Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Pride in Young Goodman Brown and The Ministers Black...
Pride in Young Goodman Brown and The Ministers Black Veil Many of Hawthornes characters wrap themselves in a pride of intellect. The characters become victims of their pride and consequently suffer. Goodman Brown, from Young Goodman Brown and Hooper, from The Ministers Black Veil are two characters that suffer from a pride of intellect. Their pride causes them similar problems and they end up living similar lives, although they came from different backgrounds. Hooper and Goodman Brown both become isolated from society. Hooper had a revelation, and he feels that he truly understands human nature and sin. However, he believes that he is above everybody else because he†¦show more content†¦The lack or trust trusting that Goodman Brown had separated him from the community because he was a strong Puritan and felt as though he could not associate devil worshipers. Brown, despairing and embittered, belongs neither to the Devils party nor to the only other life-sustaining cause he knows--that of the Puritan faith and the Puritan community(Levy,119). Hooper and Goodman Browns pride of intellect cause them to loose a loved one and their kind and loving nature. Hooper drives his fiance Elizabeth away by wearing the veil. Elizabeth sees how Hooper is separating himself and it scares her away from their purposed marriage. Hoopers fiancee, seems at first unawed by the veil. To her it is merely a cloth that hides the face she most delights to see. But, like a sudden twilight in the air, Elizabeth suddenly senses the unapproachable inner isolation of the man who wears it, and its terrors fall upon her, too(The Ministers Black Veil,228). As a result of Hooper pride, he looses his loving and kind nature. Hooper is shunned and even feared by the others in their times of health and happiness(The Ministers Black Veil,228). He concentrates so much on the negative aspects of people that he refuses to see the good in them. He makes the dark side of people the whole truth of human existence. His own kind and loving nature is lost forShow MoreRelatedNathaniel Hawthorne s Young Goodman Brown Essay1274 Words  | 6 PagesIn Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,†the devil says, â€Å"Evil is the nature of mankind†(â€Å"Young†627). Since Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and attempted to hide conceal their sin from God, humans have tried to hide their sin from others. Although everyone sin is human nature, everyone has a different reaction to sin. While some acknowledge sin, others ignore it. In Hawthorne’s other short story, â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil,†Father Hooper wears a black veil to represent the sin he commitsRead MoreEssay Sin, Guilt, and the Mind of Nathaniel Hawthorne1490 Words  | 6 Pagesfamily and specific events in his life influenced his writing. Readers can easily recognize how Young Goodman Brown incorporates facts about his Puritan ancestors. Father H ooper in The Ministers Black Veil may be symbolically paralleled to Hawthornes ancestors, trying to hide a sin they have committed. His descendants remarks on him in The Custom House introduction to The Scarlet Letter mix pride in Hawthornes prominence and a sense of inherited guilt for his deeds as judge. Hawthornes guiltRead More Alienation and Moral Dilemma as Portrayed by Nathaniel Hawthorne1869 Words  | 8 Pageshis writing is alienation. These concepts can be found in the stories â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,†â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil,†and â€Å"The Birth Mark.†They are all about a life altering decision one must face and the consequences of that decision. In â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,†the dilemma faced by the main character is about the strength of his faith in God and the trust he losses for his wife and community. In â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil,†a minister is struggling with his own sins and his fear of them beingRead MoreThe Sin Within Us All. Sin Is Everywhere Yet Nowhere At1400 Words  | 6 Pagesin Romans 3:23, â€Å"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.†Nathanial Hawthorne’s two literary pieces Young Goodman Brown and The Minister s Black Veil highlight the struggle of human inclination to constantly hide their own sin. The two stories are different in that Goodman Brown exposes the real (sinful) faces of his peers, but in â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil†Hawthorne purposely hides the face of the minister and creates the idea that the exposed faces of all the other charactersRead MoreSin. Sin Is Everywhere Yet Nowhere At The Same Exact Time.1779 Words  | 8 Pagesin Romans 3:23, â€Å"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.†Nathanial Hawthorne’s two literary pieces Young Goodman Brown and The Minister s Black Veil highlight the struggle of human inclination to constantly hide their own sin. The t wo stories are different in that Goodman Brown exposes the real (sinful) faces of his peers, but in â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil†Hawthorne purposely hides the face of the minister and creates the idea that the exposed faces of all the other charactersRead MoreTragic flaw in Hawthorne’s â€Å"The Birthmark†Essay1201 Words  | 5 PagesTragic flaw in Hawthorne’s â€Å"The Birthmark†In literature a tragic flaw refers in plain words when the main character ends up dead or defeated a characteristic feature of the heroes of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short stories, â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,†â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil†, and â€Å"The Birthmark†. However this concept is even more extensive and best explained in terms of â€Å"Hamartia†. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica that word can be understood as an inherent defect in the hero of a tragedyRead MoreEarly American Literature Essay1511 Words  | 7 Pagesromanticism (Edgar). He used repeating themes in many of his stories that centered on the inherent evil and sin of humanity and his work often had a moral message and deep psychological complexity. A few examples would include, The Ministers Black Veil or Young Goodman Brown. For the first time in American history, readers were given a different perspective of the reality of life. Some of his works are said to have a gothic feel to them, which further illustrates how he is able to transform theRead More The Power of Nathaniel Hawthorne Essay3056 Words  | 13 Pagesbeing. He returned to Salem, living once again in the Manning house, to which his mother also had returned. He remained for the most part shut up in his room, writing. Most of his early attempts ended up in the fireplace, for Hawthorne had a peculiar pride mingled with shyness that caused him to reject anything he wrote which did not meet with success, although he was hesitant to seek to have his work published for fear of rejection. He sent a collection of short stories called Seven Tales of My Native
Monday, December 16, 2019
The Education Of National Education - 1607 Words
EDUCATION Now let us talk about the education systems used in Turkey for its citizens. Every person in Turkey accepts the right to education, which is free just like here in the U.S. Now as we continue to speak about grades from kindergarten to the end of high school. Their exception is in licensed and foreign institutions like going to school abroad. They too have 12 years of education for boys and girls, which can be divided into 4+4+4 years of schooling. The Ministry of national education is responsible for coming up the curricula, coordinating the work of official and private organizations. Not to different when compared to the United States of America. All educational expenses of the public, about ten percent of the general budget is allocated for national education by the central government. I know I keep on comparing Turkey to the U.S, and I do this so you can see how both nations compare and to give you a better understanding of it when you can relate to it. The school calendar general ly begins just like us, September and goes through mid June. School has five-day sessions with total hours to not exceed forty hours. Turkey has winter breaks for school between Januarys through February. Universities commonly organize the academic year into two semesters, usually between October through January and between February through March and June through July. Pre-primary education gains an option for kids between the ages three to five years of age who are under the age ofShow MoreRelatedThe National Policy On Education Essay1564 Words  | 7 PagesThe National Policy on Education (NPE) that was adopted by Parliament in May 1986 and Programme of Action (POA), 1986, as updated in 1992, are perhaps the last government policy statements on higher education and which have guided actions since the mid-1980s. Now that there are new moves on the policy front, it is necessary to identify the key issues, build on the earlier efforts (especially initiated after studies by the University Grants Commission) and then take a step ahead. The last major initiativeRead MoreBeing An Elementary Education Major The National Education1140 Words  | 5 Pages Being an Elementary Education Major the National Education Association or the NEA seemed to be a great organization to research, and possibly join in the future when I become an educator. When I finish my studies at the University of Alabama I plan to stay in the state of Alabama and teach. In 1857, a total of forty-three educators met in the state of Philadelphia. They came together to answer a national call to unite and talk about the cause of education in the United States. During that timeRead MoreNational Philosophy of Education2127 Words  | 9 PagesIntroduction In Malaysia, education is a continuous attempt to maximum individual potentials in order to create a physically, emotionally, spiritually and intellectually person who believes in God and firmly hold on to his/her respective religious teachings. In order to achieve the goal, teachers especially, have to play a vital role in educating the students who will be able to perform their duties as responsible citizens. However, there are several challenges that are faced by the nation in producingRead MoreThe National Physical Education Standards Essay888 Words  | 4 Pagesnot only mentally but physically as well. Students ultimately have to understand and be experienced with many physical activities(e.g. running) in order to accomplish a physically healthy lifestyle. Both the National Physical Education Standards(AAHPERD) and the Mississippi Physical Education Frameworks assist educators in designing a curriculum that teaches students about the necessity and fundamentals of physical activity. There are obvious differences and similarities between both educationalRead MoreNational Standards And Public Education1453 Words  | 6 PagesEducation has longed to be a part of this countries foundation and unfortunately for a long time there has been differing opinions about the standards and curriculum of public education. â€Å"And for as long as American have fought the culture wars, they have debated the role of education, the institution most essential to ensuring the reproduction of national identity.†(Hartman, 2013) This essay will evaluate the sides for and against the creation of national standards in public education. The highRead MoreIndian Education : A National Tragedy1190 Words  | 5 Pages In 1969, the Special Senate Subcommittee on Indian Education released a disclosure titled, â€Å"Indian Education: A National Tragedy†that centered their observations on the alarming educational situation among these people. The report is summar ized as having the lack of Indian participation or control; coursework which rarely recognized Indian history, culture, or language; and anti-Indian attitudes on the part of school administrators and teachers. Schools were discovered to be insufficiently fundedRead MoreEssay on National Education Standards1286 Words  | 6 PagesCurrent reforms and initiatives based on the national education standards focus on student’s achievement and teacher’s preparation. Educational researchers and curriculum designers continuously find problems with standards and requirements on a state level and how the state and local boards of education focus highly on advanced placement and cultural literacy. A key focus is also accountability for students, schools, and school-districts in regards to academic performance. A new factor that has surfacedRead MoreRole of Education for National Development1487 Words  | 6 PagesTHE ROLE OF EDUCATION IN NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT* Josua Cavalevu Secretary, Prime Ministers Hurricane Relief Committee, Fiji. INTRODUCTION I present these thoughts as a private citizen of Fiji, as one who has some concern for this issue; so in sharing these thoughts with you I admit that I am not an educationist, and really do not have any professional justification for speaking on this subject. All I can claim for myself, however, is an interest in the subject of education in the broadest senseRead MoreEducation And National Standards Of Excellence808 Words  | 4 Pagesschool district, the state board of education, and even national standards. The leaders of this world must also please these same people but must do so for hundreds or thousands of students within their care each day. Although it would be nice if success was judged by a sticker or a smile, the criteria for meeting expectations are much more strenuous. Achievement of the criteria is based on success of students in meeting the expectations set forth by state and national standards of excellence. TheRead MoreThe National Deaf Education Project982 Words  | 4 PagesThe National Deaf Education Project was founded in 1998 by Lawrence Siegel. Lawrence M. Siegel has been an advocate and attorney for special education cases beginning in 1979 (National Deaf Education Project). He received his B.A. and M.A. degrees from the University of California at Berkeley (National Deaf Education Project). He has strong beliefs regarding the Deaf community and culture and the Deaf’s rights and liberties as Americans. Specifically, he believes that communication and language is
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Elementary School Teaching free essay sample
Top Ten Reasons for Becoming an Elementary School Teacher Being an elementary school teacher is a highly rewarding profession. Building the academic foundation of young minds can be challenging, but is incredibly worthwhile. If you are considering becoming an elementary school teacher, here are the top ten reasons why you may want to take the leap into the classroom:l . You have a broad appreciation of school subjects. To be an elementary school teacher, you have to be versed in a variety of subjects, such as reading, math, science, and social studies. Your students might go to a special teacher for art, computers, and language, but otherwise you are in charge of their entire curriculum. Being an elementary school teacher is great for an individual who enjoys teaching and learning about different subjects, and who does not want to feel limited by teaching only one subject. 2. You like kids. otherwise, you would not be considering teaching. We will write a custom essay sample on Elementary School Teaching or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If you like kids, elementary school is a great place to interact with them. You can shape their minds, create innovative ways for them to learn, and help them grow to their fullest otential. If you do not enjoy the company of children, then becoming an elementary school teacher is not the Job for you. And if you are already an elementary school teacher and do not like kids you might want to think about changing Jobs! 3. You are good with kids. We established about that you like them, but it takes much more than liking kids to be able to work with your students. You must be able to understand their psychological and emotional needs, while simultaneously ensuring that they are learning at their fullest abilities. In addition, with elementary school kids, you need good class control skills. Plus, you have to communicate with the students at their own level, whether its kindergarten or 6th grade. 4. You enjoy repeating important material. When working with young minds, you often have to repeat ideas before they are fully comprehended. This can mean printing up different types of teacher worksheets and grading them. It can also mean going over a students work with her privately, or sitting down to complete the worksheet together. It may involve ignificantly writing on the board or telling stories that repeat important vocabulary words. 5. You are highly creative. Creative people make great teachers! It takes talent and real skill to make repetitive material engaging. Whether you design interesting and educational worksheets, create highly interactive lesson plans, or put together lions from pipe cleaners being an elementary school teacher is a great way to use your creative skills to help children open their minds. 6. You are a good communicator. Being a teacher is all about effective communication, verbal and nonverbal. If you are a creative communicator, being an elementary school teacher is a rewarding outlet. In addition, it is important that you can alter your communication levels between children and their parents. 7. You prefer children to adults. You do not necessarily have to prefer kids in order to be a good elementary school teacher. However, if you do, being a teacher is the perfect Job. Perhaps you like being around kids because they are always learning, or you enjoy hearing their perspective. If you do prefer being around children, being an elementary school teacher is definitely the veryday, equipping them with valuable information and teaching them important skills. The demands of the Job can be tiring and rigorous, which is why feeling a call to serve others is a great inspiration source. Even if you did not see progress that particular school day, you still fulfilled your calling to make a difference in a childs life. 9. You like seeing progress. one of the best parts about being a teacher is watching your students learn and grow. A girl who did not know her ABCs four months ago can now spell out her own name. A boy can recite multiplication tables and complete complex worksheets. A whole class learns to read. Progress in a classroom is a beautiful thing. 10. You value the building blocks of education. This is the most important reason to become an elementary school teacher. Elementary school is where the foundation of the future starts. If you believe in thoroughly education young people, then you will want to get build a solid foundation. As an elementary school teacher, you help students learn and develop in ways that will serve them for the rest of their lives! I
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Running Head Youth Subcultures an Example by
Running Head: Youth Subcultures In Youth Activism in the 1990s Dennis (2006) describes the prevailing subculture of the twentieth century. Interestingly, in a culture where corporate America, economic performance and consumerism were the prevailing cultural drivers, to Dennis (2006) the resulting subculture represented exactly the opposite. According to Dennis (2006) the demonstrations against the World Trade Organization (WTO) that occurred in Seattle in 1990s is a clear illustration of the youth subculture that formed in the twentieth century. Intended as a demonstration of how subcultures are formed through cultural influences and economic conditions, Dennis explains that the demonstrations were organized as a means to execute democracy, voice an opinion and gather as a community. According to Dennis, when the generation could be characterized by technological breakthroughs allowing for individual and separate functioning, the subculture that developed revolved around forming a community against the drivers of i ndividuality, consumerism and separation. In essence, the subculture that formed in the 20th century was about forming bounds and social responsibility. Need essay sample on "Running Head: Youth Subcultures" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed People Very Often Tell EssayLab support: How can I order abortion essay online? EssayLab specialists suggest: Proceed With Order Now How To Write A Term PaperHow To Write A Research PaperBuy College EssaysPay For PapersPaper Writing HelpPaper Writers For HireCoursework Writing ServiceOrder Essay Online In a culture where individuality, freedom and autonomy took precedence through concepts of free trade, consumerism and the internet Dennis explains that prevailing subculture was about unity and community. Dennis illustrates that subcultures are often formed through a reaction against the prevailing culture. Dennis traces the occurrence of civil disobedience from the 1960s represented by the Punk style as a form of rejection to the idea of corporate America. The dissent conducted through style statements progressed in the early 90s through cultural expressions in the form of music, art and other media through the grunge movement. These examples cited by Dennis clearly illustrate that the formation of subcultures is directly related to the prevailing culture, in the case of punk, grunge and activism, the subculture was against the prevailing culture. What is interesting about Dennis' explanation is it not only discusses the prevalent anti-status quo subculture that developed in the 20th century, it also illustrates how similar subcultures, or a subculture of dissent, are formed throughout every generation. In the 20th century, when the country began on steady economic development, increasing technological breakthroughs and a relatively richer nation; in a time when very little complaining could be made, the subculture formed was about fighting the status quo of development. Dennis further illustrates that the subculture illustrated through the demonstrations in Seattle was not really about a growing distrust of corporations and capitalism but more about forming bonds and communities. Dennis explains that the protestors did not go to Seattle with one unifying cause, each group had their own specific agenda. What drove these activists to Seattle was the idea of coming together and protesting. As such the subculture formed was influenced not only by the economy and the prevailing culture, but also of the desire to assimilate. Dennis further emphasizes this insight by illustrating that the protestors were not really in Seattle with the fundamental agenda of fighting for economic responsibility and equality. Dennis illustrates that in fact, the majority of the protestors were privileged white youths who were fighting for the protection of impoverished populations throughout the world but failed to see the social inequalities within their own nation. Dennis explains that while the protestors came together it was noticeable that few African Americans, the minority who suffered many social injustices during that period, was not represented and participated very little in agenda set for the demonstrations. Through this argument Dennis illustrates that the subculture of activism was not about a social cause, but more about forming bonds. Reference List Dennis, M. (2006). "Youth Activism in the 1990s." Youth Subcultures: Exploring Underground America ed. Greenberg, A. Longman, p. 5-17.
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