on the portfolio was adequate after all expenses was taken care of? Next the amount of risk taken by the investor or portfolio manager in creating and managing the portfolio should be assessed. Finally what return should have been earned on the portfolio, given the risk taken and the alternative returns available to be earned from investments over the same period. KBIM will be benchmarked against the S&P 500 small cap index. The stocks for the fund were selected based on the following criterion: ROE > 10 Market cap > 1,000,000,000 Six month return >0 P/E < 15 Competitive Advantage The fund managers of KBIM, are committed to offering returns above average of similar portfolios. Through our investment strategic policies, we hope to attract investors who are seeking to hedge funds. Here at KBIM we also value enhancement services such as risk management, insurance reviews, consulting and corporate governance. The firm’s comprehensive offerings provide private equity clients with numerous competitive advantages throughout the private equity life cycle, including fund development, portfolio growth and divestiture. Fee Details Annual charges: Annual Management charges: 1.65% of net asset value Fund Administrative charges: 0.05% Registrar charges: 0.13% Fund expenses: 0.2% Commission: Sales charge of 1.85% will be charged on amounts invested into the fund. During the first week of investing, KBIM Investment Fund grew by 3.5%, as U.S stocks rose, driving the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index to its longest winning streak since February, amid optimism Europe’s leaders would announce a plan to contain the debt crisis and after McDonald’s Corp. (MCD) joined companies beating profit estimates. Financial shares in the S&P 500 added 3.9 percent as European finance ministers began negotiations to prevent a Greek default and shield banks. The S&P 500 climbed 1.1 percent to 1,238.25, the highest since Aug. 3, and had risen three straight weeks. It had surged 13 percent since Oct. 3, when it closed within 1 percent of a bear market, or 20 percent plunge, from its high in April. The Dow Jones Industrial Average also rose a fourth straight week, gaining 164.30 points, or 1.4 percent, to 11,808.79. Equities rose as European finance ministers approved a 5.8 billion Euro loan to Greece, and France retreated in a clash with Germany over expanding the bailout fund. Talks are to continue through Oct. 26. The S&P 500 also gained after 74 percent of companies that reported quarterly results topped the average analyst projection. During the second week of investing, KBIM Investment Fund grew by 4.54% amidst a week which ended with most U.S. stocks falling, as data on consumer confidence and spending failed to boost equities a day after European leaders expanded the region’s bailout plan. Stocks pared losses in the final minutes of trading on Friday, with the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index erasing a decline as it completed a fourth straight weekly advance, the longest streak since January. About four stocks declined for every three that rose on U.S. exchanges at 4 p.m. New York time on Friday. The S&P 500 rose less than 0.1 percent to 1,285.09, after rallying 3.4 percent on Thursday. It was up 3.8 percent since Oct. 21. The Dow Jones Industrial Average added 22.56 points, or 0.2 percent, to 12,231.11. The Russell 2000 Index of small companies retreated 0.6 percent. U.S. equity options expired Friday. Stocks rose Thursday, extending the best monthly rally since 1974 for the S&P 500, as European leaders agreed to expand a bailout fund and U.S. economic growth accelerated. Earlier this month, the index came within 1 percent of extending a drop from its peak in April to 20 percent, the common definition of a bear market. Since then, it has risen 17 percent. The S&P 500 rallied above the average strategist forecast for its closing level on Dec. 31, the third straight year that stocks ran ahead of projections. The index closed above the year-end forecast on Nov. 4 in 2010 and on June 2 in 2009, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that the debt crisis won’t be over â€Å"in a year.†Italy’s borrowing costs rose to a euro-era record at a sale of three-year bonds, driving yields higher amid concern that efforts to contain the sovereign crisis won’t be enough to safeguard the region’s third-largest economy. Fitch Ratings said part of the plan to contain debt turmoil amounts to a Greek default. European leaders may struggle to maintain the euphoria that drove the euro to its biggest one-day gain in more than a year as scrutiny deepens on their latest attempt to stem the region’s turmoil. During the third week of investing, KBIM Investment Fund fell by 3.28%. U.S. stocks fell, driving the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index to its first weekly decline since September, as a disagreement on Europe’s resources to fight the debt crisis offset a drop in the American unemployment rate. The S&P 500 dropped 0.6 percent to 1,253.23 as of 4 p.m on Friday, November 4, New York time, after falling as much as 1.8 percent earlier. The gauge was down 2.5 percent this week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average slid 61.23 points, or 0.5 percent, to 11,983.24. Benchmark gauges tumbled earlier this week as Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou announced on October 31 a parliamentary confidence vote and his desire to hold a referendum on a European Union aid package needed to avert default. Equities rebounded on Thursday as Greece abandoned the referendum, moving closer to accepting the bailout. Global stocks slumped on Friday as the Group of 20 nations failed to agree on increasing the International Monetary Fund’s resources to fight Europe’s debt crisis. Ruling party lawmakers urged Papandreou to step aside and allow the formation of a new government that can approve the bailout plan for Greece. The unemployment rate unexpectedly fell to a six-month low of 9 percent from 9.1 percent, even as the labor force expanded. The 80,000 increase in payrolls followed gains in the prior two months that were revised up by 102,000. Financial stocks had the biggest decline in the S&P 500 among 10 industries, falling 1.4 percent as a group. During the fourth week of investing, KBIM Investment Fund rose by 1.17%. U.S. stocks rose this week, restoring the year-to-date gain for the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index, as improving economic data and leadership changes in Greece and Italy bolstered investor optimism. The S&P 500 rose 0.9 percent to 1,263.85, overcoming a 3.7 percent decline on Nov. 9 that was the largest one-day loss since Aug. 18. The Dow advanced 170.44 points, or 1.4 percent, to 12,153.68 this week. Stocks resumed the rally that drove the S&P 500 up as much as 20 percent since the first week of October. Equities gained after U.S. consumer confidence improved and Italy’s Senate approved debt-reduction measures, paving the way for a new government led by former European Union Competition Commissioner Mario Monti. Greece swore in Lucas Papademos to head a unity government. The S&P 500 has rebounded 15 percent from a 13-month low on Oct. 3 as the Citigroup Economic Surprise Index for the U.S., which gauges whether reports are beating or trailing estimates, climbed to a seven-month high. The benchmark measure of U.S. equities rose 2 percent on Thursday, preventing a second weekly drop, after a gauge of consumer sentiment topped estimates in November and reached the highest level since June. The Labor Department said on Nov. 10 that the number of Americans filing applications for unemployment benefits fell to the lowest level in seven months. Stocks tumbled on Nov. 9 as yields on Italian government bonds surged, fueling concern European leaders will struggle to fund bailouts. During the fifth week of investing, KBIM Investment Fund fell by 3.71%. U.S. stocks fell, sending the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index to its worst weekly loss in two months, as Spanish, French and Italian bond yields rose and Fitch Ratings said Europe’s debt crisis poses a threat to American banks. The S&P 500 decreased 3.8 percent, the most since the week ended Sept. 23, to 1,215.65. The index closed at the lowest level since Oct. 20. The Dow fell 357.52 points, or 2.9 percent, to 11,796.16. Equities slumped this week as higher government bond yields in Spain, France and Italy spurred concern the European debt crisis is intensifying outside Greece. The S&P Financials Index slumped 5.6 percent this week, the biggest drop among 10 industries, after the Fitch report spurred speculation the European crisis poses a threat to earnings. The S&P 500 advanced one day this week, on Nov. 15, amid speculation Mario Monti would succeed in forming a new Italian government to battle the debt crisis, while growth in retail sales bolstered optimism in the economy. Yesterday, he won a final parliamentary confidence vote, granting full power to his new government after pledging to spur growth and reduce debt in the euro-region’s third-largest economy. The benchmark measure of U.S. stocks erased gains yesterday after Deutsche Presse-Agentur reported that Germany’s Foreign Ministry said the nation was considering the possibility of â€Å"orderly defaults†beyond Greece. The index had rallied after a measure of leading U.S. indicators signaled the world’s biggest economy will keep growing in 2012. During the sixth week of investing, KBIM Investment Fund fell by 4.07%. The euro touched a seven-week low against the dollar, falling for a fourth week, as Italian borrowing costs jumped to the highest level since 1997, adding to speculation Europe’s sovereign-debt crisis is spreading. U.S. stocks tumbled in the worst Thanksgiving-week loss for the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index since 1932 as concern grew that Europe’s debt crisis will spread and American policy makers failed to reach agreement on reducing the federal budget. The S&P 500 slid 4.7 percent to 1,158.67, closing at the lowest level since Oct. 7. The Dow fell 564.38 points, or 4.8 percent, to 11,231.78 this week. The S&P 500 has fallen for seven days, the longest streak in four months, and has tumbled 7.6 percent so far in November. U.S. equities erased an early advance on the final session of the week as S&P lowered Belgium’s credit rating and Reuters reported that Greece is demanding private investors accept larger losses on their debt. The cost of insuring European sovereign bonds against default rose to a record this week as Germany failed to find buyers for 35 percent of the bonds offered at an auction. German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said market turbulence sparked by the euro region’s sovereign-debt crisis will last for â€Å"a few months.†Congress’s special debt-reduction committee failed to reach an agreement this week, setting the stage for $1.2 trillion in automatic spending cuts and fueling concern that economic- stimulus measures that are set to expire will not be renewed. Still, S&P reaffirmed it would keep the U.S.’s credit rating at AA+ after stripping the government of its top AAA grade on Aug. 5. Stocks fell Nov. 22 as revised Commerce Department figures showed that gross domestic product climbed at a 2 percent annual rate from July through September, less than projected and down from a 2.5 percent prior estimate. U.S. stock exchanges were shut Nov. 24 for Thanksgiving and closed three hours early on Nov. 25. Evaluation of Fund KBIM FUND PERFORMANCE WEEK 1-6 Initially, the first two weeks of the portfolio’s performance did exceptionally well. Due to extreme market conditions in Europe (European Debt Crisis), the fund was affected. The weaknesses of Europe’s common currency area, ranging from its design to a persisting dearth of bank funding and anemic economic growth, weren’t properly addressed in the measures revealed on to stem investor panic. Consumer confidence unexpectedly rose in October from the previous month, indicating the biggest part of the economy will help keep the U.S. recovery intact. Performance fell in week 3 but stabilized in week 4 due to improving economic conditions in Europe (leadership changes in Greece and Italy), thus restoring confidence in the market. Week 4 and 5 dropped to record lows in the S&P 500. This was due to the negative result of the sale of government bonds in Germany, as investors lacked the confidence it once had in what is arguably the strongest economy in Europe. The fact that the German economy was unable to raise the money it expected to with the sale spoke volumes, as it was the one country in Europe which seemed to be stable and assisted in the bailout of its struggling member countries (Greece, Italy and Spain). This also led to a huge dip in the value of the Euro currency. Overall, the fund’s performance was below expectations. There was, however, directly related to unexpected market conditions, which affected the global market adversely. Invariably, that was passed down to the portfolio. During the six week period KBIM started out with $999,984.84 and ended with $977,853.00, thus making a loss of $22,131.82. Total return was then a negative return of 2.21%. The decision was taken to hold of the selling of equities with the portfolio. Instead, the strategy opted was one of riding the storm out, and in some instances, even buying more stock, as the markets were down and the share prices down as well. This would allow for the fund to make substantial profits when the market recovered or improved, as it could only improve from this point. Bibliography Jones, Charles P. Investment Analysis and Management, Eleventh Edition John Wiley and Sons 2010
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