Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Health Care Finance And Cost Containment Example
Health Care Finance And Cost Containment Example Health Care Finance And Cost Containment – Coursework Example Health Care Finance and Cost Containment Determine how financial ratios determine financial health of an organization. One of thehighest costs that health care facilities incur is acquisition of high tech equipment. Therefore, asset management ratios can be beneficial in helping the managers assess how much they accrue from their acquired asset. Secondly, the other important ratio in health care is cash flow indicators. This can be helpful in helping the managers identify how much cash is being collected over a certain period as compared to the uncollected profits. The third is important ratio is the profitability ratio, which gives the managers an overview of the general health of the organization (Rapoport, 2008). The higher the gross margin of the organization, the more it can make profits as compared to the costs it incurs. Lastly, there are the debt ratios. Most banks use this ratio in order to analyse whether a company will be capable of paying pay its loans in the future. If t he debt ratio is low, the health care facility is more likely to be able to get low interest rates on long-term financing. 2. Strategies for inventory control and cost reduction in healthcareSome of the strategies that health care facilities can use for inventory control and cost reduction in healthcare include benchmarking, invest in inventory control staff, establish a vendor scorecard, invest in systems and ensuring that the day’s work is cleared in the same day. Benchmarking will help in understanding what other competing health care facilities are doing and whether it is working or not. The inventory control staff will help ensure that that the health care does not suffer any loss that may be because of oversight and incompetence (Rapoport, 2008). The vendor scorecard will help in evaluating the supplies and ascertaining whether there is a need to change them or not. Lastly, ensuring that all data within the organization is done away with and compiled on a daily basis re duces the bulk. The benefits that accrue to the health care facility are that it ensures that all vendors abide by their contracts and that the investments are protected and effectively managed. ReferenceRapoport, J., Jacobs, P., & Jonsson, E. (2008). Cost Containment and Efficiency in National Health Systems: A Global Comparison. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Words Starting with Epi-
Words Starting with Epi- Words Starting with Epi- Words Starting with Epi- By Mark Nichol The prefix epi, from the Greek word meaning â€Å"at,†â€Å"close to,†â€Å"on,†â€Å"in addition to,†or â€Å"on the occasion of,†is at the root of a number of diverse words that pertain in some way to something associated with something else. This post lists and briefly defines many of these terms. epicene (â€Å"in common†): having characteristics of both sexes (or neither), effeminate epicenter (â€Å"on center†): the point of a planet’s surface above the focus of a seismic event epicycle (â€Å"on circle†): a small circle moving on or around another circle epidemic (â€Å"on people†): as an adjective, affecting a large number of people; as a noun, a widespread disease, although often generally in reference to a contagious or prevalent trend epigone (â€Å"close upon birth†): originally, a lesser descendant of distinguished forebears; later, a disciple, follower, or imitator epigram (â€Å"written on†): a brief, clever poem or saying, originally in verse form and often satirical epigraph (â€Å"written on†): originally, an inscription on a statue or a structure; later, a brief but substantive statement at the front of a book or head of a chapter, or a motto epilogue (â€Å"in addition to speech†): a conclusion, originally of a play epiphany (â€Å"show on†): a manifestation or revelation, originally of Christ episcopal (â€Å"look over†): pertaining to a bishop episode (â€Å"in addition to entrance†): originally, commentary between songs as part of a Greek tragedy, later an experience or incident, and ultimately also a scene or a distinctive part of a narrative epistemology (â€Å"standing over†): the study of, or a theory of, knowledge epistle (â€Å"send to†): a letter epistrophe (â€Å"turning about†): repetition of a word or phrase at the end of consecutive sentences or other syntactical units, or a comparative musical repetition epitaph (â€Å"over tomb†): an inscription on a monument or tomb epithalamium (â€Å"into bridal chamber†): a poem or song in honor of newlyweds epithet (â€Å"place in addition†): a descriptive name for a person, place, or thing epitome (â€Å"cut into†): originally, an abstract; later something typical or an embodiment of an ideal Many medical and scientific terms with the epi- prefix, including epidermis (â€Å"on skin†) and epilepsy (â€Å"seize upon†), exist. Disguised related words include epexegesis (â€Å"additional explanation†), meaning â€Å"clarification of meaning†; ephemera (â€Å"on a day†), originally meaning â€Å"lasting for a day†and now referring to something transitory; epode (â€Å"after song†), meaning â€Å"a poem with a pattern of a long lines followed by a short line†; eponym (â€Å"on a name†), meaning â€Å"one whose name is applied to a place or a thing†; epoxy (â€Å"on oxygen†), a chemical compound used as a glue; and epoch (â€Å"on hold†), originally â€Å"a point marking the beginning of an era,†now more loosely synonymous with era itself. Epicure and its derivatives, from the proper name Epicurus, are unrelated. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Apply to, Apply for, and Apply withEmail EtiquettePreposition Mistakes #3: Two Idioms
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Marketing Services Versus Products Part II Assignment
Marketing Services Versus Products Part II - Assignment Example Other similarities and differences between products and services include the fact that products are tangible whereas services are intangible by nature and that both products and services can be promoted through advertising and public relations. The fact that products are tangible significantly affect the customization of products in the sense that customization of products allows the end-users to customize the product physically based on what they have specified. Customization of services is much more different in the sense that it focuses on the provision of easy ordering and faster delivery service to the customers. It is important to note that standardization and customization are two different things when it comes to developing the quality of service. For example, as compared to standardization, customized service allows the customers to enjoy more flexibility when it comes to service they receive from the provider (Lamb, Hair, & McDaniel, 2013). It means that standardized services are less flexible. In relation to the marketing mix, Reggie mentioned that both products and services should satisfy the need requirements of each customer. For instance, products which refer to both products (i.e. smart phone) and services (i.e. legal services) should create positive experience to each customer whereas promotion should advertise or create public awareness about the quality and uniqueness of the company’s products and services. Additional similarities between the marketing of products and services include the fact that both products and services can be differentiated through branding (Perreault, Cannon, & McCarthy, 2014). Differences between the marketing of products and services include the fact that products can be marketed through its packaging but not in the case of marketing services. Therefore, the marketing of tangible items like washing machine can be customized through its packaging but not
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Napoleon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Napoleon - Essay Example kled was huge, and Napoleon Bonaparte was very effective in shadowing the revolutions ideologies for the leading segment of his calling while also mounting to immense supremacy himself. As Bonaparte Napoleons supremacy within France and then into Europe augmented, Napoleon started to deviate from the French revolutionary principles and created establishments identical to those the French revolutionaries had tried to abolish. Napoleon, as a freebooter, changed his principles from radical to reactionary to reformist reliant upon what befitted him at that moment. This paper will attempt to show the extent to which Napoleon’s domestic policies were based on the 1789 French Revolt’s principles. The 1789 French revolution changed the direction of French as well as much of Europe’s history, the ancient feudal organism was obliterated and the organization of the French’s society was profoundly altered rendering to the ideologies of equality, fraternity and liberty. Privilege was split as the basis of society; the ruling class was not excused from tax system. In addition, the country’s populace practically demolished feudalism. Previously excepted people were engaged in political affairs for the very first instance, the voting public was stretched out, and the lawful code was transformed. Many complaints held by labor force as well as the bourgeoisie‘s followers were resolved, and hope was restored amid the radicals that lasting transformation could be created for the social system of France and Europe too (Lyons 34). In the period from 1789 to 1799, numerous attempts were formulated to institute a constitution, which would put in the principles of the radicals. Constitutional empire from 1789 to 1791 collapsed because of differences amid Louis XVI and the radicals concerning the Church that came under attack owing to its previous exclusion from duty, as well as counter-revolutionaries who presented a major threat to the revolt (Stiles 104). The dangerous
Sunday, November 17, 2019
English Composition Phase 4 Essay Example for Free
English Composition Phase 4 Essay The essay is â€Å"formatted on a paper which is 8. 5 x 11 inches in size†(Driscoll, 2007). The margin on top, bottom, left, and right is set to one inch (Driscoll, 2007). It should have a title page which consists of the following: â€Å"a running head for publication, title, byline, as well as, affiliation†(Driscoll, 2007). The page numbers are â€Å"written in the upper right-hand corner of each page†(Driscoll, 2007). Abstracts, headings, and visuals should be made available as well (Driscoll, 2007). Components of an APA Paper The following are the components of an APA paper: â€Å"1) name of author; 2) date of publication; 3) title; and 4) publication information†(Minnesota School of Business, 2006). With regards to that name of the author, the last name is written first followed by a comma and the initials of the first and middle name (if middle name is provided), but if the work has no author indicated in it, place the title instead and then the date, and if authors indicated are more than three, state the first author’s name and followed by this: â€Å"et. l. †(Minnesota School of Business, 2006). Moreover, with regards to the date of publication, specify the year; however, if there is no date indicated, just place â€Å"n. d. †(Minnesota School of Business, 2006). Furthermore, with regards to the title, just write it as is whether it is a book, journal, or a magazine (Minnesota School of Business, 2006). Finally, with regards to the â€Å"publication information†: if the reference is a book, then the place of publication, as well as, the publisher should be included; if it is a periodical then include the place of publication, the publisher, the volume number, the issue number, as well as, the pages; and if it is a website then indicate the website address (Minnesota School of Business, 2006).
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens :: Great Expectations Essays
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens Coursework Question: In the extract where Pip, a boy from a very humble background meets Miss Havisham, a rich but eccentric lady dickens wants the reader to feel sympathetic towards Pip. How does he make us feel this way? In this assignment, I will analyse, discuss and comment on the techniques Charles Dickens (Dickens) uses as a writer to gain sympathy for the main character Pip. I will look closely at setting, language, characterisation, the opening and closing of the extract. I will also quote ideas and phrases from the text to help me analyse and explain. Pip, the main character, is a lonely orphaned child. He lives with his sister and her husband the blacksmith. We know that Pip’s family is poor because they live of a blacksmith wages, not very much. The novel is set in the Victorian era where social status played a major role in daily life; we see this in the novel. Pip’s sister brought him up by ‘hand’ and finds he is a burden on her. Dickens chose to make the main character, Pip, lonely and poor to gain our sympathy. This novel is written in the voice first person, as if it were Pip telling the story. Dickens wrote this novel from Pip’s point of view. Pip is telling us the story when he is much older, as if he were thinking back to when he was a child. The fact that Dickens chose to make Pip, the main character, the narrator instead of another character creates a bond between Pip and us, the readers. In this extract Pip is sent by Mr Pumblechook, a distant relative, to see Miss Havisham (Havisham). Mr Pumblechook is not of higher class, but mingles well with them. Mr Pumblechook believes Havisham will take to Pip like she took to Estella, which would secure Pip’s future. Although another reason is that Pips sister finds he is a burden on her and wouldn’t mind getting rid of him. Pip is warned to behave, as Havisham is of higher social class and his sister doesn’t want him to ruin his chances. When Pip enters Havisham’s house we have hope for Pip that Havisham will take to him like she did to Estella. Havisham, as she is of higher, lives in a more lavish house than Pip. Dickens uses the setting to gain sympathy and to keep us interested. Pip enters a large room, he very observant. For example he mentions, ‘pretty large room, well lighted with wax candles.’ The description creates a mental image in our minds of where he is, immediately we
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Corporate Strategies to Hedge Commodity Price Risks Applying
Table of contents List of abbreviationsIII List of figuresIII List of tablesIII 1Introduction1 1. 1Problem and objective1 1. 2Structure of this paper1 2Background Information2 2. 1Definitions of fundamental terms2 2. 2Commodity price risk in different firms2 3Explanation of derivatives3 3. 1Options3 3. 2Futures4 3. 3Forwards6 3. 4Swaps6 4Hedging strategies with derivatives7 4. 1Hedging with options7 4. 2Hedging with futures7 4. 3Hedging with forwards8 4. 4Hedging with swaps8 5Pros and cons of hedging strategies with derivatives8 5. 1Pros and cons of options9 5. Pros and cons of futures9 5. 3Pros and cons of forwards10 5. 4Pros and cons of swaps10 6Practical example of corporate commodity price risk hedging10 6. 1Introduction on firm's practical hedging strategy10 6. 2Analysis on this strategy11 7Summary12 Appendix13 Appendix 1: Amounts outstanding of over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives by risk category and instrumentâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€in billions of US dollar13 Appendix 2: Derivatives fi nancial instruments traded on organized exchanges by instrument and locationâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€in billions of US dollar14 Bibliography15 Internet Source16 List of abbreviations CHClearing HouseIMInitial Margin MBMargin Balance MM NMaintenance Margin No OTCOver The Count VM YVariation Margin Yes List of figures Figure 1: Structure of this paper2 Figure 2: P of each option position4 Figure 3: Flow chart of marking-to-market process5 Figure 4: P of each future position6 Figure 5: Hedging model on fuel oil of Air China11 List of tables Table 1: Summary for 4 option positions4 Table 2: Summary for future positions6 Table 3: Summary for 4 derivatives9 1Introduction 1. 1Problem and objective The risk of commodity price is a ferocious topic in corporate operation.Corporate profit is equal to total revenue minus total cost. For firms, because of the high volatility on commodity price, their inputs and outputs relating to commodity are unpredictable. As a consequence corporate profit will be imm ensely volatile, which will possibly lead the firm to go bankruptcy if no any preventive actions are taken. For example, producers of commodities probably need to assume unexpected losses, when the price of outputs goes down or the price of necessary raw materials goes up. The situations are similar to wholesale buyers, retailers, exporters and even governments.Volatility of commodities price has great impacts on corporate daily operation. The objective of this term paper is to introduce derivative hedging strategies for corporate managers to reduce or even eliminate future unpredictability, mainly from the perspectives of the role commodity price risks play, what the typical derivative instruments are, where and how to apply these different derivatives in terms of hedging principles thereof, and both advantages and disadvantages when applying each derivative in real business transactions. 1. Structure of this paper Firstly, this term paper highlights problems existing in real world . Secondly, it introduces advanced derivatives theory that can be applied to solve these problems. Thirdly, specific details on the theory will be presented, including explanation, application, as well as pros and cons of each derivative instrument. Then, an example is analyzed to show how companies apply derivatives to hedge commodity risks practically. Last is a summary of this term paper. Following figure shows the body of this paper. 2Background Information 2. Definitions of fundamental terms In financial markets derivative is a contract or security whose value is derived from the value of other more basic underlying variables . One of its most important functions is hedging. In corporate operation, hedging is to secure the companies against potential loss caused by variable risks that arise in international market, such as the commodity price risks. In this paper, commodity means any tangible goods or raw materials that may be sold or traded in the markets, such as energy, gold , or agricultural products. 2. Commodity price risk in different firms Volatility of commodities price influences firms’ daily operation significantly. Producers of commodities, such as farms, oil producers, mining companies, face price risk on output. Wholesalers and retailers, face price risk during the time period from buying from suppliers and selling to customers. Exporters, face the same price risk as well as currency exchange risk. And governments face price and yield risks generating from tax revenues that depend on firms’ operational conditions. 3Explanation of derivativesDerivatives are traded in exchange-traded markets and over-the-counter markets. (See recent derivatives transaction status in appendix 1 and appendix 2. ) Notably, exchange-traded derivatives are default risk free and liquid. However over-the-counter traded derivatives are the opposite. 3. 1Options An option is the contract that gives the buyer the right but not obligation to buy (call option ) or sell (put option) an underlying asset at a predetermined price (exercise price) for certain quantity during a fixed period of time (maturity).The buyer of the option pays a particular amount of money (option premium) to the seller to buy a right whereby he can decide whether or not to exercise this option, simultaneously the seller has the obligation to perform if the buyer exercises the option. European options only can be exercised on expiration day, and American options can be exercised at any time before maturity. The buyer of the call option is named long call, while the seller of the call option is named short call. Similarly, the buyer of the put option is named long put, while the seller of the put option is named short put.In commodity market, underlying of commodity option is a commodity, such as oil, wheat, or gold. Commodity options are both exchanges-traded and OTC traded. Following figure shows P of each option. Following table is the summary for these 4 option po sitions. Table 1: Summary for 4 option positions Market price expectationMaximum profitMaximum lossBreakeven point Long callupunlimitedoption premiumexercise price + option premium Short calldown or stableoption premiumunlimitedexercise price + option premium Long putdownexercise price – option premiumoption premiumexercise price – option premium Short putup or stableoption remiumexercise price – option premiumexercise price – option premium Source: author’s own. 3. 2Futures A future is a contract between two parties to buy or sell a specified amount of asset at a specified time period in the future for a certain price. Normally there are two types of futures, commodity futures whose underlying are commodities and financial futures whose underlying are financial assets. They are highly standardized, regulated, and traded in exchange markets with highly liquid and default risk free property. Because of the marking-to-market process, at maturity the settling price is the spot price at expiration date with profit gaining or loss paying from a margin account, which indirectly makes the effective bargain price equal to the predetermined price in the future contract. Notably, to ensure high liquidity of futures, marking-to-market process plays a significant role. The following figure shows the marking-to-market process. Generally there are two alternative ways at maturity to settle futures, either by cash or by actual delivery of underlying, which is clearly defined by futures exchange.Following figure and table show the details of a future. Table 2: Summary for future positions ?Maximum profitMaximum lossBreakeven point Long positionunlimitedexercise pricespot price + cost of carry Short positionexercise priceunlimitedspot price + cost of carry Source: author’s own. 3. 3Forwards A forward contract is a customized and over-the-counter agreement to buy or sell an asset at a specified time in the future for a specified price, where a long position has the obligation to buy and a short position has the obligation to sell. Compared with futures, no marking-to-market process are required.Counterparties can negotiate with each about the parameters of the contract. As a result, a firm who wants to make forward contract needs to find the counterparty by itself. 3. 4Swaps A swap is a customized and over-the-counter agreement to exchange a series of specified assets periodically in the future. Normally the counterparties of a swap contract are a large institution such as a bank and a company. Basically, we can view a swap as a complicated forward. Except currency swaps, counterparties just need to pay the differences between the cash flow they should exchange. Because swaps are bespoken as a result they are less liquid.There are commodity swaps, interest rate swaps and currency swaps. Interest rate swaps is an agreement of two counterparties to change fixed interest and floating interest on predefined nominal pr incipal in the future periodically. Commodity swaps normally vary tremendously among different markets. In a currency swap, counterparties change same value of different currencies in inception and termination, where the exchange rate of the tow currencies depends on the negotiation of counterparties. 4Hedging strategies with derivatives This chapter will focus on the principles of hedging strategies on commodities. . 1Hedging with options If a trader wants to procure a commodity with high volatile price, he can buy a commodity call option to hedge the price risk of going up. Similarly, if a company wants to sell a commodity product, it can buy a long put to hedge the price risk of going down. In practice, because investors want to bet more precisely on the future price of the underlying, and hedgers with long positions want to save option premiums, a few combinations of options come out, such as a long call and a short put with identical parameters except the different strike price . 4. 2Hedging with futuresWhen the objective of a commodity trader wants to neutralize the price risk as far as possible, usually he will choose to take a position on a future on commodity. A hedger who already owns a commodity asset or doesn‘t own right now but will at some future time expecting to sell it in the future without assuming any price risk, he can apple future hedging strategy to enter into a short position to become a short. Likewise, a hedger who has to buy a certain commodity asset in the future and wants to lock in spot price immediately, he can apply a future to enter into a long position to become a long. . 3Hedging with forwards The principles of hedging strategy with forwards are similar with futures'. Whether to use futures or forwards depends on different requirements. Generally, financial assets investors who need high liquidity prefer to choose futures, while commodity investors such as producers who need high customization prefer to choose forwards. 4 . 4Hedging with swaps When investors want to hedge risks of interest rates, currencies, or commodities, they can use swaps. In gold swaps, counterparties change fixed lease rate with variable lease rate.In swaps on base metals, counterparties change fixed metal price with average price of near dated metal future. In oil swaps, counterparties change fixed West Taxes Intermediate (WTI is a benchmark in oil price) price with average price of near dated WTI future. 5Pros and cons of hedging strategies with derivatives The following integrated summary of these derivatives depending on pervious analysis makes systematic comparisons. (The options here are exchanged-traded European options) Table 3: Summary for 4 derivatives SUMMERY OF DERIVATIVES FOR GENERAL TYPES OptionsFuturesForwardsSwapsTypes of contractstandardizedstandardizedcustomizedcustomized Settlementscash and deliverymost cash and few deliverydeliverydepends on individuals Trading marketExchange tradedExchange tradedOTCOTC Liqu idityhighhighlowlow Marketing-to-marginnorequirednono Time of settlementmaturitydailymaturityperiodically Initial investmentoption premiuminitial margin nodepends Default risk assumed byClearing houseclearinghouseBoth partiesBoth parties ProsDefault risk free & liquiditycustomization & no initial investment Consinitial investment & inflexibledefault risk for both party & illiquidity Source: author’s own. . 1Pros and cons of options The pros of options are obvious. Firstly, they have no risk to assume more loss than premium but have possibility to get unlimited potential profit. Secondly exchanged-traded options are highly liquid and OTC traded options are flexible. However, the cons of options are also explicit, such as the difficulty to decide when to enter into a long position.Because buying an option needs to pay option premium, if the spot price cannot go above (for a long call) or go below (for a long put) the breakeven point the hedger will suffer a loss, and depends on statistics the possibility of a long position to lose is about 66%. 5. 2Pros and cons of futures It definitely makes sense for most companies whose majors are in businesses but not professional in forecasting the price of commodities price volatility, which can make them pay more attention on their core competences instead of fearing about volatile price.Nonetheless, taking neutralized strategies make hedgers give up the possibility of both profit and loss. Moreover, instead of hedging risks by companies, shareholders can hedge themselves according to their preferences. Additionally, if other competitors of the same industry don’t apply hedging strategies, in fact, it is the hedging company itself that assumes risks, because competitive pressures are the same for other all competitors but different for the hedging company its own. 5. 3Pros and cons of forwards Basic pros and cons have been listed in the table in front of this chapter.Generally, compared to futures, the most explicit pro is that forwards are highly customized and therefore the con is that they are hardly liquid. 5. 4Pros and cons of swaps Basic pros and cons have been listed in the table in front of this chapter. Gernally, compared to futures and forwards the most precise pros is that both counterparties could reap benefits from a swap, such as in a currency swap where a firm with a low rate may get a cheaper loan as other firms with high rates, and the counterparty may get a payment as compensation.However the corresponding cons is that counterparty may need to pay commision to intermediary, because it is difficult to find an appropriate counterparty by itself. 6Practical example of corporate commodity price risk hedging 6. 1Introduction on firm's practical hedging strategy Air China is an airline company, whose cost of fuel oil occupies 44. 75% of total revenue in 2008. To hedge the fuel oil price risk, Air China bought a call option with strike K1, meanwhile sold a put option with st rike K2, where K1
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Public libraries and hi-tech media
Public libraries should only provide books and should not waste their limited money on expensive hi-tech media such as software, video, or DVD. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Some people hold a view that public libraries should allocate their budget on books only, rather than on the advanced facilities such as software, video, or DVD. In my opinion, the functions of modern libraries can be more diversified with the development of our technology.The hi-tech media brings lots of advantages and convenience to the readers. Firstly, with the assistance of software like information system, or self-service books borrowing and returning system, people are able to find any instruction of any book they want such as loan condition, exact location, series number and numbers left and most importantly, reduce the time spent on waiting in line and consulting the staffs. With this regard, fewer employers are needed in libraries, which save certain xpenditure of labors' payment.Furthermore, such technology mediums store far more content than paper books, as well as enable readers to search for updated references that are beneficial for their works. Apart from this, it is a novel way of learning through resources from videos and DVDs. These mediums strengthen our further understanding and provide several proper solutions for questions generated during our reading. However, with the consideration of limited finance, some people's proposal is educing the introduction of technological equipments.Virtually, this idea is such an old-fashioned one because books are far from enough to meet people's demand for knowledge. If a library is filled with books only, the public are not so eager to study there as in other multi-functional libraries. In conclusion, public libraries should be subsidized by governments to the introduction and maintenance of modern facilities and have the collections of both the books and online sources. Public Libraries and Hi-Tech Media Public libraries should only provide books and should not waste their limited money on expensive hi-tech media such as software, video, or DVD. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Some people hold a view that public libraries should allocate their budget on books only, rather than on the advanced facilities such as software, video, or DVD. In my opinion, the functions of modern libraries can be more diversified with the development of our technology.The hi-tech media brings lots of advantages and convenience to the readers. Firstly, with the assistance of software like information system, or self-service books borrowing and returning system, people are able to find any instruction of any book they want such as loan condition, exact location, series number and numbers left and most importantly, reduce the time spent on waiting in line and consulting the staffs. With this regard, fewer employers are needed in libraries, which save certain expenditure of labors’ payment.Furth ermore, such technology mediums store far more content than paper books, as well as enable readers to search for updated references that are beneficial for their works. Apart from this, it is a novel way of learning through resources from videos and DVDs. These mediums strengthen our further understanding and provide several proper solutions for questions generated during our reading.However, with the consideration of limited finance, some people’s proposal is reducing the introduction of technological equipments. Virtually, this idea is such an old-fashioned one because books are far from enough to meet people’s demand for knowledge. If a library is filled with books only, the public are not so eager to study there as in other multi-functional libraries.In conclusion, public libraries should be subsidized by governments to the introduction and maintenance of modern facilities and have the collections of both the books and online sources.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
s Devotion
Antigone’s Devotion In the Greek play, Antigone, written by Sophocles a young princess of the same name as the play is faced with the death of her brother and the King’s decree not to bury him. Antigone shows her many traits as a character by going against her King and Uncle Creon and standing up for what she believes to be right. By doing so, Antigone shows her strength’s, her stubbornness, and her devotion to her brother. She holds this attitude until the closing stages of the play in which she reveals her more dejected side after realizing her fate. Antigone exhibits her strong will and bravery through her encounters with Creon and the possibility of death. From the outset of the play, Antigone shows her lack of fear of the King when she tells her sister Ismene that she is â€Å"†¦not afraid of the danger; if it means death, / It will not be the worst deaths-death without honor†(1231; Prologue). This establishes Antigone’s fearless mind-set regarding a meaningful death. Her encounters with Creon also shows the bravery in Antigone. She publicly questions his authority by declaring â€Å"Your edict, King, was strong, / But all your strength is weakness itself against / The immortal unrecorded laws of God.†By doing this Antigone infuriates the King and only makes certain her fate of death. Antigone’s strong will can also be perceived as stubbornness, and this in part leads to her demise. Her total lack of recognition of Creon’s authority and opinion is her major shortcoming as a character. She follows her belief’s ignoring consequences other’s opinions. This is shown in her arguments with Creon and Ismene. Instead of listening to others’ solutions to her issue, Antigone would rather do things her way without taking into account repercussions. Antigone demonstrates her obduracy when Ismene tells her to keep the fact that Antigone buried Polynices a secret and Antigone replies that she doesn’t care if everyone fi... 's Devotion Free Essays on Antigone\'s Devotion Antigone’s Devotion In the Greek play, Antigone, written by Sophocles a young princess of the same name as the play is faced with the death of her brother and the King’s decree not to bury him. Antigone shows her many traits as a character by going against her King and Uncle Creon and standing up for what she believes to be right. By doing so, Antigone shows her strength’s, her stubbornness, and her devotion to her brother. She holds this attitude until the closing stages of the play in which she reveals her more dejected side after realizing her fate. Antigone exhibits her strong will and bravery through her encounters with Creon and the possibility of death. From the outset of the play, Antigone shows her lack of fear of the King when she tells her sister Ismene that she is â€Å"†¦not afraid of the danger; if it means death, / It will not be the worst deaths-death without honor†(1231; Prologue). This establishes Antigone’s fearless mind-set regarding a meaningful death. Her encounters with Creon also shows the bravery in Antigone. She publicly questions his authority by declaring â€Å"Your edict, King, was strong, / But all your strength is weakness itself against / The immortal unrecorded laws of God.†By doing this Antigone infuriates the King and only makes certain her fate of death. Antigone’s strong will can also be perceived as stubbornness, and this in part leads to her demise. Her total lack of recognition of Creon’s authority and opinion is her major shortcoming as a character. She follows her belief’s ignoring consequences other’s opinions. This is shown in her arguments with Creon and Ismene. Instead of listening to others’ solutions to her issue, Antigone would rather do things her way without taking into account repercussions. Antigone demonstrates her obduracy when Ismene tells her to keep the fact that Antigone buried Polynices a secret and Antigone replies that she doesn’t care if everyone fi...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Free sample - Mexico drug war and US border patrol security. translation missing
Mexico drug war and US border patrol security. Mexico drug war and US border patrol securityAbstract The Mexico drug war and U.S border patrol security is today known to be the most influential conflict that has ever occurred. In the U.S- Mexico border, several incidences have taken place including the sending of bullets whizzling across the Rio Grande region, which borders the two countries. For a long time, the authorities did not care because they were sure that they were going to win the battle. The facts behind the war actually are that it sends many fears to the public because it left many dead (Archibold 238). When the security was intensified in this region, bullets could be heard from El Paso, which caused violence further in Mexico and Juarez and making this region to be the most feared. Today, the American police can boast of their success in bringing peace in this region, because it was thought to be the most dangerous war, which influenced several communities living in the region. Several issues were considered before security was improved in this region. As Sheriff, Ri chard puts: ‘Guns will never be a solution to the war, but peace comes through talks.’ This was the beginning of the reconciliation process between the countries (Marina 62). Introduction The recently US beef up security on its border with Mexico has threatened their diplomatic relations. Historically, Mexico has for a long time been used as safe passage for narcotics, illegal immigrants, and smuggled commodities predestined for the U.S. market originating from South, Central America, and elsewhere in the world (Marina 62). Commonly reported in the 1980s to early ‘90s, Colombian drug barons were the main traffickers of cocaine and other illegal drugs into the U.S. When American anti-narcotic authorities intensified the Caribbean and South Florida, the Colombian organizations collaborated with the Mexican drug accomplices to transit cocaine to the U.S through Mexico. Mexico, having been a major origin of heroin and cannabis, the partnership was accomplished with minimal difficulty since Mexico had already an operational drug infrastructure capable of serving the Colombian traffickers as well (Coyle 68).   The robust growth of the illegal trade went on until after mid 1980s when Mexican and Columbian trackers got into loggerheads. This misunderstanding arose from disagreement over sharing of benefits and over who-does-what in trafficking systems. With the passage of time, several drug cartels from Mexico were vanishing from the system as new one emerged (Warner 81). This was a result of deaths, arrest, or withdrawal of cartel leader from the trade creating power vacuums. These vacuums offered great opportunities for anti-drug law enforcement agencies in the U.S and Mexico to combat the trade. Mexican cartels would often bribe Mexican police to take action one another or disclosing to the US officials the secret operations of the rival cartels. This escalated into violence. The war among the rival cartels began to cool down since shortly before 1990 after the arrest of the Mexican drug baron, Gallardo Miguel (Marina 62). Through the 1990s, there was a quiet period until 2000 when the ca rtels resumed into violence (Warner 81).        Literature review            Paradigm can be termed as concepts used in looking for a solution on something. In this case, we are going to use three paradigms namely deterrent theory, collective security, and collective defense. Deterrent theory: this is seen as a case where one party convinces the other that a particular incidence will bring a problem that will not benefit either of the countries. Rather than just looking at its cost, this method is useful in solving many problems. This particular method attempts to identify who will prevent what using which method (Archibold 341). This method is obviously accompanied by a few assumptions. The parties involved assume that are taking part in ensuring that this method is working. In the case of the United States, they should come on board with the Mexico and know that, given that the two countries stand to lose either way, one country should be given mandate to look on these matters of drug trafficking within the borders. Collective security: this method was used during the world war by the then international community league of nation. This particular method goes to heightened degrees in that, countries join hands and decide to settle the existing row in a peaceful manner. The countries are brought together on a neutral ground and agree not to use force in ensuring the problem at hand is solved (Coyle 68). An organization is created to ensure that, those who attempt to frustrate efforts are curbed as this can frustrate efforts of solving the problem in question and bring war. In this case, of United States and Mexico, the two countries have been pointing fingers and none is accepting to accept the blame. Recently, a fifteen-year-old Mexican was shot dead by the United States border patrol while trying to gain entry in the country carrying some drugs. This has in return brought many problems and exchange of words has ensued. Collective security can be used in ensuring peace is realized (Archibold 341) . Collective defense: this is where countries agree that if any of them is affected so is the other. They also agree that, if any problem arises they will help one another in solving it. If by any chance, one country cannot handle the problem alone the other can come to its rescue. They should make use of the armed forces at all times for defense. In the same breath, the United States border patrol should enter into such agreement with Mexican patrol security. Any time drugs enter in either of the two countries, the other party should take it with a lot of seriousness just as if it is her who is being affected (Coyle 68). Discussion The United States border patrol is a department that ensures laws are strictly observed when admitting individuals who are not citizens of the United States. This department has the highest number of officers charged with the responsibility of enforcing law. However, drug dealers’ from neighboring country Mexico have recently threatened the good work that is being done by this department. The Mexican security argue that, the little money that is paid to go through the bridge to get to Texas is to blame for the increase in drugs and arms in these countries. Another factor as seen is the leniency within the borders. The extent at which this shoddy business is taking place is alarming. Studies indicate that, over 90% of the firearms that are used in Mexico have their source in the United States (Archibold 341). Mexico and the United States have left no stone unturned in ensuring that trade between the two countries is going on without any hitches. However, drug traffickers have threatened the mutual benefits that have been there between the two countries. This has been on the rise since president Felipe took the office. This week the patrol officers because of the same menace shot a Mexican youth. The Mexican drug war is a term that has been used to refer to the armed fighting among the cartels who want to take control over some regions, and conflict between the drug cartels with the Mexican government whose objective is to reduce drug trafficking. The drug trafficking organizations have formed very powerful alliances despite existing for just few years. The drug market in the U.S and Mexico are now dominated by the Mexican cartels. Apprehensions of the main culprits behind the cartels have led to escalated violence, as the players behind each cartel rival for routes into the United States (Coyle 68). Statistically, Mexico has been identified as one of the leading drug producing and tracking country. It is the main distributor of cannabis (methamphetamine) to the U.S. (Archibold 341). Recommendation Beginning in 2005, a strategy which was meant to end the war in the US and Mexico border was established. The strategy, which was dubbed in America as a national strategy, would be able to set the goals, which would govern the behavior of the people living within the affected zone. The strategy was built in five strategies, which include developing ways of combating terrorism and banning of illegal firearms, which get into the region. Through this, it was foreseen that the border will remain calm and that none of the individuals will live in fears again. Another objective of the strategy would be to discourage entry, which were illegal in the US by developing a procedure, which would improve the enforcement of the police. The strategy was also established in a bid to apprehending, detecting, and getting rid of drugs, human smugglers and other sources of crimes, which had become rampant in the region (Marina 62). This process was geared at ensuring that individuals will be free of guilt and abrupt chaos, which arose any time in the region. Through the strategy, a smart border technology would be created. This involved coming up with a very systematic method of combating crime and illegal transactions in the region. In it involved the use of technological tools to conduct a serious scrutiny of individuals in the area and thoroughly search for any illegal entry of guns and other matter in the US and Mexico (Coyle 68). The strategy also stipulated a method, which would improve the general live of individuals in the region and reduce the crime that had so long been felt in the region. This was in line with the strategy of expanding the territories so that Mexico and the US could be satisfied with the boarders. In 2007, specialized groups were also formed, which would see to it that the peace was also improved in the region. Some of these groups included the National Special Response Team, the Air Mobile Unit, the Border Patrol Tactical Unit and the Search, Border Patrol, Rescue and Trauma. Conclusion The Mexico drug war and U.S. border patrol security is an issue to recon. More than 7,000 people were left dead in 2008, and others especially in Juarez and Sinola began to battle for boundaries in the Mexican authorities. Their aim was to gain access to most of the cities, which were owned by the Mexicans. Through the creation of smuggling routes and creation of authorities, more than 30,000 people from the United States gained access to the Mexican region and more than 38,000 others have been killed since Calderon, the Felipe president introduced the offensive against the cartels when he took office in 2006. Today, most communities in the US are secured from further attacks, which occur just accords the river (Warner 81). By looking at this war and discussing it basing on the IR paradigms, it can be seen that the war in Mexico and US border was much more than psychological but also influenced the social lives of people living in these regions. It is evident that war is a subject of social torture, a phenomenon which is common in the region between the US and Mexico. References: Archibold, C. Government issues waiver for fencing along border. New York, NY: New York Times. 2008 (2) 234-342 Coyle, MWaivers for border fence challenged: Environmental groups take their complaints to Supreme Court. The Recorder. 2008 (2) 65-73 Kanterly, D. Mexico-U.S. Relations: Issues for Congress. DIANE Publishing. 1999 (1) 54-73 Marina Caparini. Borders and security governance: managing borders in a globalised world. London: LIT Verlag Mà ¼nster. 2006 (4) 2-76 Tony Payan. The three U.S.-Mexico border wars: drugs, immigration, and Homeland Security Greenwood Publishing Group, 2006 (3) 54-63 Warner, J. U.S. Border Security: A Reference Handbook. Contemporary World Issues, ABC-CLIO, 2010:  54-83
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The nature of financial information analysis Essay
The nature of financial information analysis - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that Financial Information Analysis reflects the developments by addressing the natural world and function of accounting information in the past and present society, with specific reference to technological change. The increasing focuses particularly primary accounting documents, analysis, presentation, and Annual Reporting which propels it to the justifiable level. The main aim apparently is to endow users with the skills required to fathom the information content relevant and other accounting related materials. These functions facilitate corporate governance on creative accounting, the relevant pronouncement in regulatory structures that have been rewritten to add new insight, and emphasis. Information analysis is an art which is highly subjective exercise where skills, experience, and intuition of users account the very critical factor of consideration. The core mandate of accounting reporting, therefore, is to gather information about a n organizations strategy, its operations, and future prospects in relation to commercial, environmental and social context. This is meant to be an organization's most important reporting tool addressing how the business activities are trading and to which extent is the state of affairs in regard to the financial position. In other words, the following performance areas of concern are addressed; what is financial efficiency, liquidity, and its gearing status as well as the expectation of the shareholder in return to their money invested. Its pertinent aim is to create a formula for accounting for sustainability, bringing together governance, social, environmental and finance in a cohesive way. Financial information need to achieve financial development, sustainability and improved performance while reporting on their overall performance. In fact, it exposed some businesses to their bare minimum since companies are able to reveal most of their financial details while yet they did not achieve better performance that they expected. This therefore necessitated the need for a new framework for critical analysis in reporting that would boost their performance through better modalities of information review. The process of creating an integrated management information system has been faced with a number of setbacks. This has been brought about by a number of challenges such as the existences of different rules and regulations governing the various jurisdictions in the international society. Therefore for a report to be standardized there is a need for such report or rules in reporting to be applied across the boards (PETERSON, & FABOZZI, 2012). This has been a problem because the international communities have a different set of laws that govern them and as such some reporting guidelines may not be acceptable to extents within a given jurisdictions. This greatly affects the process of creating an integral report since the committee has to compromise or look for alternative ideas or methods that can be generally accepted across the boards and one that is all inclusive. It may also mean that some jurisdictions may have to be guided by a different guideline on international reporting requir ements (SMULLEN, 1995). Since the idea of financial information analysis was relatively new, it goes without saying that
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